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Done before but it’s fun. So guess the book and the mil

999 replies

Seasawride · 17/07/2018 23:41

Help! I have one dd. My mil has lived with us since we have been married.

She is a very strong woman and overruled me on everything. She sends me to bed if I sneeze.

When dd was 2 dh pissed off capturing butterflies in Africa and I havnt heard off him for years. Bastard. So mil got friendly with a wierd lady next door. She has big hair coils round her ears, writes books and has lots of kids.

I am concerned she is also involved in modern slavery as she has a woman living with her called Anna who does everything.

Anyway mil and this wierd Jo woman have colluded to send dd to a boarding school.

Aibu to just want to move away with dd. Start again and have some fun? Grin

Guess the book and keep going. Grin

OP posts:
Lancelottie · 20/07/2018 14:46

Drudge, is yours Milly Molly Mandy (and her Little Friend Susan)?

MrStarkIDontFeelSoGood · 20/07/2018 14:41

Where's the new thread?!

MipMipMip · 20/07/2018 14:32

Didn't do Carpe Juggulm. Good idea though!

It's one of his children's books (with a little Mip-mip-mip mention of the next.)

glamorousgrandmother · 20/07/2018 14:31

drudge Is it Just William?

Seasawride · 20/07/2018 14:30

Grin done

OP posts:
questionzzz · 20/07/2018 14:29

Yes please!

Seasawride · 20/07/2018 14:25

Shall I restart it :)

OP posts:
questionzzz · 20/07/2018 14:13

I, and all my school friends were obsessed with that book , btw, as teenagers.

questionzzz · 20/07/2018 14:13

I have a several amazing talented sons and some ok daughters. My second son is clearly destined to rule Europe. If only he would listen to me and marry sensibly, like his elder brother Josef, a nice middle-class provincial daughter of a wealthy silk merchant who could finance his mad military escapades in search of glory and power and remain faithful and devoted. Instead, the hot-headed fool will chase those penniless aristocrat whores who just escaped the guillotines and now swan around Paris, flashing their nipples at any young passing soldier. What is a hard-working Mother to do?

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 20/07/2018 14:01

Still baffled. I don't think it involves Gaspode and it's not Good Omens..

glamorousgrandmother · 20/07/2018 13:58

Ah, no, is it A Taste of Honey?

I did another one way back that nobody seems to have got.

Lancelottie · 20/07/2018 13:55

I've lost track of which ones have been answered, but was one of yours Carpe Jugulum, MipMipMip?

MipMipMip · 20/07/2018 13:31

It is Gaspode

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 20/07/2018 13:22

Yes, must be! Good to find other Josephine Tey fans. MipMipMip, I remain baffled about the other one. Is it a Terry Pratchett book?

Lancelottie · 20/07/2018 13:20

Argh, please don't start a new thread till I've finished the work I need to do today!

MissLingoss · 20/07/2018 13:17

MipMipMip, I was going to do that one!

And yes, it's Shardlake.

Lancelottie · 20/07/2018 13:17

MipMipMip -Daughter of Time (the book, not you - I think you're Alan Grant)?

Cablestitch · 20/07/2018 13:12

MissLingoss - Shardlake

MipMipMip · 20/07/2018 13:08

I am an inspector who is stuck in hospital with a broken leg. I am bored stiff. Attaching faces to criminality is a highly scientific hobby of mine and I've come across one who I think was wrongly convicted so I'm getting an actress friend and a random bloke to do research to prove the world wrong. There's no way that man could have done what was claimed - he's clearly a wise judge.

MissLingoss · 20/07/2018 13:03

Is someone going to start a new thread?

MissLingoss · 20/07/2018 13:02

I'm a lawyer, so it's not surprising that I often find myself involved in investigating crime. However, I have also been drawn into working for the government and for powerful men, and as we are living through some very uncertain times, this has the potential to be dangerous. I have a physical disability, which attracts attention and sometimes unkind 'jokes'.

(The last part will probably give it away, but I thought it would be unfair to leave it out.)

MipMipMip · 20/07/2018 12:56

I do actually know a witch who is an academic in Oxford.....

Gaspode I am shocked!Shock I'll reveal soon but until then my name might give you a clue.


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MissLingoss · 20/07/2018 12:50

I'm a witch but I've suppressed it for years and instead work as an Academic in Oxford

Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness

iismum · 20/07/2018 12:41

I had a blissful whirlwind romance with the most perfect man and we got engaged - I was so excited. But right after our engagement he went to a country-house party and got engage to someone else! My heart is broken. WIBU to devote my whole life to loving him from a distance (even though it's pretty clear now that he's awful) and swear myself to life-long chastity because I can't be with him? Or should I just get a life and get over him? Hmm ... definitely the former, I think.

drudgewithagrudge · 20/07/2018 12:39

I live with my parents in a very nice village in the country. Everyone there is very pleasant and I have a lot of friends. Sometimes there is the odd whiff of xenophobia but you can't have everything.

I have this strange feeling that my parents want to keep me as a child and quite an old fashioned child at that. FFS they make me wear the exact same clothes everyday.
P.S Don't tell Mummy that I swore.
P. P.S. I think I might be gay.

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