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Husband’s barber added him on Facebook

268 replies

CrazyCatLady8 · 20/05/2018 23:46

AIBU to be slightly annoyed that my husband’s barber, added him on Facebook and he accepted?

OP posts:
InkSnail · 21/05/2018 10:13

Maybe OP is male.

MildlyFedUp · 21/05/2018 10:32

Maybe OP is Helen Mirren and the barber is Frances Barber.

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 21/05/2018 10:37

Call 101.

lhastingsmua · 21/05/2018 10:41

Maybe they have good banter/crack at the barbers? Not an issue tbh

Basta · 21/05/2018 10:57

About time AF got a taste of her own medicine...

Long overdue, imho.

PerfectlySymmetricalButtocks · 21/05/2018 10:58

Are they friends?

Shadow666 · 21/05/2018 10:59

Don’t be so fucking mean to AF. She’s helped a lot of women going through some bad shit.

DontDrinkDontSmoke · 21/05/2018 11:00

I have my last 4 hairdressers on fb...should my DH be annoyed?

InkSnail · 21/05/2018 11:04


expatinspain · 21/05/2018 11:05

Weird thread Grin

murphys · 21/05/2018 11:06

What a chop.


immortalmarble · 21/05/2018 11:10

I understood just fine what AF meant and I am most certainly not a brain surgeon, so all those professing not to understand must be really dozy Hmm

LostMyBaubles · 21/05/2018 11:12

My fav comments
Call 101

MadMags · 21/05/2018 11:16

Wtf am I reading?

How can a drunken, batshit barber thread turn into an AF witch hunt???

KarmaStar · 21/05/2018 11:16

Think OP made it up,then say back to watch the replies.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 21/05/2018 11:39

I understood just fine whatAFmeant and I am most certainly not a brain surgeon, so all those professing not to understand must bereallydozy

Can you explain to us normal not at all dozy folk who use the pocesieve noun for people we pay to provide a specfic service dozy folk what the blithering fuck she meant then?

I like every one else use "my" hairdresser, my key worker, my god childs teacher, my nieces doctor, my partners hairdresser, my friends personal trainer, AF seemed amazed that Op used her husbands barber as a phase.

If you understand why shes confused by such every day language please explain, cos your clearly so very clever

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 21/05/2018 11:40

Agh i meant strike through not underline

GorgeousJaws · 21/05/2018 11:45

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CamHowe · 21/05/2018 11:48

No. All barbers are terrible people and only put on this world to cause trouble and make our hair on point.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 21/05/2018 12:02


The thread that keeps on giving.

Very weary of saying this giving the witch hunt that happened last time i did, dyslexic,

Amd yes im fine with all my other words, just words i dont know how to spell i spell phonically

GorgeousJaws · 21/05/2018 12:08

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MrsTommyBanks · 21/05/2018 12:11

I don't understand what's happening.


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NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 21/05/2018 12:17

You could tell it was spelt phonicelly yet you still thought it was funny to take the piss!

Sorry i dont understand the kermit reference.

Bullying some one with dyslexia is very diffent to being veru confused by some one questioning normal use of the english language. In terms of witch hunt i had to get many posts deleted on a resent thread because posters seem to decide that because i spelt one word wrong and all the others right i couldnt have dyslexia i did not say tje witch hunt was on this thread i said it was in the resent past

MildlyFedUp · 21/05/2018 12:34

In the nicest possible way naught, I think you will have to develop a thicker skin or use a spell checker.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 21/05/2018 12:46

Mildly if i use spell checker people decide im not dyslexic because i spell most words correctly but it doesnt pick up on the diffence between the diffent spellings of wood where or for example i put said loose instead of lose and when i said ok by im dyslexic people started implying i couldnt posiably be dyslexic because i could spell words they percieved to be much more complicated because i used a spell checker. So there was 4 posts from several diffent people who chose to go on about how i couldnt possiably be dyslexic

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