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To ask what your DP/DH does that annoys you the most?

147 replies

DaisyRaine90 · 14/10/2017 17:24

Was in the middle of cooking last night and he swooped in And told me I was doing it wrong (recipe from my memory not written down, and which I had not cooked for him before). Did the same thing last week when I was going the roast.

Also points out “helpful suggestions” when I’m changing babies nappy, burping him etc. (If you know so much better you do it, grr!)

Tells me he’ll just do the hoovering etc. Because I take too long and he can do it quicker.

He says I’m being a “over sensitive millennial” and that he shouldn’t have to pander to me. We Both agree that if you are doing a bad job you should be pulled it but OMG give me a break already.

He also talks about things in front of the kids which I think are private/ age inappropriate topics, but says it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand (they definitely don’t 😂)
I still think we should be getting in good practice for when they are able to understand --it may be sooner than we think so best to be prepared
I am not perfect by any stretch and I have a habit of shouting over little things and taking things really personally. I am an over sensitive millennial I’m sure 😂

What does your DP/DH do that drives you mental? Love him and mostly things are great, but this just winds me up 😂

OP posts:
Greenleave · 15/10/2017 22:26

I laughed out loud at many of your posts and mine is similar to Rousete that he spend a long time staring to the fridge. We have a massive American one and he always open both doors and just stands there watching, not even reaching out to anything, just staring. My 2 girls are very much like him in everything even their look...sigh!!

Justgivemesomepeace · 15/10/2017 22:39

Never put pots in the dishwasher, just dumps them on the side. Rubbish doesn't get to the bin. Yogurt pots, wrappers, banana skins are left on the plates and walked past the bin to the kitchen side. Never makes the bed. Ever. Never uses the end of the loo roll, shower gel, juice, milk- just opens another so we have 2 of everything floating around. Ditto tea towels- we can have 5 or 6 knocking about because he just gets new ones out. Puts nothing away then tells me the house is disorganised. Won't throw things out so the shed, pantry, loft, under stairs cupboard are bursting but it's all my stuff apparently. Chucks all the toys into tubs and mixes them all up so Lego, Kinect, jigsaw pieces, pencil etc are all chucked in random boxes and nothing is usable until i go through it all and sort it all out behind him. Can't put shoes or coats away but we all have to have put ours in our bedrooms. If i lovk up on the way out he has to get out the car go back to house and check ive managed to lock up without supervision. Works away all week, thank the lord, comes back at weekend and tells how I should be doing everything.

tigercub50 · 15/10/2017 22:51

This thread comforts me! I think the most annoying thing is that he will pick me up on stuff but then do it himself eg he complains that I keep saying the same thing several times & then he says something at least four times & wonders why I am getting just a tad exasperated! And sometimes he doesn’t listen. Is this a man thing generally though?
He talks through my tv programmes, even though he knows I try not to rattle on when he’s watching something. There’s more but you can’t live with someone without being driven mad sometimes

tigercub50 · 15/10/2017 22:56

Oh & yes to the kitchen surfaces! If you do the rest, why not do them too?!

grumpysquash3 · 15/10/2017 23:04

He makes the most irritating noise when asleep that I could gladly throttle him just to rid my life of it. It’s sort of a ‘puh’ with his lips when exhaling. I’d welcome snoring rather than fucking, twatting ‘puh’

McDougal OMG I am with you. My DH does it in the bits when he's not full on snoring :(

The 'puh' can drive you to the edge. Definitely its a fucking, twatting, 'puh'. I am not normally violent in any way, but in the middle of the night after a couple of hours of 'puh' I am not responsible for my actions.

(just kicking, poking, swearing, before anyone worries....)

I hate sharing a bedroom. I would love to sleep in a nice quiet room that is tidy with nice clean bed linen, a candle, a bookshelf of novels. No DH, no 'puh'.

PurpleWithRed · 15/10/2017 23:09

Is so obsessively neat and tidy we nearly didn’t have our first shag because he had to do the washing up before he came up to bed or he couldn’t concentrate.

Constantly asks ‘What’s the plan for xxx’ when he knows full well I am just making it up as I go along. THERE IS NO BLOODY PLAN. IF YOU WANT A PLAN THEN PLAN IT YOURSELF FGS!

Altwoo · 16/10/2017 06:20

Another puh here.

Tells me about his dreams, every single morning, despite me showing no interest whatsoever. “Uh huh...right...oh...” NOBODY CARES ABOUT DREAMS

mogulfield · 16/10/2017 06:47

purple 😂 my DH does that and it drives me mad, what’s the plan for today Mogul? I then come up with suggestions. He declines all of them and then I ask him to come up with a bloody plan then.
He doesn’t like letting me drive, so when I do I get critised on driving and navigation... (he prefers the ‘quick back route’, I prefer the actual quicker route that google maps suggests).

