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Husband’s barber added him on Facebook

268 replies

CrazyCatLady8 · 20/05/2018 23:46

AIBU to be slightly annoyed that my husband’s barber, added him on Facebook and he accepted?

OP posts:
GratedCarrotStick · 21/05/2018 20:36

Postman Pat SDS and Thomas the tank engine have new ones too 🙈

lostinjapan · 21/05/2018 20:39

I've literally been refreshing this thread every 15 minutes of the day trying to discover what's wrong with saying 'my husband's barber' (I obviously have a very full and enriching life).

Is it like when women get het up about the expression 'insert famous male celebrity's wife'?

Does anyone have any better guesses?

sweeneytoddsrazor · 21/05/2018 20:45

My friends list is so so boring compared to some of you. I obviously need to get out more, I want to meet a grave digger.

Shockers · 21/05/2018 20:46

I’m not sure either, lost, but I don’t say ‘my hairdresser’, I say ‘the hairdresser’- same with doctors and dentists.

My friend refers to the Dr, dentist, or consultant as ‘hers’ though.

PlumsGalore · 21/05/2018 20:53

DHs barber is a woman. He has her on FB and she texts him to remind him of his appointments the day before.

No biggy

QuackPorridgeBacon · 21/05/2018 20:57

BettyBaggins “Grace digger” that’s a new one on me 😂

FreudianSlurp · 21/05/2018 21:02

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

lostinjapan · 21/05/2018 21:14

I'm not sure either, lost, but I don’t say ‘my hairdresser’, I say ‘the hairdresser’- same with doctors and dentists.

My friend refers to the Dr, dentist, or consultant as ‘hers’ though

Hmm yeah, I don't say 'my doctor' or 'my dentist' either, but in my case that's because I see them very infrequently (about once every 3 or 4 years for my doctor) and it's not always the same person. And I haven't been to the hairdressers for 15 years...

But someone like a driving instructor, who I have just the one of, who I see regularly, know fairly well, chat to, have one to one time with, would definitely be 'my' driving instructor.

QuackPorridgeBacon · 21/05/2018 21:17

Just realised my spelling error. Grave*

MissVanjie · 21/05/2018 21:44

Has anyone advised op to call 101 or book a spa day yet?

BettyBaggins · 21/05/2018 21:52

Its a great story, how I met the grave digger but very identifying. I just happened one day to meet the man who dug her grave, he showed me a few other graves in the graveyard of people I think Mum would of got on with, one was a famous comedians. He was a star. It made me happier. So I bought him a few pints. I was worried she would be lonely up there in a hole on her own!

Now then, this barber.... Does the op tell her dh off if he says hello to the postie?

MyOtherProfile · 21/05/2018 21:55

No way. 10 pages and the OP Stu hasn't been back to give a perfectly reasonable explanation of why adding one's barber is such a crime.

Keepittenten · 21/05/2018 22:30

A lot of small business owners use FB to advertise, doing so from their business and personal pages.

WhereTheFuckIsMyFuckingCoat · 22/05/2018 08:04

OP, is that you Sharon? Have there been wasps or windows or wine involved with the barber? Please tell us @PunxsutawneyHogwash

MyAuntyBadger · 22/05/2018 08:31

I receive reminders by text message from the hairdresser's every six weeks. My husband must be furious that she has my number.

About the 'my' thing... I always say 'the' doctor, dentist etc., - if someone said 'I'm seeing my doctor later' it would sound really weird, like you had your own personal doctor, same with 'my husband's barber', so maybe it's a colloquial thing, depending on where you're from?

charliebear78 · 22/05/2018 10:20

I think it depends- If I was going to have my hair done I wouldn't say "Right I'm off to MY Hairdressers"
However if I was telling someone about it I would probably say "MY Hairdresser etc......"
Not sure if that makes any sense?
Anyway I don't think any of this matters anymore lol

ApocalypseNowt · 22/05/2018 11:02

Anyway I don't think any of this matters anymore lol

Of course it matters! This thread is chock full of things that very definitely MATTER. Grin

Andromeida59 · 22/05/2018 11:26

What is AF?

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 22/05/2018 11:31

What is AF?

A poster upthread.

CaptainCabinets · 22/05/2018 11:50

Log it with 101 hun xx

MildlyFedUp · 22/05/2018 12:21

Can't believe OP hasn't been back. Maybe she's at the hairdressers?

PunxsutawneyHogwash · 23/05/2018 08:41

*@WhereTheFuckIsMyFuckingCoat *

I'm not sure if you meant to tag me above? I'm not OP.

However I remembered 'Sharon' with fear fondness and found this..

Husband’s barber added him on Facebook

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PunxsutawneyHogwash · 23/05/2018 08:43

Who knew that Googling 'T-rex barber' would actually give a result Grin

Sunflowersforever · 23/05/2018 08:48

Is he from Seville?

WhereTheFuckIsMyFuckingCoat · 24/05/2018 07:39

@PunxsutawneyHogwash, sorry I must have mixed up my tags, but LOL at your t-Rex barber pic!!

Maybe her bf's barber was t-rexing and this is what's got the op's hackles up!!

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