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To ask what your DP/DH does that annoys you the most?

147 replies

DaisyRaine90 · 14/10/2017 17:24

Was in the middle of cooking last night and he swooped in And told me I was doing it wrong (recipe from my memory not written down, and which I had not cooked for him before). Did the same thing last week when I was going the roast.

Also points out “helpful suggestions” when I’m changing babies nappy, burping him etc. (If you know so much better you do it, grr!)

Tells me he’ll just do the hoovering etc. Because I take too long and he can do it quicker.

He says I’m being a “over sensitive millennial” and that he shouldn’t have to pander to me. We Both agree that if you are doing a bad job you should be pulled it but OMG give me a break already.

He also talks about things in front of the kids which I think are private/ age inappropriate topics, but says it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand (they definitely don’t 😂)
I still think we should be getting in good practice for when they are able to understand --it may be sooner than we think so best to be prepared
I am not perfect by any stretch and I have a habit of shouting over little things and taking things really personally. I am an over sensitive millennial I’m sure 😂

What does your DP/DH do that drives you mental? Love him and mostly things are great, but this just winds me up 😂

OP posts:
ssd · 15/10/2017 11:47

dh watches football constantly, I mean constantly

and we only have one telly

youvegottobekidding · 15/10/2017 12:05

Defnotadomestic...yes it's has crossed my mind if he could have ocd, he's actually the same if we leave the house to go anywhere, it takes him about 5mins to check the door, look over the face to see if the door is shut, go back to the front door to make sure that's locked, even though it's never been opened, then back to look over the fence to check the back door - all this while he'd prefer me to wait with him - seriously he's scared of his own shadow!! I LOVE Halloween 😂I get to scare the shit out of him!!

He also snores extremely loud. So much, if he's asleep on the sofa, scares the kids. And when he farts, he makes us all weep, that's how loud & smelly his farts are.

Of course I probably do things that must annoy him! The best one is never finishing my cup of tea. I always leave a small amount at the bottom, don't know why I just do, I've never been able to finish a cuppa! I do it all the more knowing it annoys him though!!

LockedOutOfMN · 15/10/2017 12:07

Sneezes incredibly loudly many times per day and often many times in a row (like 20 to 30, not 4 or 5).

Petty but it annoys me.

0hDeer · 15/10/2017 12:08

Leaves bunched up were towels around the house.

OP I really don't like the way you're being spoken to - that's so dismissive, he's not engaging in conversation, is he? Is he quite a bit older than you?

DaisyRaine90 · 15/10/2017 12:43

OhDeer he’s a couple of years older than me. He’s lovely most of the time just intolerant of people doing things wrong 🙄 we are both millennials. 😂

OP posts:
SaltAndPeppaPig · 15/10/2017 13:10

Love this thread Grin

My man is pretty perfect...but a few things do my nut in!

  • Inside out socks, everywhere. In fact most clothes are discarded inside out. I have 2 laundry piles in the bedroom - lights and darks - he can never put things in the right pile, I’m lucky if they’re even left in the general area at all, and not on the bathroom floor, landing etc. He also likes to wear something clean-on for a couple of hours and dump on the floor or sofa so I never know if he wants it washing or if he might re-wear it at some point.

  • Never knows where his stuff is, always asking me and if I don’t know because it’s not my shit and I’m not a mind-reader he gets in a huff with me for being in a huff with him!

  • Likes to leave plates and dishes “to soak” in the washing up bowl, but leaves them overnight so I’m greeted in the morning by stone-cold, greasy scummy water and dishes. He also likes to “hide” dirty baking trays and grill pans inside the oven, so when I think I’m done washing up and cleaning the kitchen I find them blackened and gopping in the oven.

  • Uses countless cloths and tea towels when he’s cooking or cleaning in the kitchen so there are no clean ones left in the drawer. But he’s a brilliant cook so I can’t complain too much.

Can’t think of any more, but to his credit he looks after me very well and is better than me in a lot of ways around the house! If he had to compile a list of things I do that irritate him, it would be a mile-long because I’m a lazy slattern GrinGrinGrin
ChipInTheSugar · 15/10/2017 13:18

Can I ask .... if you were just DATING your OH and you knew about all these bad habits, would you still marry them?

My boyfriend drives me mad forgetting his keys, pocket calling me, driving in the middle lane, not ‘seeing’ dirt around the house, socially a bit awkward, not giving two shiny shits what he wears in terms of appropriateness to occasion, always tucks his t shirts in because they’re too small ... I could go on.

My point is, are these annoying things to be accepted in a marriage but not a new-ish relationship? Or do you all have an over riding love that compensates for the annoying stuff?

