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Husband’s barber added him on Facebook

268 replies

CrazyCatLady8 · 20/05/2018 23:46

AIBU to be slightly annoyed that my husband’s barber, added him on Facebook and he accepted?

OP posts:
Blaablaablaa · 21/05/2018 00:12

???? I'm friends with my hairdresser on FB. Really handy for booking appointments

findingmyfeet12 · 21/05/2018 00:13


MumofBoysx2 · 21/05/2018 00:16

Very odd that you mind. The barber will want to post info about special offers etc so it makes perfect sense to network on SM.

Battleax · 21/05/2018 00:16

😂 🍿

MissVanjie · 21/05/2018 00:18


AmazingPostVoices · 21/05/2018 00:20

Thinking on it, people do use FB in different ways.

There’s nothing on my FB that my hairdresser couldn’t see, but I suppose if you live your entire life on FB (as some people do) then it might not be appropriate for randoms to have access to that.

In which case just block him or change your settings to make sure that friends of friends can’t see your posts.

EveningHare · 21/05/2018 00:24

Why are you upset?

HarmlessChap · 21/05/2018 00:26

If your DH needs your approval of who he is and isn't his friend on FB then you sound quite controlling.

GreatWesternValkyrie · 21/05/2018 00:30

YAdefinitelyNBU if his barber is Sweeney Todd Shock

lostinjapan · 21/05/2018 00:32

Why is he your husband's barber Hmm

Well this comment is almost as weird as the OP’s. Surely everyone uses ‘my doctor’, ‘my dentist’, ‘my personal trainer’, ‘my hairdresser’, ‘my driving instructor’ etc for someone who provides personal one to one services to them?

Whyarealltheusernamestaken · 21/05/2018 00:35

Waiting for the drip feed that the barber was once spotted in an exotic location with him...that would make this thread more interesting!!!!

steff13 · 21/05/2018 00:39

Why is he your husband's barber.

Because he's her husband's barber. Just like my the woman who provides my healthcare services is my doctor and the woman who cuts my hair is my stylist, etc.

thegreatbeyond · 21/05/2018 00:41

They are defo having hot gay sex. Sorry, OP.

AlaskaSometimes · 21/05/2018 00:41


Yeah, you are being ridiculous unless there is further information you've neglected to tell us.

Lots of people add people they know in real life in various ways. You can always restrict people via lists in your settings. I have mine set up so I have work colleagues on one list and restrict them from any family type photos I might post.

Johnnyfinland · 21/05/2018 00:43

Hahahaha what?!

thegreatbeyond · 21/05/2018 00:43

Plot twist: they met on Grindr.

HeedMove · 21/05/2018 00:44

Yeah bit confused by that anyfucker. Hes his barber cause hes his barber. What do you mean?

SaucyJack · 21/05/2018 00:47

Is he trying to groom him? The situation sounds a bit hairy to me.

Delete him now, and you might have a close shave with disaster:

Juiceylucy09 · 21/05/2018 00:47

YABU I really do not see an issue, Why would you care.

Is he common and your DH posh, Is your DH famous.

My DP s barber is a legend around here, everyone adds him on Facebook.

I am grateful everyday I shut done my FB. It causes issues in family's but this is the ridiculous.

Juiceylucy09 · 21/05/2018 00:49

SaucyJack Grin

MirriVan · 21/05/2018 00:49

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Genderwitched · 21/05/2018 00:51

Maybe he sees his barber as his actual friend as well as being his barber.

Do you see people in service jobs as a bit beneath you OP?


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WorraLiberty · 21/05/2018 00:52

Why is he your husband's barber. that a trick question AF? Grin

OP this thread is ridiculously lacking any kind of reasoning.

Was that deliberate or did you post too soon?

sweeneytoddsrazor · 21/05/2018 00:53

Well excuse me @GreatWesternValkryrie

I happen to know Mr Todd is a most excellent barber. He has worked very hard to make it in a cut throat business. Grin

He is also a very good FB friend, and has a mate that can get you some cheap tasty pies.

Shadow666 · 21/05/2018 00:54

😂 just placemarking for the inevitable drip feed.

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