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Husband’s barber added him on Facebook

268 replies

CrazyCatLady8 · 20/05/2018 23:46

AIBU to be slightly annoyed that my husband’s barber, added him on Facebook and he accepted?

OP posts:
Foslady · 21/05/2018 07:22

Me and most of where I live are Facebook friends with the bloke who owns the chippie......least we know if he’s run out of stuff!!!

Littleredboat · 21/05/2018 07:25

It’s a slippery pole, all this fraternisation.

A red and white stripy one.

SecretStash · 21/05/2018 07:27

It’s “catch a grip” now? That doesn’t even make sense.

Mulberry72 · 21/05/2018 07:27

I’m friends with my husbands barber on FB, DH is friends with his barber on FB.

I’m friends with most of the ladies at my hairdressers and beauty salon.

What’s the problem? Do you think they’re having a gay affair?

FuckPants · 21/05/2018 07:27

I have my barber on Facebook, it's good for arranging appointments etc.

I'm another one who is also confused by the comment made by AnyFucker.

Psychobabble123 · 21/05/2018 07:28

Eh?! Confused

ImNotMeImSomeoneElse · 21/05/2018 07:31

I want the op to come back and let us know if there is more to this, or if its really as mad as it seems.

BigFuckingManatee · 21/05/2018 07:33

Blatantly a wind up.

buddhasbelly · 21/05/2018 07:37

The OP has a yearning to cut her husband's hair differently to what he asks the barber to do.

Husband has agreed that OP can trial the new style in him. But then the barber will see the inevitable fbook photo. And the barber will know. All hell will break loose. The new style becomes all the rage, the barber cannot fathom how OP has done said style. The barber shuts down. Their is uproar in the village. The OP and her admittedly styled husband must leave the village at once for fear of retribution.

I can see why you'd be worried OP.

TuTru · 21/05/2018 07:38


FuelledByButter · 21/05/2018 07:38

I'm loving this thread.

Singlenotsingle · 21/05/2018 07:39

Haven't you got anything better to be annoyed about? Your life must be so peaceful.

ScreamingValenta · 21/05/2018 07:50

Has your husband been offered "something for the weekend"? Wink

sunshineonarainyday321 · 21/05/2018 07:52

My husband has his barber on fb, I didn't realise this was something I should be worried about 😱.

BlessedBeTheFruitCake · 21/05/2018 07:53

Can't see the problem?

murphys · 21/05/2018 07:55

Call the police.

Facebook is so 2017.

He should be on Insta. You had better LTB.

WalkingOnAFlashlightBeam · 21/05/2018 07:57

So let me guess...

Your husband's barber is a woman.

She's sent him a friend request and he's accepted it.

You think this is inappropriate or are worried he's having or may have an affair, because it seems like a very personal thing to do for two people who aren't actual friends, and you didn't realise they were friends, so you think he's lying to you.

If your husband is usually one to keep his Facebook friends only, and you didn't realise he'd struck up a friendship with his barber, you may be thinking that's a bit shifty as he's hidden it from you or has a deeper friendship with her than you realised.

Am I right? You really ought to post a bit more info if you want helpful responses instead of chaos.

And anyfucker stop trying to stir shit, you know full well almost everybody uses the possessive descriptor when referring to someone who provides them one on one services (my mechanic, my doctor, my hairdresser) in a way they wouldn't for someone providing services as part of a team (my shop assistant WRONG! The shop assistant CORRECT!). Can't believe I had to type that out.

BarbaraofSevillle · 21/05/2018 08:07

AIBU to think that this is the most trivial thing anyone has ever been annoyed about?

Who are you annoyed with OP? The barber for sending the friend request, or your DH for accepting?

Aria2015 · 21/05/2018 08:07

I'm facebook friends with the woman who does my bikini waxes, I don't see an issue. She uses her facebook to promote her business so I suppose for her it's a way of bringing in business. Perhaps it's the same for your husbands new barber friend?

WizardOfToss · 21/05/2018 08:13

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

DitheringBlidiot · 21/05/2018 08:13

I’m friends on Facebook with my hairdresser. She puts up available appointments and things like that, what’s the issue?

GlitterGlassEye · 21/05/2018 08:19

I don’t do Facebook but I do follow dps barber on Insta. We’ve attended his wedding as well though.


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odig · 21/05/2018 08:39

This is a bit confusing, there's a CatLady8 posting elsewhere. Without the Crazy.

Basta · 21/05/2018 08:47

Why is he your husband's barber?

Oh don't be ridiculous, AF. Perhaps because he cuts her husband's hair and not hers?

Loved the grooming comment! Grin

Basta · 21/05/2018 08:48

Bewildering. And in her haste to have a go, AF finally loses it.

Oh its not having a go, it's just "straight talking". Hmm

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