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Neighbor complaint - people using his drive to turn

359 replies

HarveySherlock · 11/12/2017 12:07

Sorry I can't add diagram.

So we live on the cul de sack with a turning area. Each house has a driveway. No one parks in the turning area as we have large driveways and there is in shot parking as well.

Since we moved in earlier this year for some reason people use our drive to turn rather than going to the end of the road and use the turning area. This was particularly annoying in the dark evening with car lights.

We got a new fence with automatic driveway gates added last week. This now means people can't use our drive to turn. Our next door neighbor came over yesterday to complain that people are now using his drive instead of ours. We told him there isn't anything we can do. We suggested he put up a sign saying no turning.

He has now posted a note through the door (even though I'm working from home) saying he will be complaining about us at tonight's residents meeting.Xmas Hmm. He thinks we should have discussed our fence/gate plans with neighbors before installing them as they now have to deal with what was our problem. We didn't need permission for the fence or gates.

Aibu to think that people turning on his drive isn't our problem?

OP posts:
Nanny0gg · 24/02/2021 00:21


I agree with a comment above. Attend the meeting and record when you speak. You have solved your problem the best way you knew how. Simply because it was annoying you, shining bright car headlights in your house or simple just didn't want it to happen. Why has he come to you! He is saying he would rather then turn in your driveway than his. If ignore him. Br ing on the residents meeting is say.

Shrivelled · 24/02/2021 00:34

There’s something strangely comforting about reading pre covid zombie threads.

Imaginetoday · 24/02/2021 00:42


Ubisoft really don’t understand why people have such an issue with people using the end of your drive to turn surely it’s not that inconvenient?

Because over time your driveway does get worn. People turn in’s one of those silly paved brick ones...over time the brinks sink under pressure. Same as a road needs repair and why we pay road tax
Imaginetoday · 24/02/2021 00:43

Oh..just seen the dates🙄🙄

LizB62A · 24/02/2021 00:58

I think your neighbour must be related to someone in my road (also a cul de sac)
He doesn't like people using his drive to turn around so he puts a cone in his drive - fair enough, it's his drive
Then he uses the drive of the neighbour two doors down to turn his own car around in, as he's too lazy to move his own cone out of his own drive....
Tossers !!

SilverBirchWithout · 24/02/2021 01:20

I love an old pre-Covid thread. This is the life we’ve all been missing so much, batshit neighbours knocking on the door, putting notes through the door, traffic streaming through the cul-de-sac, and neighbourhood committee meetings.
Mind you at least we’ve had Jackie Weaver during lockdown.

Sapho47 · 24/02/2021 02:32

Park on his drive next

Not illegal, he can't damage the car, police won't move it

PuppyMonkeyBaby · 24/02/2021 04:31


There’s something strangely comforting about reading pre covid zombie threads.

Once you’ve read the date and got past the pearl-clutching “OMG you’re going to a MEETING?!! With actual PEOPLE?!!” moment Grin
Zoolinmyfridge · 24/02/2021 06:10

Oh god, I live next door to someone like this. It’s not nice because it’s a neighbour - but you’ve acted within your rights. I’d be tempted to write a polite, clear letter back with cut and paste government statements about your property rights....

FiveShelties · 24/02/2021 07:16


Has anyone else wondered how they were having a residents meeting before checking the date ..Grin

Definitely - there are a lot of posts to read as wellGrin
PopsicleHustler · 24/02/2021 07:28

That would drive me nuts having people in my drive like that.

Just seen your post was 2017!!!

Ahhh the days before Covid19!!!

Nonamesavail · 24/02/2021 08:00

Sounds neighbour. Honestly just ignore it

mytwocats · 24/02/2021 08:51

If you have permission for the gates,then it is non of his or others interest whatsoever,it is definitely HIS problem,tell him if he don't like it,get some gates.sorted.

Cinderstella · 24/02/2021 09:06

Your neighbour is laying the blame at the wrong door. Stand your ground. He needs to realise that it is his problem now.

FiveShelties · 24/02/2021 09:26


Your neighbour is laying the blame at the wrong door. Stand your ground. He needs to realise that it is his problem now.

He may have gates himself nowGrin
FourteenthDoctor · 24/02/2021 09:31

Another old dredger.

someonelockthefridgealready · 24/02/2021 09:37

You mentioned penguin bollards? You are my MN hero Star Grin

QueenOfLabradors · 24/02/2021 09:42

I had posted on this under an old nn, I hope OP is still on here somewhere and can let us know if CFN ever did get gates of his own! @HarveySherlock are you still around??

SchadenfreudePersonified · 24/02/2021 10:03

Mind you at least we’ve had Jackie Weaver during lockdown

I had never heard of Jacie Weaver.

Now I have.

It has made my lockdown. Have been in touch with our priest - we have been doing our PCC meetings all wrong. Handforth Council has shown us the way to go.



Now please excuse me - I need to get some tee-shirts printed, and perhaps a few mugs.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 24/02/2021 10:04

Thank you - whoever revived this Zombie and poured new life into its shrunken veins.

You have given me a reason to get dressed in the mornings again. Grin

Ijustknowitstimetogo · 24/02/2021 10:05


Give him the details for where you got your gates from Grin

Love this suggestion!
Ijustknowitstimetogo · 24/02/2021 10:06


Thank you - whoever revived this Zombie and poured new life into its shrunken veins.

You have given me a reason to get dressed in the mornings again. Grin

Oh shit

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BloggersBlog · 24/02/2021 10:15


May have been 3 years ago but I just found your thread and needed to say you are a bloody star!

What were you looking for and why the need to revive it just to say OP is a star 4 years later that you came across this?
LimitIsUp · 24/02/2021 10:41

Is HarveySherlock still with us 3 years later? Can she make a cameo appearance on her resurrected thread and update us on neighbourly relations?

ZarkingBell · 24/02/2021 10:48

@HarveySherlock are you still here? Did he get gates? Are you enjoying zoom residents' meetings?

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