DaisyRaine90 · 15/10/2017 13:35


Depends if you can live with those grievances or not.

Because you can’t ever expect to change anyone else’s behaviour, only your own 😊

OP posts:
Ikabod · 15/10/2017 15:32

He says "for future reference..." then tells me something I've done wrong... often something really banal but it drives me nuts.

He cooks rice in a milk pan (so most of it sticks to the pan and ends up in the bin) and chops onions across the width and not root to tip.

When he sorts the recycling, he only ever does half of it, never all of it. I don't know why.

All of these things (apart from the first) are so petty, saying something would make me look pedantic. Maybe if I started it with "for future reference... you don't chop onions like that" (or whatever), he may stop but I doubt it!

NoFuckingRoomOnMyBroom · 15/10/2017 15:39

Today he's annoying me because he's breathing.
More generally his inability to make a decision & his fucking attitude if something I've suggested turns out not to be great.

comingintomyown · 15/10/2017 16:23

Very funny thread I'm divorced so enjoying all the more 😂

DS almost 21 has recently started sighing heavily the whole time it's so irritating and he really ramps it up when he is due to do a chore . Jesus if I had to limber up to that extent to empty the dishwasher I'd be exhausted

iklboo · 15/10/2017 16:54

Posted in another thread by mistake - should have been here:

Having done three loads of washing I was having a nice cup of tea. DH was wandering in and out of the kitchen 'doing jobs'. On about the third time he came in holding up a wet sock (obviously dropped between washer and dryer).

'Is this sock on the floor for a reason?'

Oh, yes DH. Glad you noticed. It's all part of my new interior design look. Kirsty Allsop was banging on about 'soggy sock on the lino' decorations only last week you fucking titspanner.

Actual words from me: 'oh, right. Just put it in the dryer with the others please'.

Arrowfanatic · 15/10/2017 17:00

Makes a clicking noise when he sleeps

Never finished a job, will make the kids lunch but not put the bread, peanut butter etc away

Sits on his Xbox and forgets the outside world exists. Don't get me wrong, I have zero issue of he wants to play Xbox all day but I expect him to be aware if the cats need feeding or the kids want lunch or the washing machine is beeping as it's finished and deal with it.

Doesn't do ANY housework of any description.

Organises to go out with his friends, away for weekends, small trips abroad etc. Then moans that I am away every 4 months for half a day for my sport (and I have to do it as I own the club) then when I raise it claims he doesn't moan every time (He does)

Leaves his underpants on the bathroom floor

If he cooks he leaves a sprinkling of food in the pans so he doesn't have to put them in the dishwasher, too little food for anyone to eat. Will leave a tiny handful of cereal in the box so he doesn't have to be the one to throw it away and do the recycling.

However he's brilliant in so many other ways. Works super hard, will often sort the kids dinners on weekends when he's off as I declare I'm done for the week, will take them out, looks after me when my health issues cause me problems and says he loves me every day.

Mrstwiddle · 15/10/2017 18:02

Constant sniffing
Is just so noisy in everything he does
Butt crack frequently in display (this one in particular drives me crazy)
Like others, unable to find anything that isn't directly under his nose
Mansplains all the time
Great cook but leaves mountain of washing up
Leaves wet bunched up towels lying around
Keeps fridge door open during the entire process of making a meal

There's more but these are the ones that spring to mind. Meant to be marrying next year but every day am having doubts that I can live with this forever!

DaisyRaine90 · 15/10/2017 18:45

I read that as great cock but never does the washing up 😂🤣

OP posts:
Spangles1963 · 15/10/2017 18:56

My exP used to drive me up the wall by lobbing various items of his clothing around the bedroom as he took them off. So a sock would end up behind the chair in the corner,T-shirt would fall down behind the bed,and pants would end up behind the cupboard. I asked him repeatedly not to do it as I have quite bad mobility problems and would have trouble retrieving things from behind cupboards etc,and if I asked him to do it I would just get the response 'I'll do it later'. Which he never did. In the end,there was a massive row because I just left them,then when he asked where a certain T-shirt was that he'd 'put out for washing' and I replied 'Where you left it. Behind the chair in the corner'. He had a hissy fit and I said it was his own bloody fault for being such a messy slob. It was one of the numerous reasons he is now my ex.

user1andonly · 15/10/2017 20:26

The airing cupboard.

One pile of small towels, one pile of medium towels, one pile of large towels...

Which bit of this does he not understand?!?!?! Shock

iamyourequal · 15/10/2017 20:31

Mine leaves all lights, tvs radios on and never turns them off. He does very little housework other than dishwasher. He has zero tolerance for our own kids or any visiting kids when it comes to horseplay/bickering etc. All these I don't mind, but the going in a sudden gloomy huff for hours/days on end without saying why really gets me down.

