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To ask what you earn?

411 replies

working925 · 20/10/2017 15:10

Just read another thread about earnings. How old are you and what do you earn? I'm nosey!!

OP posts:
Mammylamb · 20/10/2017 21:53

Buner I'm sure that some folk are telling the truth, but really think that others are telling porkies!! Of course, I could be wrong; but we are all hiding behind a cloak of anonymity on the internet

Si1verst0rm · 20/10/2017 21:53

I don't earn as a SAHM. DH doesn't have a salary as such, but he did make about £10 million after tax this year, though he reinvests most of it.

namechangefordummies · 20/10/2017 21:57

30, lawyer, £100k plus bonus

DillyDally15 · 20/10/2017 21:59

Love how it's the people earning 50k+ that are straight in there sharing their salary. Also OP asked what YOUR age and earnings are. Not that of your £1m earning partner!

SerialChangerOfName · 20/10/2017 22:00

I care for my elderly and disabled father 24/7/52 and save the LA a shed load of dosh. In return they give me £62 per week.

Ta1kinPeece · 20/10/2017 22:02

90% of posts on this thread are in the top 10% BTW

VladmirsPoutine · 20/10/2017 22:08

I'm in my 30s and earn about 100k when everything's added up. For many years I was closer to 15k.

Lexieblue · 20/10/2017 22:12

33 and earn 35k feel very lucky.

IckleWicklePumperNickle · 20/10/2017 22:13

Mid 30s on £25+k in private telecommunications company. Very low level staff. No desire to be a manager.

DH mid 40s on £34+k and private use of a company car. Managerial position in private company.

We’re north of the border.

Pecano · 20/10/2017 22:15

I’m 30 and I earn £25k a year

Rufustherenegadereindeer1 · 20/10/2017 22:15

Ooh I'm 48

RaininSummer · 20/10/2017 22:17

Certainly a massive disparity. I have worked for over thirty years with a break as a mum at home and have never earned more than 24k despite degrees etc.

Notanothernamechangeaddict · 20/10/2017 22:19

Me age 40, 10k
Dh age 46, 22k
Mortgage nearly paid off, house worth 250k
I have a brand new car, Dh 3 year old bigger car
2 foreign holidays a year
15k in the bank

Notanothernamechangeaddict · 20/10/2017 22:21

No debts, cars owned outright

AnneElliott · 20/10/2017 22:22

Age 39 and £54k.

WeLikeLucy · 20/10/2017 22:25

Before I had children I earned £29k, now I'm 37, a SAHM but do part-time work during evenings and get about £5k.
DH (38) middle management in large retail company - £49k
He recently had a pay rise, but for years when the kids were tiny he was on about £30k and things felt tight.
Now we are able to make overpayments to our mortgage.

Paddybare · 20/10/2017 22:26

33, £76k

SecretSmellies · 20/10/2017 22:31

I'm 48. I earn £28 k. DH is retired and earns approx £62 k from shares and other investments.

I reckon we are rolling in it.We don't go out much, and don't go away on fancy holidays.We have a 14 year old car. Ds has SEN and is in a special school that we pay approx £14 k for year.

Hateloggingin · 20/10/2017 22:44

Me (female) 42 and circa £70k, dp (male) 44 circa £35k plus car. We're in the midlands

working925 · 20/10/2017 23:07

Really interesting replies. Now there's loads of other questions I wish I'd asked. Degree? Location? Working hours? Kids?
Yes I do wonder if high earners are more likely to answer - that's also really interesting.

It's also interesting that those people with lower earnings sometimes feel the need to comment on partner high earnings.

OP posts:
Givemeallthechocolate · 20/10/2017 23:11

I'm 26, earn 30k per year. As does my husband who is 32. So we draw 50% profit from our business each.

RaindropsAndSparkles · 20/10/2017 23:11

No particularly high earnings have been mentioned have they? Surrey here though.


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muz2017 · 20/10/2017 23:12

Name changed for this

Age - 38
Job - senior marketing exec
Degree - yes, plus CIM Professional Diploma
Location - London
Working hours - work 4 days, 8 hours a day
Kids - 1 three year old
Salary - £36,750 pro rata

muz2017 · 20/10/2017 23:13

@Si1verst0rm - wow what does your DH do?!

CanadaMoose91 · 20/10/2017 23:14

26, £18K. Not nearly enough for the amount I do.

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