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And now they're changing Nutella!

140 replies

VanillaSugar · 07/11/2017 06:57

Nutella gets lighter and sweeter. Aka more milk powder and sugar

Won't be buying that again. Nor Terrys Chocolate Oranges. Nor Creme Eggs. Angry

Profit before taste Angry humppfffff.

OP posts:
Daffydil · 08/11/2017 17:15

I remember a dark, shiny chocolate spread in the 80s. It was in a white plastic pot.

I remember lunch on a pgl holiday. The sandwiches were cheese, ham, jam or shiny chocolate spread. Mmmmmmmm.

We were never allowed it at home. (Though we were allowed Nutella on holiday. Nothing beats Nutella in the 80s on fresh French bread! Grin)

Rebeccaslicker · 08/11/2017 17:23

The ethical organisation says they use palm oil in biscuits but not chocolate. So much smaller amounts but still not palm oil free. They got a "medium" rating.

Incitatus · 08/11/2017 17:50

HC definitely use palm oil because I read the ingredient list. We bought some little raspberry and chocolate ball things.

WomblingThree · 08/11/2017 18:51

Ultimately they use palm oil. The amount per piece of chocolate isn’t really that important. They charge vast amounts of money and trade on their naice reputation, and as seen on here, people fall for it without further investigation.

Mumsnet latches onto certain brands and makes them into some sort of “must-have” holy grail, and every time there is a thread slagging off Cadbury, the sheep start bleating about Hotel Chocolat, which is just another mass market brand now. It’s like happened with Thorntons - used to be a luxury brand, now it’s supermarket crap.

Incitatus · 08/11/2017 18:54

Well no more HC for us. They can take their fake, oily stuff and stick it up their arses which is the best place for it.

DanicaJones · 08/11/2017 19:02

I remember that Daffydil. Then along came Nutch.

ArcheryAnnie · 08/11/2017 19:07

I made Nutella once! Ground hazlenuts, icing sugar, cocoa powder, tiny bit of vanilla. Was lovely.

itusedtobeverydifferent · 08/11/2017 19:13

Scrap chocolate spread, biscoff spread is the clear winner!

ChardonnaysPrettySister · 08/11/2017 19:29

Biscoff is like someone chewed some biscuits, spat it out and mixed that with more oil and sugar.

Even more revolting than Nutella.

00100001 · 08/11/2017 19:50

All their palm oil is certified.

00100001 · 08/11/2017 19:56

wombling you seem to have missed the point.

A user wildly stated that HC was the same as Cadbury because of the palm oil and sugar.

It's clear that the like for like comparison of their milk chocolate that HC does not use palm oil in their actual milk chocolate and has less sugar.

Then someone kindly pointed out that some ingredients have palm oil in. HC use certified palm oil.

So HC are a superior product to Cadbury. And going around saying things like they're crap based on no evidence is ultimately unhelpful and now inciatus is going on about HC "fake oily crap" Hmm
What evidence is there that HC milk chocolate is "fake oily crap"??

ChardonnaysPrettySister · 08/11/2017 20:00

They are superior to Cadbury's.

But truth be told, that's not too difficult these days.

Oblomov17 · 08/11/2017 20:02

Oh dear. Ds2 loves it.

ChardonnaysPrettySister · 08/11/2017 20:11

I stopped buying the chocolates, they are very sweet for me and they are the ones with palm oil in.

I don't like the slabs anyway.

Also banned DH's favourite Lindor balls.

Incitatus · 08/11/2017 21:33

They’re oily crap because they taste like oily crap. Dh feels sick after eating palm oil and he felt sick after eating HC which is why I checked the label and found out it contained palm oil. Palm oil makes chocolate taste oily and unpleasant ergo HC is oily crap. A premium chocolate should not contain palm oil.

It’s not exactly difficult to understand is it?

Rebeccaslicker · 08/11/2017 21:35

I don't mind cheap chocolate. I like sodding milky bars.

But mondelez have ruined Cadbury.

I used to love Thorntons - Viennese truffles are the BEST - but HC pretty much killed them off so now you can just get packets of millionaire shortbread in the supermarket :(

00100001 · 09/11/2017 06:49

Because the milk chocolate just doesn't contain palm oil...

00100001 · 09/11/2017 15:15

Please can anyone point me to the Hotel Chocolat ingredients list that has palm oil in the actual chocolate?

Incitatus · 09/11/2017 15:42
Incitatus · 09/11/2017 15:46
Incitatus · 09/11/2017 15:49
WomblingThree · 09/11/2017 15:58

@00100001 do you have shares in them or something? You seem to be taking it rather personally!


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00100001 · 09/11/2017 17:27

There still isn't any palm oil in the actual chocolate though. Confused

I am taking wilful ignorance personally!

To say that HC chocolate is oily crap just Isn't true. The chocolate has no palm oil in it.

Some ingredients in the fillings of some of the chocolates have palm oil. Eg there is palm oil in the shortbread that is used inside a chocolate.

That's not the same thing!

00100001 · 09/11/2017 17:29

And the palm oil they use is certified.

So what is the problem with them using it in some of their ingredients?

AgathaRaisonDetra · 09/11/2017 17:38

Certified to kill an orangutan. So if you have a certificate, that makes it OK then?

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