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McDonald's like Dad advert

150 replies

sadmommyhere · 13/05/2017 01:00

I cannot believe what I have just witnessed!

An advert where this poor lad obviously feels like he doesn't measure up to his deceased father. We go through this sad journey, it's all grey and sad... SadSad

Then 💥Bam 💥 Tartare sauce on the chin and filet o fish burger and all is well!

My husband and I were gobsmacked, quickly followed by a huge outburst of laughter.

Aibu to think this advert is just... wow? Hmm

OP posts:
NotYoda · 13/05/2017 18:13


Yes. Or there's some whole other narrative going on

Next advert: "He's not your dad! But never mind, here's let's go to Maccy D's and meet my old friend Gary"

NannyPlum82 · 13/05/2017 18:14

Bubblebed - I'm obviously hormonal too as I liked it. Damn pregnancy hormones!!

Vanillaradio · 13/05/2017 18:16

I have brown eyes, dh has very dark grey eyes and ds has light blue eyes. We are definitely his parents.misses point of thread

kali110 · 13/05/2017 18:21

I must be seeing it a different way, i liked it.

LightYears · 13/05/2017 18:30

I agree, was awful, my teenage son thought so too.

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 13/05/2017 21:31

Me, too Giraffe. What a stupid advert. All that for a Mcfuckindonalds.

user1493759849 · 13/05/2017 21:36

It is a bit Confused

But I do feel the reaction is a BIT over the top. I don't think anyone meant to offend.

On a slightly different tangent, who is the actress who plays the mother? She is familiar but I cannot think where I've seen her before.

kali110 · 13/05/2017 21:39

Yes! Was she in the bill? Or a soap?

BuntyFigglesworthSpiffington · 13/05/2017 21:43

She was in those long running broadband ads about the guy moving in with the single mum. I think she may have been in Spooks too.

userpol · 13/05/2017 21:57

user, they're McDonalds - their marketing budget is probably the size of most companies dream operating budget. They will have planned and focus-grouped and tested the hell out of this before releasing it - they knew it would provoke a lot of negative reactions. As someone said upthread, it's a marketing ploy.

user1493759849 · 13/05/2017 22:00

Thanks Kali, I will go check on google...... Smile

Re userpol. I get what you're saying but I still think the reaction to it is a bit OTT.


I HATED the last one they did, where that wet lad was at the drive-thru, and he went all gaga and speechless because some plain, ordinary looking girl with tattoos was giving him the eye.

Wriggler79 · 13/05/2017 22:15

How did that kid not know what colour his dad's eyes were?! It's something my lot talked about from 5 up.

user1493759849 · 13/05/2017 22:40

Can't find her in spooks or the bill. Still none the wiser who the woman who plays the mother is. Sad

user1493759849 · 13/05/2017 22:44

Found her! Looked at Broadband ad single mother!

Esther Hall.

McDonald's like Dad advert
user1493759849 · 13/05/2017 22:47

Turns out she was in Spooks after all! I couldn't see her when I looked first of all. Oh well. Mystery solved. Thanks everyone. Grin

hapagirl · 13/05/2017 23:05

I was pretty agog at that! I wasn't watching it with anyone so I actually doubted what I saw. I haven't been widowed and I haven't lost a parent so it's not a personal thing. It was just in such bad taste and inappropriate.

Girliefriendlikesflowers · 13/05/2017 23:08

Glad I'm not alone in thinking WTAF when I saw this advert, really poor taste.

The Tesco one gives me the rage.

SafeWord · 13/05/2017 23:18

Shamefully cynical.

Littlelondoner · 13/05/2017 23:26

I got really confused by this..mgenuinely thought it was a charity advert then was like wtf is his dad ronald mc donald or something.

Strangest advert ever....

BuntyFigglesworthSpiffington · 13/05/2017 23:29

then was like wtf is his dad ronald mc donald or something


Well she did say in the ad that his dad was always smartly turned out! And Ronald is one dapper clown.

kali110 · 13/05/2017 23:32

I think it's ott too. I think i've taken the advert completely different! I found it nice.

UnaPalomaBlanca · 13/05/2017 23:34

Let's hope the dad didn't die from an unhealthy diet.


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CauliflowerSqueeze · 13/05/2017 23:37

Awful. And it wasn't pulled - I saw it this evening.

WellThisIsShit · 13/05/2017 23:53

Sounds like a big advertising misfire... I wonder whether they'll hunker down and whether the reaction, or go the defensive about it. Hummm.

MissionItsPossible · 14/05/2017 00:26

I decided to search 'Mcdonalds' and see if there was a thread already involving this disgusting advert so not to start a new one needlessly. Glad that other people think it is in poor and bad taste. I think it's disgusting.

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