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Neighbor complaint - people using his drive to turn

359 replies

HarveySherlock · 11/12/2017 12:07

Sorry I can't add diagram.

So we live on the cul de sack with a turning area. Each house has a driveway. No one parks in the turning area as we have large driveways and there is in shot parking as well.

Since we moved in earlier this year for some reason people use our drive to turn rather than going to the end of the road and use the turning area. This was particularly annoying in the dark evening with car lights.

We got a new fence with automatic driveway gates added last week. This now means people can't use our drive to turn. Our next door neighbor came over yesterday to complain that people are now using his drive instead of ours. We told him there isn't anything we can do. We suggested he put up a sign saying no turning.

He has now posted a note through the door (even though I'm working from home) saying he will be complaining about us at tonight's residents meeting.Xmas Hmm. He thinks we should have discussed our fence/gate plans with neighbors before installing them as they now have to deal with what was our problem. We didn't need permission for the fence or gates.

Aibu to think that people turning on his drive isn't our problem?

OP posts:
Justgivemesomepeace · 11/12/2017 13:16

Bonkers logic. If it was me I'd have one go at reasonableness and go see him before the meeting. I would say you totally understand how irritating it is hence the gates you installed at great expense to yourselves. I would be happy to accompany him to the meeting and support him in raising the issue of the residents turning in people's drives and reinforce that they should be using the turning area. If he still insists it's your fault id leave him to it.

BitOutOfPractice · 11/12/2017 13:18


Penguin billiards?

Neighbor complaint - people using his drive to turn
SchadenfreudePersonified · 11/12/2017 13:24

Send him a leaflet for penguin billiards

Penguin billiards?

Have I missed an exciting new pub sport? Grin

(Nice to know it isn't just me the autocorrect hates!)

metalmum15 · 11/12/2017 13:27

What a prat. And I'm sure the rest of the neighbours will think so too. Make sure from now on every time you do any kind of alteration to your home, diy, painting, new furniture, gardening etc, you inform him of it. Preferably several times a week.

CheekyFuckersAreEntertaining · 11/12/2017 13:28

Righto. That's this thread bookmarked and watched. I simply MUST know the outcome of the residents meeting. OP, for the benefit of every CF victim on MN, you need to go and tell us how he tries to justify his stance on this. Pleeeease!

BiddyPop · 11/12/2017 13:29

I suspect that EdithFinch has the answer - you've blocked HIS way to turn around!!

metalmum15 · 11/12/2017 13:30

I'm just jealous we don't have a residents meeting, the street I live on is full of cheeky fuckers, it would make for very entertaining evenings.

Rubbermaid · 11/12/2017 13:30

Haha what a cheeky fucker! So he was perfectly happy for it to be your problem?

notapizzaeater · 11/12/2017 13:33

So it’s alright for them to turn in your drive but not his, cf. I’d have to go to the residents meeting

Jaxhog · 11/12/2017 13:33

YANBU. Although it is usually a good idea to give neighbours a heads up when making such changes. Only neighbourly, as some people can be very strange. Like this.

At the meeting, why not suggest that you all work together to discourage this antisocial behaviour.

ForgivenessIsDivine · 11/12/2017 13:34

Go along and nod sagely when he talks and agree with him when he talks about how annoying it is... Yes, lovely neighbour.. that's why we got our gates.. try not to laugh..

MsJolly · 11/12/2017 13:34

Brilliantly mad neighbours!

HopingForSomeSnow · 11/12/2017 13:35

I remember when I was a kid my dad built a wall across part of our drive. A neighbour came round to complain because her coal delivery truck was now having to turn round on her drive, instead of ours! She wanted my dad to knock the wall down.

LittleDorritt · 11/12/2017 13:37

This is hilarious and jaw dropping in equal measure.

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 11/12/2017 13:40

This is the funniest thingI heard in ages! Wow, what lack of self awareness.

Mummyoflittledragon · 11/12/2017 13:41

You have a residents meeting. You must live in a nice neighbourhood. Boo hoo. Poor him.

Traffig · 11/12/2017 13:41

It will be the best attended residents meeting ever! Grin

LadyGAgain · 11/12/2017 13:49

Can I come?
Seriously he sounds bat-shit crazy. And you can't reason with crazy. Bet your other neighbours have a good giggle at his expense too. Please do feedback OP!

diddl · 11/12/2017 13:56

"he will be complaining about us at tonight's residents meeting."


He just needs to be asking his neighbours to use the turning circle!

Blackteadrinker77 · 11/12/2017 13:57

I always try to think of things from the other persons view point but I can't begin to see how he is blaming you.

BluePheasant · 11/12/2017 14:01

Haha what an idiot. So he was happy for everyone to turn in your driveway, you dealt with the problem on your own property without making a fuss and somehow you’re in the wrong! He’s deluded.
I hope you’re going to the meeting to hear his “complaint”Grin

Gemini69 · 11/12/2017 14:02

Can I attend this meeting.. just to watch with popcorn Grin


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ObscuredbyFog · 11/12/2017 14:06

Take the details of where you got your gates from to the meeting and give everyone a copy so no-one has to be the only un-gated drive which will force all the drive-turners to be circle turners instead. Xmas Grin

Job done!

genever · 11/12/2017 14:07

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

HarveySherlock · 11/12/2017 14:08

Meeting is at 6pm. I've told DH he needs to put up DSSs instead of me as I have a meeting to attend.Wink

We always intended to install a fence and gates so checked before we bought that we could. We got written confirmation from the sellers and from our lawyer (who was BIL).

When neighbor came round yesterday he asked to speak with DH, even though I opened the door. He is a bit odd, the neighbor not DH.

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