Roussette · 16/10/2017 07:41

Just realised what the 'puh' is! Yes Yes Yes to that, is it just a male thing. It may be quiet but by god it wakes me when we share a bed, we are so sleep incompatible we sleep seperately a LOT of the time, can thoroughly recommend it

Another thing... if we're off somewhere and he knows when we've got to be there as much as I do. He always asks 'what time are we leaving' It drives me potty! Work it out, I'm not working it out for you!

AnneElliott · 16/10/2017 08:27

My H does most of these too. Apart from the puh noise thing. We have;
Doors/drawers that are never shut
Rubbish not in the bin
Dishwasher stacked but not turned on
Can never make a bloody decision about what to do or where to go
Rings me up at work to ask what shopping we need - when he's at home looking at the fridge!

tigercub50 · 16/10/2017 09:10

And a big yes to the looking for stuff! I wouldn’t mind so much but he will often imply that it’s my fault something’s missing or that he told me to do x but because I did y he now can’t find z!! Ten times worse at the mo because we’re moving so lots of things are packed & of course I am supposed to magically remember exactly where I put things!

MustBeThursday · 16/10/2017 14:49

Leaving me with sole responsibility for remembering everything we need to take out with us and getting annoyed if I forget anything, but equally not liking me asking him if he's put this, that and the other in the car.

Getting annoyed if he wanted to be out by a certain time but I'm not ready/haven't got the DC ready because he hasn't told me he wanted to leave then.

Leaving cupboards/drawers open and things strewn around the house.

But the most annoying thing - Giving me a blow for blow rundown of EVERY LITTLE BIT of housework he does, regardless of if I've seen him do it or not.

MaisieDotes · 16/10/2017 21:04

Mine does the puh and also (on other occasions) the anti-puh which is a kind of clicky catch at the back of his throat for every breath.

It's either snoring, the puh or the click. Never just normal breathing Angry

DaisyRaine90 · 16/10/2017 21:20

Another one to add to the list 😂

When I’m in the shop and ring him to ask if he needs anything and he gives me a really long detailed list

Well, I wasn’t planning to get a basket 🙄 or break a fifty 😂🤣

OP posts:
Bluebell9 · 16/10/2017 21:33

Mine is another, leaves everything everywhere, but then asked me where his phone, shoes, jacket etc are!

But the worst for me is the crumbs on the kitchen worktop or table. It's like he can't see them, I'll leave a clean kitchen the next time I go in, he's made food and left crumbs on the worktop. And he never cleans the table after DC have eaten too, they get food everywhere!

I do love him really

ludog · 16/10/2017 21:39

'Tidies' my stuff away into stupid places. I left ear rings on my dresser yesterday while I was showering. He swooped in to tidy, so I looked in my jewellery ear rings but I did find a box of matches, an old football match ticket (of his) and a strip of paracetamol. My ear rings? They were in the bottom of my make-up bag ( obviously...duh!!)

Bluebell9 · 16/10/2017 21:40

Oh and asking me what's for tea everyday. Even the days when I'm at work and he isn't. We both work full time, he can cook and we don't have food planned for each day. There is a list of meals we have the ingredients for on the fridge, he could just pick something from there or look in the freezer and see what he fancies. I've started to reply 'whatever you want to cook' when he asks.

EvilDoctorBallerinaVampireDuck · 16/10/2017 21:42

Put things in the washing machine when it's already full.

EvilDoctorBallerinaVampireDuck · 16/10/2017 21:47

I get "what time are you going out?" When we're ready, I can't be more accurate than that, I have children.

Kyyria · 16/10/2017 22:39


Clears up after cooking but never wipes down the counters

When emptying the dishwasher, if he's not sure where something goes will just leave it in a random place on the side. Why not just ask where it lives and put it away?!?

Can't make the bed properly (duvets sideways on cover etc)

Always hangs towels back up in the bathroom, but will leave them folded if they are do you expect them to dry out?!

If he's ready to head up to bed he'll turn the tv back on to cbeebies (as it remembers the last channel and it's useful for the little one in the morning), but will then head up to bed leaving the tv on!!!

Wears socks for more than one day (although he s much better with this than when I first met him).

Never does any household chores unless I physically ask him to.

That said I know I'm not perfect. He's complain that I'm deaf as a post and never wash up the recycling!

amicissimma · 16/10/2017 23:15

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Autumnskiesarelovely · 16/10/2017 23:34

Tells me I can’t hoover very well as I’m short sighted. But then doesn’t hoover for ages. And misses the corners. So I have to go over it anyway.

Tells me how lucky I am to have someone who does housework. But he never ever cleans the toilets or bathrooms, apparently that’s my job. Yuk!

Always has the remote control. Always asks what I want to watch. But really doesn’t want to watch my tv. So it’s a ridiculous game of me saying I’ll watch so and so, something we both like —he likes— and him saying don’t choose on my account... oh wasted time later!

Procastinates to the nth degree. About everything. He spent two years deciding on a sofa. True.

Noisy eater.

Tries to make everything about me but really it’s for him, ‘I’ll just give you a break from me, I’ll go out... ‘


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