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Done before but it’s fun. So guess the book and the mil

999 replies

Seasawride · 17/07/2018 23:41

Help! I have one dd. My mil has lived with us since we have been married.

She is a very strong woman and overruled me on everything. She sends me to bed if I sneeze.

When dd was 2 dh pissed off capturing butterflies in Africa and I havnt heard off him for years. Bastard. So mil got friendly with a wierd lady next door. She has big hair coils round her ears, writes books and has lots of kids.

I am concerned she is also involved in modern slavery as she has a woman living with her called Anna who does everything.

Anyway mil and this wierd Jo woman have colluded to send dd to a boarding school.

Aibu to just want to move away with dd. Start again and have some fun? Grin

Guess the book and keep going. Grin

OP posts:
TooExtraImmatureCheddar · 18/07/2018 07:42

Is Monty’s one Perfume?

lisasimpsonssaxophone · 18/07/2018 08:42

I could really use some advice. A few days ago my sister unexpectedly turned up at my flat and asked if she could stay for a while. I do love my sister to bits but she’s always been a bit... difficult. I think she might be in some kind of trouble at work but she refuses to talk about it. Anyway, the past few days have been a nightmare. She keeps making snarky comments about my flat and it’s clear that she doesn’t like my husband, who is getting more and more wound up by her being here. She’s been flirting with all of his friends and he’s pretty sure she’s been helping herself to his booze too. I’m a few months pregnant and I really can’t deal with all this stress. Help!

VanillaSugar · 18/07/2018 09:01

I want to say Girl On The Train but it isn't.

echt · 18/07/2018 09:11

Yes, Hamlet.

echt · 18/07/2018 09:12

Sounds like post on AIBU.

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 18/07/2018 09:16

lisa - Streetcar Named Desire!

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 18/07/2018 09:17

We seem to have strayed a bit from MIL though! Grin

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 18/07/2018 09:20

Ewwww - such a narrow escape. I live on this island with my dad and his - servants, I guess. Anyone, one of them is really not that good-looking and he got a bit handsy one day. Thank God dad was there to step in and save my honour. The worst thing is, this guy’s mother was an actual, literal witch. Imagine that as your MIL!

lisasimpsonssaxophone · 18/07/2018 09:20

Haha yep! I figured the MIL thing went out the window in the first couple of posts Grin

lisasimpsonssaxophone · 18/07/2018 09:21

Is that The Tempest?

Seasawride · 18/07/2018 09:33


Grin true but as a mil myself quite grateful.

OP posts:
Seasawride · 18/07/2018 09:33

Yes Mansfield Park

OP posts:
TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 18/07/2018 09:42

Yes, The Tempest. It’s quite hard to find mothers in Shakespeare, I realised!

IwantedtobeEmmaPeel · 18/07/2018 09:52

I met my husband in the south of France and married him after a whirlwind romance. He took me to his home in the west of England where I tried to behave in the manner expected of his wife, but I could never live up to his late wife's standards and the housekeeper scares me. However, I am looking forward to the costume ball.

BevBrook · 18/07/2018 09:52

I am struggling to provide for my three adopted daughters. Well, they are not really adopted by me but that's a long story. I am incredibly strapped for cash and can barely afford the massive Kensington house I live in, or the two servants. I haven't paid my children's nanny in years! I have been forced to take in lodgers, and one of them has suggested I get the kids trained up to earn money by dancing since I am obviously incapable of getting a job myself. Do you think this is ethical?

BevBrook · 18/07/2018 09:52


IwantedtobeEmmaPeel · 18/07/2018 09:53

Yes, Rebecca

IwantedtobeEmmaPeel · 18/07/2018 09:56

Oh, I know that but I can't remember what it's called.

IwantedtobeEmmaPeel · 18/07/2018 09:56

Ballet Shoes?

Queenofthestress · 18/07/2018 09:58

I think it's ballet shoes!

BevBrook · 18/07/2018 10:03

Yes Ballet Shoes!

lisasimpsonssaxophone · 18/07/2018 10:04

TheOnlyLivingBoy I think we did the same GCSE English texts Grin


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Tanith · 18/07/2018 10:09

I’m a widower with 3 children. I’ve met a student that I know is desperate to marry me, but I’m not too sure, myself. It all seems a bit fast moving, but maybe I owe it to the children. They’re living with my MIL at the moment and we’ve never really seen eye to eye.
The trouble is, we have nowhere to live and my fianceé suggests moving in with her family - they have a huge farm estate: just as well, considering there are eight kids and yes, you did hear that right!!

It’s all too fast for me and I can see all sorts of problems, but Fianceé is insistent it will all work out...

SisterMortificado · 18/07/2018 10:13

I'm so worn out from looking after my three children who spend most of their time at boarding school, that I simply must send them to see my sister, her scientist husband, and their daughter every single hols.

I don't know much about what goes on there, but the police have been involved several times, they appear to spend very little time at the house, and I'm thinking of asking my sister that the children are banned from that island, but my eldest and my niece's dog appear to keep everyone safe and in line, so it's probably alright.

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:17

Five on Kirrin Island?

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