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To ask what you earn?

411 replies

working925 · 20/10/2017 15:10

Just read another thread about earnings. How old are you and what do you earn? I'm nosey!!

OP posts:
RebelFreddyVSRogueJason · 20/10/2017 20:53

31 ,800 and some change a month after tax and pension. I’m rolling in it .

RaininSummer · 20/10/2017 20:56

I am oldish and get paid very little.

user1471548375 · 20/10/2017 21:02

I get paid in Germany - base salary of €60k, but I also get a tax free housing allowance of €12k plus return flights weekly paid for by employer. Equivalent to about €100k a year - obvs the recent drop in the pound is advantageous for me. I'm 32

afrikat · 20/10/2017 21:03

36 and earn £65k plus £6k car allowance. DH is on around £35k. We live very comfortably and feel very lucky

BlondeB83 · 20/10/2017 21:06

34, £43k

overmybreadbody · 20/10/2017 21:07

Aged 28 and earn £60k (and shares)

DH 35 and earns £95k

Will be on mat leave soon so my wage will be gone Confused

RefuseTheLies · 20/10/2017 21:09

I've just chucked my job after taking extended parental leave. I was on £42k in the public sector.

I've recently inherited some property that will bring in a rental of around £10k per year, so I will be contributing to the household financially.

My DH earns around £85k.

BakerBear · 20/10/2017 21:15

Me and dh are on 79,000 a year each after tax

lilathewerewolf · 20/10/2017 21:15
  1. 17K. Multiple (usually 5 or six) 12-hour high-stress shifts per week. Sometimes 14 hrs. Guess which field :(
superduperdo · 20/10/2017 21:17

I'm 37, work PT, 20 hours a week, and on £21,000

peachypips · 20/10/2017 21:22

Man who cares if anyone knows what they earn!

I am 39, live in Devon, earn 30k and am about to change job for one that pays 19k because it's in the field I've always dreamed of working in and I can train on the job this way. I am in the fortunate position that my DH earns enough for me to do that.

Mammylamb · 20/10/2017 21:27

Can't believe the amount of high earners on here! The average fte salary is 26k approx but most folk on here (or their partners) seem to earn multiples. I smell shite

overmybreadbody · 20/10/2017 21:29

@Mammylamb demographic for MN is known to be somewhat biased towards high earners/middle class...

So wouldn't t read to much into it as it's probably an unfair snapshot

Mammylamb · 20/10/2017 21:32

I'm certain some folk earn what they say they do, but i suspect there are a few folk on here telling porkies. But, I do think there is far too much secrecy around salary in the U.K., which means we cannot make an informed choice of career

bunerison · 20/10/2017 21:32

mammy why do you smell shite? I mentioned that my DH is a high earner and that's not shite. He's quite senior in the City. His salary is not usual for someone with 20 years experience in financial services. My salary is high for the voluntary sector and that's because I'm ambitious and I'll take risks, I'll do lots of things in my own time to enhance my own learning and I'm well known and so good work so have no problems working part time. I've never stayed in a job more than 3 years and am always looking for the next thing.

Rufustherenegadereindeer1 · 20/10/2017 21:32

Minimum wage

MidCenturyist · 20/10/2017 21:36

Wow 😳 at some of these salaries. I am 24 on £25k (£29k with bonus') but south east based with substantial mortgage and lots of student debt.

Ta1kinPeece · 20/10/2017 21:37

I reiterate

Please remember folks that MN posters comprise most of the high earners in the UK.

Median adult income in London is £23,000 : ie half of all Londoners earn less than £23,000

Median household income in England is £26,000 : ie half of all households have an income under £26,000

Median adult income in the UK is under £18,000 : ie half of all adults earn under £18,000

so the £50k and up brigade are the top 10% - whether they like to admit it or not.

"average" income is the top 36% .... if you are average, you are rich ....

Notthatwittyreally · 20/10/2017 21:39

55k before tax.

Dobopdidoo1 · 20/10/2017 21:39
  1. 80k. HTH
AnonEvent · 20/10/2017 21:44

Also 40, also £80k.

RaindropsAndSparkles · 20/10/2017 21:46

Bloody hell talkin. Perhaps we are truly only ordinary for Surrey.


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funshine17 · 20/10/2017 21:48


If I’m top 10% and I can’t even buy a studio flat where I live (se but not London) Confused

JoanBartlett · 20/10/2017 21:52

I don't disclose it other than to say under £1m and over £100k, b will say I am a lawyer and I earn quite a bit (and worked without any breaks for 30 years + full time). I picked the job because I love it and because it pays well. I certainly pay shed loads of tax so I hope the nation is grateful but I doubt it as they seem to think the self employed constantly evade and avoid tax and pay zero tax.

However the thing that matters to me most of all by a very long way is that I am just about never ill and am never really fed up so good mental health too. Those two things - physical and mental health - are beyond price. Nothing matters except that within reason once you have enough food and are warm and have shelter.

Wishiwasonholiday1 · 20/10/2017 21:52

35 £46k and DH same age £90k.

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