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Done before but it’s fun. So guess the book and the mil

999 replies

Seasawride · 17/07/2018 23:41

Help! I have one dd. My mil has lived with us since we have been married.

She is a very strong woman and overruled me on everything. She sends me to bed if I sneeze.

When dd was 2 dh pissed off capturing butterflies in Africa and I havnt heard off him for years. Bastard. So mil got friendly with a wierd lady next door. She has big hair coils round her ears, writes books and has lots of kids.

I am concerned she is also involved in modern slavery as she has a woman living with her called Anna who does everything.

Anyway mil and this wierd Jo woman have colluded to send dd to a boarding school.

Aibu to just want to move away with dd. Start again and have some fun? Grin

Guess the book and keep going. Grin

OP posts:
Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:18

Five on Kirrin Island

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:19

Sorry dog leant on keyboard! No not a title!

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:25

I married a charming woman, although her posh relatives are a bit hair-raising, always rushing off to fight in Spain, my mil is a bit of a 'fast' sort, no wonder they call her 'the bolter'.

BevBrook · 18/07/2018 10:32

Oh that is a Mitford sister one isn't it. Love in a Cold Climate?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:33


Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:36

I've been in love with a girl from a distance for years, didn't think she liked me much, she's been making fun of me since we were children. But now I think I have a chance, trouble is she lives with her adoptive mother. Her mother seems a bit eccentric, to say the least, never changes her clothes and the house they live in is filthy. Don't think it's been cleaned in years. AIBU not to want to move in there, if we get together.

Tanith · 18/07/2018 10:38

Oh, is that Great Expectations?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:45

Yes it is!

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:48

Tanith still trying to work out what yours is.

MissLingoss · 18/07/2018 10:52

Tanith's op is Edwin Dodd and the mil is Pam Marlow.

BevBrook · 18/07/2018 10:52

I don't know Tanith's either!

BevBrook · 18/07/2018 10:53

Oh cross posted!

Tanith · 18/07/2018 10:54

Indeed it is The Ready Made Family by Antonia Forest (always felt so sorry for the first MIL).

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 10:56

Rats, is that an Antonia Forest? The Ready-made Family?

Tanith · 18/07/2018 10:57

And, of course, Edwin’s fears were well-founded!

I always imagine a collective MN “Run for the hills!!”

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 11:13

Had a holiday romance with a wonderful woman. Never thought it would lead to anything, but here we are again on honeymoon. We're revisiting the place where we met and it's wonderful. But worried about what happens when we go back home. I get on well with her brother and my father loves her but her mother doesn't approve, she thinks I'm not good enough for her daughter. She wanted her daughter to marry another man and I'm not sure if she will ever accept me.

SisterMortificado · 18/07/2018 11:15

Dottie all the Famous Five!

lisasimpsonssaxophone · 18/07/2018 11:51

My brother is being an absolute dick Sad We’ve just moved to the countryside with our older siblings. One day we were exploring our new home and we found something crazy in an old wardrobe (I don’t want to say what it was because it’s too outing) but when we told the others my brother totally denied that he saw anything! My older brother and sister now refuse to believe me and I think they think I’m going completely mad. It’s so unfair. I don’t know why he’s being like this but I suspect that there might be a woman involved.

VanillaSugar · 18/07/2018 11:52

I'm a headmistress of a girls school. One of the parents asked me to indulge his DD as he lives abroad so I bought her lovely clothes and dolls. Now the fucker hasn't paid the school fees. People think I'm a bitch for making this girl work for bed and board but wtf? She has food and a roof over her head.

VanillaSugar · 18/07/2018 11:59

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe lisa?

TooExtraImmatureCheddar · 18/07/2018 12:02

A Little Princess!

ScrambledSmegs · 18/07/2018 12:15

We've recently moved to a new area and my three children don't have school places yet. They spend most of their time playing on a tree in the wood. However it seems to have hallucinogenic properties, they say people live in the tree and they've had loads of magical adventures.

AIBU to let them keep playing in this tree, because at least it gets them out of the house and I cba to play gin rummy with them any more?


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Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 12:24

The magic faraway tree?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 12:29

Still on my Italian honeymoon btw

AlisonCHaynes · 18/07/2018 12:30

Not just my mil, but the whole fucking family,. Both sets of parents live with us, and they spend their whole time lounging around in bed being waited on hand and foot. Apparently 'too old' to get up. Unless there is something in it for them. The other day I caught one of the old bastards dancing, yes dancing! Around the bedroom. And they don't pay a penny towards their keep.

Add to that my dh is a waste of space with no ambition; he has a dead end job in a factory that pays a pittance, AND to crown it all my ds has just 'won' a tour of a sweet factory with the local paedo and insists on going.

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