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To ask what you earn?

411 replies

working925 · 20/10/2017 15:10

Just read another thread about earnings. How old are you and what do you earn? I'm nosey!!

OP posts:
glovesonstrings · 20/10/2017 18:39


user1492877024 · 20/10/2017 18:43

54, earn £139, 380. Dh earns approx double that.

sinceyouask · 20/10/2017 18:44

£26k. Been promised a pay rise to £32k four times now. No longer holding breath.

Oliack1417 · 20/10/2017 18:46

38 and earn £70k, DP is 37 and earns around £120k (own business)

Gammeldragz · 20/10/2017 18:48

32 and I don't 'earn' much as I'm a full time student. Maybe £500 a year from actual work. £10k a year bursary. £2k student loan. £6k housing benefit. £9k tax credits. £2.5k child benefit. So £30k
DH is 38, currently part time self employed and earns about £5k a year at the moment. He mostly does the childcare and couldn't manage full time due to health.

nandio · 20/10/2017 19:53

What do you both do user149287702?

MiniTheMinx · 20/10/2017 19:54

I'm 44 and I'm earning much the same as I was in my 20s. DP earns slightly more. Wages are stagnating. I'm not very fussed about money. Never have been.

grobagsforever · 20/10/2017 20:04

37, 73k. Consulting. Lone parent, own home outright so feel very lucky that I can afford decent childcare and standard of living out of that.

GhostlySteamTrains · 20/10/2017 20:18

Before I answer...

what was your mother's maiden name?
what is your postcode?
What are your banking details?

GhostlySteamTrains · 20/10/2017 20:19

i am being sarcastic to the OP btw

Ttbb · 20/10/2017 20:19

Nothing. SAHM.

CookieDoughKid · 20/10/2017 20:25

£100k but performance bonuses, pensions, shares, paid fuel and cash car allowance means the package is doubled. Dh has started a new job offering £500,000k in shares. We are both in IT with hard science degree backgrounds. Both in very pressurised jobs. I'm 40 and a mum of 2. Childcare is full time wrap around care at the school. We both want to retire by 50.

Brittbugs80 · 20/10/2017 20:30

Mid thirties.

Employed for 27 hours a week earning £32,000. Have my own business and earned just over £10,000 last year.

working925 · 20/10/2017 20:31

Sorry never thought for a minute it was odd to ask - I'm 40 and earn around 50k.

I'm just interested - just don't reply if you don't want to!!! I'm amazed loads of people aren't interested!

I always think of mumsnet as a safe anonymous forum - is it not?

OP posts:
Wishingandwaiting · 20/10/2017 20:32

8 years ago I was on £50k, easy job, minimal pressure. I was 28 and about to take a leap up the ladder. Didn’t return after birth of my first child.

The key is the the job was in the City. So many like that, esp in insurance. Not much pressure, no long hours, well paid. I hope to return!

putdownyourphone · 20/10/2017 20:35

31 and on £42k but it's now pro rata due to reducing my hours. DP is 36 and earns £100k after bonuses

Mandraki · 20/10/2017 20:35

27 and on £17,500, or I was before mat leave. Now I’m on a pittance!

Wishingandwaiting · 20/10/2017 20:37

Ex on £152k plus £60k bonus.

drinkswineoutofamug · 20/10/2017 20:38

40, £22k nhs

PoohBearsHole · 20/10/2017 20:43

work 40 days a year earn £5,500 so v part time but day rate of £130

bunerison · 20/10/2017 20:43

Currently about £27k for 2.5 days a week in the voluntary sector. DH has earned about £250k with his bonus for the last couple of years.

MadameJosephine · 20/10/2017 20:44

I’ve got 2 jobs, a full time one in NHS and a part time one in the private sector (about 10 hours a month) Total earnings about £43k


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MadameJosephine · 20/10/2017 20:45

Oh and I’m 46

rjay123 · 20/10/2017 20:47

33, £78k

RaindropsAndSparkles · 20/10/2017 20:52

Hmm. About £60k. DH never quite sure.

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