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And now they're changing Nutella!

140 replies

VanillaSugar · 07/11/2017 06:57

Nutella gets lighter and sweeter. Aka more milk powder and sugar

Won't be buying that again. Nor Terrys Chocolate Oranges. Nor Creme Eggs. Angry

Profit before taste Angry humppfffff.

OP posts:
RustyBear · 07/11/2017 10:34

Blush - forgot the picture!

And now they're changing Nutella!
SloeSloeQuickQuickGin · 07/11/2017 10:36

Nutella is grim and you have no shame if you are feeding that filth to your children.

Thank you for allowing me that puritanical moment Wink

Nazdarovye · 07/11/2017 10:37

I have a jar from last year. I will sell it for £500. Contact me if you are interested.

PrivateParkin · 07/11/2017 10:42

Rusty I love that old ad - but please note that only housewives may use this spread Grin

PinkHeart5914 · 07/11/2017 10:54

Do you remember the advert when they tried to market it as a healthy breakfast spread?

Yes I remember it 😂 Don’t get me wrong I like Nutella pancakes for breakfast now and then as do Dh and my dc but I’m not buying it thinking it’s healthy for us.

These are the ingredients Sugar, Palm Oil, Hazelnuts (13%), Fat-Reduced Cocoa (7.4%), Skimmed Milk Powder (6.6%), Whey Powder (Milk), Emulsifier: Lecithin (Soya), Vanillin. I mean who is reading that and thinking it’s a healthy breakfast!

I don’t think it will change the taste much as they aren’t really changing the recipe by much, I can’t see me stopping buying it

OhYouBadBadKitten · 07/11/2017 10:58

maybe we should petition mn for various companies to send us chocolate-hazelnut spread samples so we can vote for the best.

InternetHoopJumper · 07/11/2017 11:12

I remember nutella being marketed as something healthy when I was little. I loved the taste too, but always found it quite messy on bread. If it contains any added sweeteners, how could it be healthy? I did hear it said somewhere that sugar acts like cocaine on the brain and prevents you from feeling full. Then again cigarettes were marketed once as healthy too.

You know what is actually healthy and delicious? Actual hazelnuts. I want to get me some of those today.

ChardonnaysPrettySister · 07/11/2017 11:14

What was the original fat in Nutella? Has it always been palm oil?

Gingersstuff · 07/11/2017 11:20

Nutella is grim and contributes significantly to orangutans losing their habitat 😡😡

Bigkingdom · 07/11/2017 12:01

WomblingThree I remember that chocolate spread! No one else seems to but i remember loving it as a kid.

heateallthebuns · 07/11/2017 12:09

They also made the wedges on choc oranges have a little edge on them so you lost a mm of choc between each wedge. I couldn't put my finger on the waxy taste but I see that now. Damn them.

Georgeofthejungle · 07/11/2017 12:11

Maybe this is why Hershey chocolate is so horrible. Are we headed there?! 😭

AuntyElle · 07/11/2017 12:22

From health food shops and farm shops, DanicaJones. It's made by these people (this links to their palm oil policy):

Sugar is still the main ingredient, but it is so much nicer than Nutella. I had actual Nutella the other day and thought it wasn't nice at all.

And now they're changing Nutella!
Motoko · 07/11/2017 12:35

I used to have chocolate spread when I was little in the 60s/70s. Dark and shiny like Marmite, but it came in a round plastic tub.

Haven't seen it for decades.

Zoll · 07/11/2017 13:09

@user1495832265 No it's not that one. Oh, annoying! I cannot find it anywhere. It was surprisingly good though...

DanicaJones · 07/11/2017 13:20

Thanks Aunty

TheWernethWife · 07/11/2017 13:22

Tried Hershey chocolate when I was in Seattle, tastes like vomit to me.

BobbinThreadbare123 · 07/11/2017 14:50

Hershey chocolate has butyric acid added to make it last longer. Butyric acid smells like vomit.

Incitatus · 07/11/2017 15:36

Hotel Chocolate stuff is full of palm oil and is utterly tasteless. Dh felt sick after eating some the other day and it ended up in the bin.

The vegan chocolate from the veggie stores was lovely though so will just stick to that I think.

ChardonnaysPrettySister · 07/11/2017 15:40

Agree, Hotel Chocolate is too sweet and full of palm oil.

Incitatus · 07/11/2017 16:14

I thought Hotel Chocolate was supposed to be nice though Confused I was going to buy him and ds some for xmas.

VanillaSugar · 07/11/2017 16:24

Palm oil in Hotel Chocolat????? Nooooooooo!!!!!

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ChardonnaysPrettySister · 07/11/2017 16:55

Sorry. It does.

Seems the blasted thing is everywhere. I've gone off chocolate. Will make some homemade truffles for Christmas.

AuntyElle · 07/11/2017 17:55

I find Hotel Chocolat really awful, like eating vaguely chocolatey soap. It's all packaging and hype.

willstarttomorrow · 07/11/2017 18:53

DD forced herself to sample Lindt chocolate spread whilst we were in Germany earlier in the year. I am a savoury person however I am reliably informed a chocolate lover would not be dissapointed.

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