Roussette · 15/10/2017 20:57

If we're out walking and someone is walking behind us, he'll grab me and say 'watch out the way' to let them pass. It drives me insane - if they want me to move they can ask themselves!

OMG yes to this. Like i'm so 95 year old who has to be steered around in case I get in the way of the rest of the population. Soooo irritating.

Also he opens the fridge and stares. Like there's a telly in there. When I ask him what he's doing, he says 'I'm just looking at what's in here'. CLOSE THE EFFING FRIDGE DOOR!!

He does this 'u-oh- sound. Hard to explain. Usually when he's attempting DIY and it's all going wrong. U-oh he says and I think shit...

mostimproved · 15/10/2017 21:32

I am crying with laughter at some of these - the ‘puh’ sound especially, didn’t realise there were others that share my pain! It keeps me awake but I find sort of pushing his lips together stops it (this doesn’t wake him up). Mine also can’t find anything and can’t put anything in the bin/cupboards/laundry basket and instead leaves it next to/on top of the intended receptacle - it must be hardwired as they all seem to do it, along with hour long shits and leaving shoes lying around.

Also yes to ‘announcing’ things e.g “the cat’s been sick” - well clean it up then, why are you telling me if you discovered it first?!!

To add to all of the above, my DP insist that I stand and talk to him while he’s cooking/shaving/painting a door, yet if I’m doing anything he sits on the sofa staring at his phone.. it’s as if he can’t bear to see me sitting and relaxing on my own for five minutes so he has to assign me a task! He loves to do half a task and delegate the other half to me e.g takes the bin out and then asks me to put in a new bag.. Just finish the task you started FFS! Ahhh this is very cathartic, I blame his mother for most of the above and am determined not to let my son go the same way!

EarlGreyT · 15/10/2017 21:40

unable to find anything that isn't directly under his nose

Yes to this. Mine sometimes can't find things even when they ARE directly under his nose.

We have annoying conversations which go like this
Him: "where's the butter?"
Me: "in the fridge"
Him "where in the fridge."
Me: " I don't know, but it's in there somewhere"
Him: "it's not in there"
Me: 'yes it is"
Him: "it's not"
Me: "it is. If I come over there and find it after you've insisted it's not there, I'll be really annoyed"
Him: "oh yes, there it is"

Him: "where are my glasses?"
Me (somewhat unhelpfully): "where you left them"

It drives me mad, made even more maddening as conversations like this make me realise I've turned into my mother.

rousette YES to the opening the fridge and staring like there's a telly in there. Why?? And you'd think given this, he'd have an encyclopaedic knowledge of where everything in the bloody fridge is and we wouldn't need to have exchanges like the top one above.

The other really irritating thing he does is mumbles while facing away from me when saying something to me and then gets annoyed when I can't hear him.

Or, saying he's ready to go and he appears to be waiting for me (usually despite not having his shoes on). I'm rapidly out of the house and in the car ready to leave. He then almost without fail, suddenly remembers he needs to go upstairs for something/get a jumper/find his glasses/faff around for 10 minutes as well as put his shoes on despite a few minutes earlier having been pacing around and saying I need to hurry up, that he's ready to leave and I'm going to make us late if I'm not ready soon. It drives me mental as he often then makes us late with his bloody faffing.

ilovepixie · 15/10/2017 21:52

Does the Puh
Pants loudly instead of breathing
Thinks he’s always right
Tells me when I’m driving there a pedestrian/ bike/ other car 2 miles up the road!
Looks at his hand and says Ay Oh when he’s stressed.
He’s an annoying fucker at times but he’s my annoying fucker and I love him.


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iklboo · 15/10/2017 22:06

Strangles a sneeze. So he kind of goes 'AH....AH...AH... nggnngnnnngnn'. Just fecking sneeze properly already!

SleightOfMind · 15/10/2017 22:13

There's only one thing, but it's bad.
If we're out, and he wants to say something less than flattering about someone, he'll do this weird voice that he thinks no one can hear but me.

Everyone can hear him, including the person he's talking about. It's horrible.
The volume doesn't change, just the voice.

I run away from him now as soon as I hear that tone. He won't do it if I'm not right next to him as he thinks I wouldn't be able to hear him Hmm.

gamerchick · 15/10/2017 22:15

Heh the sneeze Grin the husband does this huge MACHOO MACHOO sneek. I get irrationally irritated if he misses the sneek out after nearly jumping out of my skin.

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