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To ask what your DP/DH does that annoys you the most?

147 replies

DaisyRaine90 · 14/10/2017 17:24

Was in the middle of cooking last night and he swooped in And told me I was doing it wrong (recipe from my memory not written down, and which I had not cooked for him before). Did the same thing last week when I was going the roast.

Also points out “helpful suggestions” when I’m changing babies nappy, burping him etc. (If you know so much better you do it, grr!)

Tells me he’ll just do the hoovering etc. Because I take too long and he can do it quicker.

He says I’m being a “over sensitive millennial” and that he shouldn’t have to pander to me. We Both agree that if you are doing a bad job you should be pulled it but OMG give me a break already.

He also talks about things in front of the kids which I think are private/ age inappropriate topics, but says it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand (they definitely don’t 😂)
I still think we should be getting in good practice for when they are able to understand --it may be sooner than we think so best to be prepared
I am not perfect by any stretch and I have a habit of shouting over little things and taking things really personally. I am an over sensitive millennial I’m sure 😂

What does your DP/DH do that drives you mental? Love him and mostly things are great, but this just winds me up 😂

OP posts:
catsarenice · 15/10/2017 07:25

Eating yogurt with a teeny tiny spoon and only putting the smallest amount on said spoon. He wolfs everything else down in massive mouthfuls! Not sure why it winds me up so much but I have to look away!

Frouby · 15/10/2017 07:42

Mine successfully ignores all laundry. Can walk past a huge pile of dirty clothes, a full ans beeping tumble dryer, a pile of ironing or clean, ironed clothes waiting to be put away.

But the fucker has ishoos with my washing line. As soon as he gets in from work if there is washing on the line he goes and feels it and as long as it is at least 75% dry he gets a basket, launches it in (crumpled) and then takes my fecking line down. Regardless of the fact that there may be more wet washing to go on it.

Unless I am out and it starts raining.

He also leaves canoe sized shoes everywhere. Including on his feet when he is sat with feet on the sofa.

Loses things and blames everyone else.

Loses my things by 'tidying' stuff away. Usually somewhere stupid like the top of the cabinet for my handbag. Or top of the kitchen cupboards for important paperwork.

Sighs and goes 'eehh dear' when he is stressed.

Leaves his toothbrush on the side of the sink every fucking morning and night.

Waits until his prescription is nearly run out before asking me to order a new one. Then acts shocked it takes 2 working days because today is friday and he only has 2 days left.

Christ that list is long. Supposed to be marrying him next year.

BillBrysonsBeard · 15/10/2017 07:46

Leaves empty packets, containers and bottles on the side in the kitchen instead of putting in the bin right next to him!
Leaves wet towels draped over things..

Orangeplastic · 15/10/2017 07:58

Takes an hour to shit every morning - we have to schedule his shit times into our weekends and holidays!

Ropsleybunny · 15/10/2017 08:06

My DH does most of these. This thread is hilarious 😂😂😂

burntoutmum · 15/10/2017 08:24

Has to Announce everything - so if he’s in the kitchen and found something spilt etc, he’ll have to come and find me to tell me, he can’t just get on and clean it up

He always needs help with everything, all things that when he’s at work he must think a fairy comes and helps me with! Frustrates me as it means with a lot of things I never get a break!

He’s very good at looking after himself, doing his own washing, ironing ( without checking if there’s other stuff that needs doing), sandwiches for next days lunch. The one that really winds me up is I’ll spend ages cooking a nice meal for everyone and when it comes to sitting down at the table he’ll arrange himself a drink ( sometimes for children too) but never me. I think that’s quite a selfish attitude and I often consider not making him dinner!!! I’ve spoken to him about it and he got really huffy and didn’t change!


Phoebeandme · 15/10/2017 08:25

This thread is a great read Grin

Never mows the lawn, never brings the bin back in, never on time, can’t think for himself, whines like a child with pathetic excuses, never takes ownership over his fuck ups. Apologies rather than action. Dickhead.

