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To ask what you earn?

411 replies

working925 · 20/10/2017 15:10

Just read another thread about earnings. How old are you and what do you earn? I'm nosey!!

OP posts:
blondiebonce · 20/10/2017 15:33

If you don't want to disclose you don't have to reply.

I'm mid 20s on £11000 a year part time.

coffeecow · 20/10/2017 15:37

Late 20s - about £23k and working full time.

Waitingonasmile · 20/10/2017 15:37

30 and work 3 days a week for about 24000

OhForFrigSake · 20/10/2017 15:40

I'm 34 and earn around £50k

OhForFrigSake · 20/10/2017 15:40

I work part time but am self employed

MoistCantaloupe · 20/10/2017 15:41

This same thread, all the time.
Why do you ask OP?

BabsGangoolies · 20/10/2017 15:43

45 - £7k
very part time

AlexsMum89 · 20/10/2017 15:43

I'm 28, I've just taken a promotion earning £45k a year + bonus if I'm lucky. I've worked very hard for it.

trilbydoll · 20/10/2017 15:43

I'm 32 and earn enough to put two preschoolers in nursery. Luckily dh earns enough to put a roof over our head Grin

cornerstoned · 20/10/2017 15:58

£62/week carers allowance for a pretty much 24/7 job. Feeling better, OP?

PovertyPain · 20/10/2017 16:09

I love threads like these, asking the questions that I want to ask, but would never in real life. 😁 I'm a nosy bugger. 😄 Gosh there's so many easily offended people on Mumsnet, these days. I don't think the OP is going to steal your identity and take over your life. 😆

I'm self employed, work from home and my wage fluctuates day to day and year to year. 'Take home' @ £30,000 but save extra in a business account for expansion, in the future. I don't have a mortgage or debts so am very happy with my wage, but I'm a shocking spendthrift, after years of struggling. Luckily I live in NI and the day to day living costs aren't too bad. However I work seven days a week, including bank holidays. I've had one week off in just over two years. I also had three days off, when my wee dog had to be put down, as my adult disabled children needed support. I'm happy, but knackered.

MrTrebus · 20/10/2017 16:10


LemonShark · 20/10/2017 16:13

These threads are surely useless without some context, like what someone's job is for example? So posted a earns £30k and they're 30... what use is that info? If it was linked to jobs then it'd be more interesting as people could see what sort of salary a role commands and get ideas if thinking of retraining. But this just smacks of a weird kinda opportunity to brag, I don't get it.

PovertyPain · 20/10/2017 16:14

Stop it mrtrebus! I've just joined slimming world. That's just cruel. dreams of biscuits 😭

TheFaerieQueene · 20/10/2017 16:15

What a bizarre request.
I cant imagine what the purpose of this thread is. Hmm

SilverSpot · 20/10/2017 16:16

Not asking of someone's earning is a very clever way of the employer paying peanuts as nobody will question their earnings because it's not "the done things".


If we all knew what different industries, sectors and employers paid we could all make much more informed choices in life.

But no, its 'vulgar' apparently.

Just hit 30. Corporate Finance from trad ACA background. £95k.

Papafran · 20/10/2017 16:18

OP, why don't you share your own personal details then???? Nothing to do with you how old I am or what I earn.

I am so nosey, please everyone tell me your PIN number just for a laugh

SanbonChudanUke · 20/10/2017 16:20

I'm 36 and earn £1.2m a year. I support a lot of charities.

Florence16 · 20/10/2017 16:21

Wow talk about flock of sheep on here these days.

25 and £32k.

Pickledonion24 · 20/10/2017 16:22

60,000 age 23 partner earns 400,000 very lucky with start up that’s taken off he hardly has to work now he’s Also currently writing a book on some software lucky that I saved up for a mortgage at a young age and own my own house to I’m part self employed and work 3 days a week somewhere else

SallyCinnamon86 · 20/10/2017 16:23

30 - jointly own and run a construction company with DH
85k last year

steff13 · 20/10/2017 16:26

Not asking of someone's earning is a very clever way of the employer paying peanuts as nobody will question their earnings because it's not "the done things."



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ShowMePotatoSalad · 20/10/2017 16:28

I worked for 52 years as Senior Lookout on Loch Ness, working for the National Loch Ness Monster Research Association for Scientific Advancement of Nessiological Theorum (NLNMRASANT for short). Unfortunately my salary was based purely on commission for sightings of the fabled beast, so as a result my pension equates to a measly 52p per quarter.

Keep searching Nessie fans!

Inktober · 20/10/2017 16:37

59, £149k

DH is 60 and earns a little more.

Why do you ask OP?

PandorasXbox · 20/10/2017 16:40

These threads always puzzle me.
Why do people answer them? It’s not part of a conversation is it?

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