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Neighbor complaint - people using his drive to turn

359 replies

HarveySherlock · 11/12/2017 12:07

Sorry I can't add diagram.

So we live on the cul de sack with a turning area. Each house has a driveway. No one parks in the turning area as we have large driveways and there is in shot parking as well.

Since we moved in earlier this year for some reason people use our drive to turn rather than going to the end of the road and use the turning area. This was particularly annoying in the dark evening with car lights.

We got a new fence with automatic driveway gates added last week. This now means people can't use our drive to turn. Our next door neighbor came over yesterday to complain that people are now using his drive instead of ours. We told him there isn't anything we can do. We suggested he put up a sign saying no turning.

He has now posted a note through the door (even though I'm working from home) saying he will be complaining about us at tonight's residents meeting.Xmas Hmm. He thinks we should have discussed our fence/gate plans with neighbors before installing them as they now have to deal with what was our problem. We didn't need permission for the fence or gates.

Aibu to think that people turning on his drive isn't our problem?

OP posts:
sizenines · 11/12/2017 15:28

If the gates were illegal the CFN would have been round to you asap with the paperwork supporting his claim so I don't think any rule or law can have been infringed.

Give him a leaflet of the gate installers.

BritInUS1 · 11/12/2017 15:33

I would ignore him he is being ridiculous x

StuffAndNonsenseYes · 11/12/2017 15:40

Placemarking for the update Grin

Smarmydrippings · 11/12/2017 15:44
LagunaBubbles · 11/12/2017 15:44

When neighbor came round yesterday he asked to speak with DH, even though I opened the door. He is a bit odd, the neighbor not DH


hamptonhangingpork · 11/12/2017 15:45

Schadenfreude - Grin

RandomMess · 11/12/2017 15:48

Popcorn out here too, can't think why your vendors sold up with such lovely neighbours...

rcit · 11/12/2017 15:49

I had a neighbour like this. Thought everything was her business. I removed some stuff from my garden when I moved in. It was a mixture of junk left by previous owners, rotten shed and overgrown plants. She shouted at me because she said she liked looking at it. Weirdo.

KizzyBear · 11/12/2017 15:49

Settles in to wait for meeting..... Grin

TheKitchenWitch · 11/12/2017 15:52

la la la
not place marking
just turning around

CigarsofthePharoahs · 11/12/2017 16:01

When I lived with my parents, the neighbour opposite would always pull onto my parents drive in order to get into her garage.
One day I had a lot of friends over and the drive was full. She expected one of my friends to move their perfectly sensibly parked car just because she had an estate car and wasn't any good at reversing she wanted to use her garage.
I suggested to my mum that we get gates.

Ta1kinPeace · 11/12/2017 16:02

remember that the person taking the minutes of the meeting decides the history .....
filming / recording is worth it if poss

BambooWhoosh · 11/12/2017 16:03

You can listen to our district council meetings online. Pleeeease link to the live stream Xmas Grin

Ta1kinPeace · 11/12/2017 16:05

council has to be public

residents association has the right to be cnfidential

Ceto · 11/12/2017 16:07


AcrossthePond55 · 11/12/2017 16:07

A Parking Thread! An unexpected early present.

I'll be back around 6pm for the meeting, that's 10 am local time for me. DH and I are making a pitcher full of Cherry Margaritas and we may have to start in on them an hour or so early!

Periscope is your friend OP Wink

Dailystuck71 · 11/12/2017 16:08

Place marking 😀

NettleTea · 11/12/2017 16:09

oh goody. christmas parking

OwdBets · 11/12/2017 16:09

Wow! CFNs are taking over the world 🌎
You have to tell us how his complaint is received.

LazyDailyMailJournos · 11/12/2017 16:14

Oh good an almost parking thread

LittleCandle · 11/12/2017 16:14

Neighbours across the road from us almost use our drive to reverse into theirs. it doesn't half mess them up when we're parked there already or when the bloody parents from the school are blocking the whole street, as is their wont. We're not allowed fences, but the local council and police say we could have penguin bollards at the end of the road, but the whole street would have to agree and someone would need to be available to let the bin lorry in.

InvisibleKittenAttack · 11/12/2017 16:15

I love a good CFN thread!

Ask at the meeting if he's taken notes of which cars are trespassing on his land? Bet that will make the others feel a bit nervous!


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MimsyFluff · 11/12/2017 16:15

We have two neighbours that always ask for DH if they knock on crazy pigeon man and neighbour down the road telling us stop flushing baby wipes (wasn't us) I have great pleasure saying DH is working he'll be free in 6 days on his day off Grin

ThomasRichard · 11/12/2017 16:18

Does he have imaginary dogs? Please say he has imaginary dogs...

Makingahome · 11/12/2017 16:21

Live updates needed!

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