LucieLucie · 15/10/2017 08:33

• Speaks in a shouting voice
• Snores and won’t do anything about it
• Moves things and denies he’s moved them
• Washes himself only once a week if that
• Picks his nose and rolls the bogey btwn his fingers for agesEnvy
• Leaves the kitchen like a shitstorm when he’s prepared a meal
• Doesn’t use a plate to spread bread/toast leaving crumbs all over the worktops
• Needs instructions to do anything

Sighs ...

Dontgiveaflyingfuck · 15/10/2017 08:36

Is incapable of putting rubbish in the bin. He will clear the table and leave a neat pile of rubbish on the fucking table!

Walks into rooms where people are watching telly blasting music/radio off his phone and takes ages to turn it off. But huffs if the telly is paused!! And worse shouts at the dds if they interupt his tv viewing.

Has to be always right. Even if it is my specalist field which he knows fuck all about. I've given up and just let him rabbit.

Doubletrouble42 · 15/10/2017 08:51

Leaves used teabags by the sink, and walks really slowly all the time. Especially when he is in my way. Reading some of these comments I realise I got off lightly! Hilarious thread.

MorrisZapp · 15/10/2017 09:10

When out for some family time, and meandering anywhere with shops, he says 'I'll catch you up'. But we aren't going anywhere, we're on a family meander. So what he really means is 'can you take DS off and entertain him while I take some personal time to look at v neck jumpers'.

See also walking ahead because 'you're so slow'. Actually it's DS that's slow, and as a parent I'm not inclined to leave him unsupervised.

pp2017 · 15/10/2017 09:15

If left to do the shopping unsupervised only buys foods he and DS eat. Claims he doesn’t know what I like. We’ve been together 20 years 🤔

Same applies to doing the laundry.

catsarenice · 15/10/2017 09:19

Wow! Actually think I'm quite lucky with my DP and his ridiculous yogurt eating after reading the rest of these !!!

passthecremeeggs · 15/10/2017 09:38

Arrghhhhh the "puh"!! I genuinely thought I was the only one experiencing this hell at night. I'd take a loud snore over the gently consistent, rage inducing "puh....puh....puh...". FFS!!

Glittermakeseverythingbetter · 15/10/2017 09:38

I've thought of some more...
Puts his shoes on ready to go out, then realises he's left his keys upstairs and not sure where he's left his wallet, so asks me to go back up and find them as he's already got his shoes on.
Has 20 million different coats and shoes in the downstairs coat cupboard that all look the same to me, wears different coat and shoes each time he goes out, but never puts the ones he's not wearing back in the cupboard, so my first job in the morning is to hang all his coats back up in the cupboard as I hate clutter.

Does this annoying thing, if I choose something, he says "what about this instead"

  • examples;
    If I ask him to get me some cheesecake out of the fridge he'll say "there's a chocolate cake in there too." If I wanted chocolate cake I would have asked him to get me that.
    On the way home with our kids, I said I really fancied some chips from the chip shop. He said "do you want a Chinese?" I said "okay then", thinking he wanted to share a Chinese meal. He dropped us home, went for the food. Came back with chips for him and the kids and a Chinese for me!!! Wtaf it was me that fancied chips in the first place. I brought that up in an argument recently so he's stopped doing it.
Ideserveaholiday · 15/10/2017 09:43

Another one - never turns the telly off - even if he's the only one watching and has left the house. Accuses me of hiding the remote if I ask him why he didn't switch the telly off. Always launches into a discussion about something random when I'm watching Casualty. Gets annoyed if I pause the telly so I don't miss anything (really gets cross at my inability to listen to two things at the same time). Ooh this is cathartic.

Takeoutyourhen · 15/10/2017 09:53


Dirty stuff on top of the dishwasher.

Leaving tumble dryer full of clothes which will get crumpled.

Happy to wear said crumpled shirts because he cba to iron them.

