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McDonald's like Dad advert

150 replies

sadmommyhere · 13/05/2017 01:00

I cannot believe what I have just witnessed!

An advert where this poor lad obviously feels like he doesn't measure up to his deceased father. We go through this sad journey, it's all grey and sad... SadSad

Then 💥Bam 💥 Tartare sauce on the chin and filet o fish burger and all is well!

My husband and I were gobsmacked, quickly followed by a huge outburst of laughter.

Aibu to think this advert is just... wow? Hmm

OP posts:
Talith · 13/05/2017 11:59

I quite liked the McDonalds ad Blush but I fecking loathe their burgers. Tiny and chewy. Not a patch on Burger King.

FreshColeslaw · 13/05/2017 12:04

See the NatWest one - with suffragettes, world war 2 heros, the homeless. It makes me see red to see people's politics and feelings and bravery co-opted onto some advert for a bank! The Alzheimers one is the same - Brexit, racism. Whats that got to do with it?

FreshColeslaw · 13/05/2017 12:05

Cancer Research another one - showing people crying about their daughters diagnoses and treatment. Then smiling at the end - because they got cured.

redshoeblueshoe · 13/05/2017 12:15

Fresh - that one makes me feel sick. Also the one with the sick donkeys, I always turn over' so I'm mystified how they fund raise with some of those.

youwouldthink · 13/05/2017 12:26

Cought this one unexpectedly the other evening. DH died 5 years ago and honestly it was like someone had punched me. Ended up crying. Grateful DD wasnt watching!

youwouldthink · 13/05/2017 12:26


AllRoadsLeadBackToRadley · 13/05/2017 12:35

Well thank Christ I found this thread!

I thought it was going to be one of those life insurance adverts!

McShits have just hit a new low.

AnyFucker · 13/05/2017 12:40

I am sorry for all you guys triggered by this shit. Even my DH who never notices stuff like this like I do went "wtf did I just see" when we saw this ad for the 1st time.

CrystalMcPistol · 13/05/2017 12:45

I too thought it was shit and a bit strange. Mother dreamily reminiscing about her dead husband to son who is just desperate to hear 'you remind me so much of him darling'. But no, it turns out the only thing father and son have in common is poor table manners.

The problem with 'heartstring tugging' ads is that they can so easily fall flat. There was a cinematic style Sainsbury's xmas ad that used life in the WWI trenches to sell their tat. I thought it was pretty tasteless.

ButtMuncher · 13/05/2017 12:45

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was agog at it - mainly because the Mum was like, yeah, you're nothing like your Dad, sorry, but hey here is a minging fish thing and woah, yeah you're like your Dad. I was almost expecting her to walk past the Milkman and go "Actually, that's your real Dad" Confused

The SCBU one makes me well up each time - I was lucky enough to bring my baby home healthy and full term but I can see how that advert would really effect people.

CrystalMcPistol · 13/05/2017 12:47

Oh and did anyone else think at the start that it was a BT ad and that her dead husband was the gormless BT ad husband, the annoying bloke from My Family?

That would have made it a better as. I always found him so annoying.

AllRoadsLeadBackToRadley · 13/05/2017 12:50

I thought IWBU until I found this thread. After all, I spent about ten minutes in tears when I first saw the (something about healthy food?) advert- "I want you to show me the way" song playing over a little boy copying his dad?

McShits is a rare treat for my DC here. I don't want it to be associated with sadness and loss ffs!

Maybe I'm being ott now...premenstrual.

NotYoda · 13/05/2017 13:15


Yes, very 'Eee Bah Gum'

Huldra · 13/05/2017 14:36

That is horrible tripe.

I hate the Tesco healthy eating one too. Of course Mother and Daughter are responsible for healthy meals and have to trick the silly man.. There are 4 figures seating at the table at the end, one isn't really shown so I guess that's the son.

Screamer1 · 13/05/2017 14:47

Saw this and thought the same. Awful.

LollipopViolet · 13/05/2017 15:08

Saw it yesterday and it really didn't sit well with me. Like that British Heart Foundation one a while ago. Awful, emotional manipulation.

NotYoda · 13/05/2017 15:11

Watched it again

The mum's a bitch to him

TreeTop7 · 13/05/2017 15:50

The boy is a good actor. That's the only positive thought I can offer where this ad is concerned.

The Tesco one with the manchild is awful, I agree. Imagine having consensual sex with someone who is so stupid, he doesn't know that salmon with couscous is healthy.

squoosh · 13/05/2017 15:58

Imagine having consensual sex with someone who is so stupid, he doesn't know that salmon is healthy


Yes that ad is so irritating. The conspiratorial whispering between mum and daughter and then numpty couscous chomper dad who has no idea he's being had.

squoosh · 13/05/2017 16:00

The McDonalds ad just made me feel sad. But not in a 'oh what a beautiful mother son moment that was', more like 'for Christ's sake woman just tell the boy he's like his father'.

Oldraver · 13/05/2017 16:12

It's rare for an advert to make me emotional, but this did.

Then I was fucking angry that McDonalds could take the subject of a child loosing their father, mother their spouse....TO SELL A FUCKING BURGER..

Because one of the major things you think of when in this situation is...oh he loves the same burger his Father did

Ans all the emotional comparing was way off

Smilingthru · 13/05/2017 16:54

Oh dear lord! That advert is just terrible and such poor taste!


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Sk8128 · 13/05/2017 16:55

If his dad's eyes are brown and the boy's eyes are blue, he clearly isn't the dad. So as well as being an appalling advert, they clearly have no idea of genetics.

KurriKurri · 13/05/2017 17:03

I saw it for the first time last night - thought it was awful. Just drivel from the mind of some advertising tit.

Not even a consistant idea within it - 'was Dad scruffy?' 'No he was always really smart' and yet he couldn't eat without covering his face in tartare sauce. What bollocks.

Just one more to add to the huge list of 'Why McDonalds is a vile company'

CircleofWillis · 13/05/2017 18:12

sk8 the genes for blue eyes are recessive so two brown eyed people could have a blue eyed child.

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