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McDonald's like Dad advert

150 replies

sadmommyhere · 13/05/2017 01:00

I cannot believe what I have just witnessed!

An advert where this poor lad obviously feels like he doesn't measure up to his deceased father. We go through this sad journey, it's all grey and sad... SadSad

Then 💥Bam 💥 Tartare sauce on the chin and filet o fish burger and all is well!

My husband and I were gobsmacked, quickly followed by a huge outburst of laughter.

Aibu to think this advert is just... wow? Hmm

OP posts:
NotYoda · 13/05/2017 08:08

"Emily Somers, VP Marketing at McDonald’s said: “‘Dad’ marks a return to the emotional, affinity-driving TV ads that have been the bedrock of our marketing for a decade. We wanted to drive an emotional connection with our audience, and remind them of all the reasons why they come to us – from our core products, to the unique role that we play in their lives. The ad carries a message of familiarity, however also touches upon the long-standing nature of the relationship that we have with many of our customers – we’ve been there with them, a familiar and consistent beacon over the years.”

babayjane67 · 13/05/2017 08:17

We thought it was awful! I thought it was gonna be for bereavement counselling or something at first.then it was just bloody McDonald's!awful!

NotYoda · 13/05/2017 08:22

I think they just think we are stupid

Real people don't really associate McDonalds with anything other than a cheap meal when you are out shopping or pissed on a night out

The most emotional attachment might be something like a first date as a teenager. The most emotional you might feel is anger at the sight of all the litter blowing down the street

Trying to portray it as some sort of heritage passed from generation to generation is laughable.


PalomaViolets · 13/05/2017 09:33

I lost my Dad when I was young. The advert didn't make me want to rush out and buy a burger.

NotYoda · 13/05/2017 09:46

Ah but Paloma, this father was notable for his neat appearance and his love of a Filet-O-Fish. Many's the time I've heard people's love of a Happy Meal mentioned in their eulogy Wink

PalomaViolets · 13/05/2017 09:51

Ha, NotYoda! My Dad would be turning in his grave if he were to be associated with McDonalds to be honest.

It's just mawkish, isn't it?

HeyHoThereYouGo657 · 13/05/2017 09:57

Don't like it and its so long for an advert too

Notso · 13/05/2017 10:02

YANBU, no son, your absolutely nothing like your Dad, he was amazing and well...but don't worry he liked the most disgusting thing sold in McDonalds too so chin up. WTF

The Tesco one mentioned upthread is shocking too.

Edsheeranalbumparty · 13/05/2017 10:04

DH and i saw this last night and DH said 'maybe the dad died of a heart attack from eating too much McDonalds'.

It's a terrible advert.

WeirdAndPissedOff · 13/05/2017 10:07

Hah - I've been trying for a long time to find that kick up the arse that will stop me visiting McDonald's on my lunch break. The thought that it might be one of the things that's used to define me when I'm gone might just be it!
So the ad is good for one thing, I guess. Grin

Agree that it's an awful ad, though. I guess they don't really know how else to market it - everyone knows what they're getting when they go to McDonald's, but it's not things that sound great in an advert.

CormorantDevouringTime · 13/05/2017 10:18

What's weird is that McDonalds have been pretty spot on with their adverts recently. The one taking the piss out of hipster coffee shops was very popular, and the ones showing a variety of people dropping in at various points in their day were basic but effective. Stupid of them to take such a risk by going full-on emotional.

Sometimes a brand will think it's "worth" offending the very small number of widowed mothers (or whoever) with an insensitive advert if it works for the majority of viewers who absorb it on a more superficial level (e.g. the KFC adoption advert which was pretty divisive) but this seems like it'll get Hmm from everyone even if they're not affected.

NotYoda · 13/05/2017 10:25


I found myself weirdly affected by the one about the old white man and the group of black teens even though I knew I was being manipulated by an evil corporation.

ExcuseMyEyebrows · 13/05/2017 11:01
MusicToMyEars800 · 13/05/2017 11:07

It's just awful as are most adverts, the one that is grating me atm is the Magnum ice cream one, the skinny woman goes to the freezer all dressed up cracks open the ice cream and leans against the door frame with an orgasmic look when she eats it Envy

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 13/05/2017 11:15

Aside from that, that actress has been in everything and so it's just not convincing in the way it's meant to be

Agreed. She is one these actresses whose name you never know but when you see her you think "what was she in?"

It is a terrible advert.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 13/05/2017 11:20

I found myself weirdly affected by the one about the old white man and the group of black teens even though I knew I was being manipulated by an evil corporation

Do you remember one a while back for The Guardian where a black teenager in a hoody was shown running at and pushing an elderly white person out of the way? It then cut away to show something falling from a building site which would have hit the person if the teenager hadn't done so.

AnyFucker · 13/05/2017 11:20


redshoeblueshoe · 13/05/2017 11:21

I saw the advert last night but was to busy asking DH what she had been in.
thanks to the pp who linked it, it is bloody awful.

Lymmmummy · 13/05/2017 11:25

Dreadful don't like the actress in it either - she seems to always be cast as "mum" in adverts and I hate the OTT northern accent used ( think I can say this as j am from
The North myself!!)

deckoff · 13/05/2017 11:28

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BubbleBed · 13/05/2017 11:30

I'm obviously hormonal. I liked it.

saltandvinegarcrisps1 · 13/05/2017 11:30

Truly awful advert but you could aruge its been really successful in the sense that we have now all watched it courtesy of the link on this thread and we are all talking about it. If you believe there is no such thing as bad publicity and its all about keeping the product at the forefront of people's thinking.


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Somerville · 13/05/2017 11:32

It's fucking horrible.

I hope enough people complain that they pull it, and make a bloody huge donation to Winston's Wish.

Mustang27 · 13/05/2017 11:45

It's all my oh eats. So when he pops it at 36 due to his arteries being full of shit il be sure to remind his son that he needs to continue his dads large Big Mac and coke tradition Hmm

Birdsgottaf1y · 13/05/2017 11:56

I think that we do need to be questioning and reacting to what Advertisers decide on.

I know two families that now have to watch their Soaps on Catch up/recorded because of the Pampers "I'm coming home" (SCBU Babies) advert. Their babies didn't get to go home.

It's shown during Coronation Street a lot, just after Michelle has been portraying a Mother still devastated by the death of her prem baby.

I pause at the start of a program so that i can ff through the adverts.

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