Makes a meal but leaves the kitchen as a bomb site then is suddenly late then off he goes.

Sighs when stressed, but so audible like competitive sighing. I ask him how he is but it doesn't do any good or stops the am dram sighing.

Attempts to win at being the most tired.

And one of my biggest bug bears:

We have to be somewhere far away for lunch. I've done a load of prep, nappies, spare clothes for kids just in case, snacks, drinks etc for the drive. He will lie in bed with his laptop until 15 mins before we have to leave getting annoyed with me suggesting he gets up/showers/dresses one of the two kids. So I'm left doing everything and then whilst he's sat waiting in the car I'm still rounding everything up. The entire process of getting ready and leaving the house would be so much simpler if he helped.
Mind you, it only really happens if it's anything to do with a family do on my side of the family...

Ahh, that's better!

LakieLady · 15/10/2017 10:03

At last I have a name for the irritating sleep noise that DP sometimes deploys as an alternative to snoring and farting! Thank you. Grin

So many of these men have the same irritating habits I'm starting to wonder if they're genetically programmed in the Y chromosome. And would a few generations of committed programming of sons by their mothers eradicate these traits?

ImEoinMcLove · 15/10/2017 10:04

To be fair, I think I'm by far the more annoying one in our relationship, but my biggest bugbear is his inability to look for anything.

He'll ask where the scissors is. I'll say 'in the same drawer it's always been'. He'll open said drawer and if the fecking thing isn't sitting right at the top flashing at him seductively then 'it's not there'. I then come in, move an envelope & reveal the scissors.

It drives me crazy that looking for stuff always becomes a 2 person job Angry


Ah but he's lovely really.

Gottagetmoving · 15/10/2017 10:09

My daughter's husband calls or texts her at work in the evenings to ask where in the fridge is the cheese? Or to tell her one of the kids doesn't want pasta so what should he give them....and various other questions that prove he is a moron.

NoKidsTwoCats · 15/10/2017 10:13

Ooh. If he unloads the dishwasher he puts stuff away but IN A DIFFERENT PLACE EVERY TIME.

He's another performance cleaner when people are over.

If I give him a list of stuff to do (I have to otherwise he does nothing) he has to text me to tell me he's done each item. I can't work out if he's expecting praise or if he's trying to make himself sound busy 😂

Riddo · 15/10/2017 10:58

DH walks slightly ahead of me all the time which is annoying in itself but then starts talking to me and I can't hear him.

He takes his shoes off and leaves them right in the middle of the floor.

He used to make himself a drink but not offer me one but I've pointed out how selfish that is so many times that he's started to make me one too. It's only taken 25 years!


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Glittermakeseverythingbetter · 15/10/2017 11:32

Ah yes, mine also has the 'can't seem to find anything' problem. Yesterday I asked him to change a battery in a remote control as he had the batteries out anyway, and I told him which drawer it was in. He couldn't find it in the drawer. I thought to myself, I expect it's buried under a paperclip or something, but no - he couldn't find it because it was upside down !!!!!!Confused

BillBrysonsBeard · 15/10/2017 11:41

Yes to the can't find anything problem! If it's under or behind anything then he is flummoxed.. it is only findable to him if its staring him in the face. It sounds like a widespread problem... I don't get it Confused

LakieLady · 15/10/2017 11:44

The mansearch thing is weird. Perhaps you have to have 2 X chromosomes to develop the ability to rummage AND see stuff, simultaneously.

My ex was a dreadful mansearcher. He'd get more and more angry that object A wasn't in drawer B. When I was eventually sufficiently tired of his ranting to go and find A pretty much where I said it would be, he'd get even angrier and accuse me of "doing it to wind [him] up".
When I pointed out that if I wanted to wind him up, I'd tell him A was somewhere different entirely, I got a tirade of abuse in which the phrases "You're such a fucking smartarse" and "You think you're so fucking clever" featured prominently.

He was vile. The most irritating thing he ever did was draw breath.

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