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Husband’s barber added him on Facebook

268 replies

CrazyCatLady8 · 20/05/2018 23:46

AIBU to be slightly annoyed that my husband’s barber, added him on Facebook and he accepted?

OP posts:
Dragonade · 21/05/2018 00:59

nah she's been well and truly shot down CCL isn't returning anytime soon

Allabitmuchisntit · 21/05/2018 01:00

Why are you only slightly annoyed?

I’d be raging!!

Bloody barbers wanting friends. Sick to the back teeth of it.

Betsy86 · 21/05/2018 01:02

Im blatantly here placemarking as i need to know more lol

steff13 · 21/05/2018 01:05

Bloody barbers wanting friends. Sick to the back teeth of it.

It's an epidemic.

Whyarealltheusernamestaken · 21/05/2018 01:09

Ok I can confirm after serious journalism that they were born within one hour of each other, there mother’s said they could be sister and brother...

QuackPorridgeBacon · 21/05/2018 01:09

Nah op, you’re taking the piss 😂

falang · 21/05/2018 01:11

Is the barber a woman? Is that why you're cross?

Allabitmuchisntit · 21/05/2018 01:13

Is barber code for something? Hmm

OnTheList · 21/05/2018 01:21

YANBU to be upset if he also sat in the fly space on the bus.

MLMsuperfan · 21/05/2018 01:36

Don't barbers use Snipchat?

Hmmalittlefishy · 21/05/2018 01:37

Are you sure you have it the right way round - maybe the barber didn't add your dh maybe your dh added the barber! Shock

Either way I don't see the issue

Pikachuneedshelp · 21/05/2018 01:38

Well, this is intriguing Confused

BlancheM · 21/05/2018 01:50


Monty27 · 21/05/2018 01:54

Are you a jealous male? Is the barber male?
Whatever it is you sound insecure and lack trust

thegreatbeyond · 21/05/2018 02:02

I think they use Barbr. In any event, OP just needs to style this one out instead of simply cutting her OH off.

MrMagnoliasBoot · 21/05/2018 02:31

I have so many customers of mine on Facebook, it helps the business. It helps you sell to them, offer deals, discounts etc... Completely normal for this day and age.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 21/05/2018 02:58

Well this comment is almost as weird as the OP’s. Surely everyone uses ‘my doctor etc for someone who provides personal one to one services to them?

I think the last bit of your sentence is exactly what the Op fears Lost that the barber is providing well ahum personal one to one services of a different nature to barbering.

(You are right though about how bizarre the question about using the term my is just the personal services made me chuckle a bit)

OP just more information needed, are you a gay couple? Is this why your concerned? Or is the Barber female? If so i think you need to look at the trust in your relationship if your going to be annoyed at your husband talking to some one you feel he might be sexually attracted too.

As ot stands like everyone else slightly baffled. Lots of people are friends with people who provide services of a grooming or cleaning or supportive nature, and this leads to them being added on social media

PremierNaps · 21/05/2018 03:19

Suspecting OP is drunk on a school night

SalemBlackCat · 21/05/2018 03:48

I think we need more information here. Is your husband's barber male or female?

Shadow666 · 21/05/2018 05:03

Suspecting the OP and AF were drunk on a school night. Grin

mysteryfairy · 21/05/2018 05:16

Is this barber in his own shop or working in someone else's? In my experience people often add you if they are planning on leaving and want to take their clients with them.

brizzledrizzle · 21/05/2018 05:25

Maybe he likes playing with the barber's pole.


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Andromeida59 · 21/05/2018 05:29

My DP has his barber on FB and he's also been for a drink with her. What exactly is the issue with having a barber, hair dresser etc on FB?

SomethingMustChange2018 · 21/05/2018 05:31

Hmm, intriguing. What's got you so upset op?

WelshWitch7 · 21/05/2018 05:44

What????!!!! Is this a serious post? Why has it got you so upset? Are you having a Hyacinth Bucket moment? How dare a tradesperson befriend your husband!

My son is a barber, he has numerous friend requests from clients. He even 'gasps' sends out friend requests to long standing clients

Catch a grip woman.

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