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Why oh why did Gwynnie uncouple from Chris Martin?

110 replies

ProserpinaColada · 12/01/2017 22:19

I still don't understand!

OP posts:
Shockers · 13/01/2017 06:26

UnderbeneathsiesTheMistletoe, I think yours is my favourite ever post.

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 13/01/2017 06:56

I like them both !
I like a nice Coldplay song and also loved him on carpool kareoke so sweet and smiley
And I think she is just gorgeous looking and like her for that

ClopySow · 13/01/2017 06:58

He's the Jamie Oliver of music.

CactusFred · 13/01/2017 06:59

Because he's a sanctimonious twat.

CactusFred · 13/01/2017 07:00

But then so is she so maybe they were just competitive about who was the biggest twat.

Fallonjamie · 13/01/2017 07:03

Because if you close your eyes when listening to the first line of 'Yellow' he sounds like Alan Partridge.

SharkBastard · 13/01/2017 07:03

He's well educated and studied some interesting subjects. I can see why that would bore some folk, but personally I'd love to sit next to him in a pub or at a dinner party.

Not only is he intelligent, he has written some of the most beautiful love songs ever.

Mind you, I love Intelligent men and all the more if he can write a song like The Scientist

DonaldStott · 13/01/2017 07:15

I wonder if his conversation with the kids went like this 'okay kids, I've got some good news and bad news. is I'm consciously uncoupling from your mother. Good new is that it's pie, chips, gravy and a fruit shoot for tea.'

That has just made me LOL Grin

ScruffyTheJanitor · 13/01/2017 07:15

I heard that CM went to a Crisis homeless place at Christmas and sang with the folk there.

That's just what the homeless need at Christmas. Food, shelter, heat, light, jobs, safety, a future... nah... some multi millionaire nobber singing about his hard life. I bet they really appreciated that.

ProserpinaColada · 13/01/2017 07:24

Oooooh you nest of vipers. Except those of you who love CM of course Smile

He's got a First in Greek and Latin from UCL so hardly a dullard (thank you Wiki for that piece of info)
He tours the world with his best mates playing to hundreds of thousands of people - how can that be dull?

And if you watched the Viola Beach tribute I linked to and you still despise him .....

OP posts:
Giddyaunt18 · 13/01/2017 07:25

I like his music but wouldn't say he is gorgeous. I'd say he had a lucky escape, she sound like a nightmare.

Giddyaunt18 · 13/01/2017 07:26

Grin scruffy

Oblomov16 · 13/01/2017 07:33

"He's the Jamie Oliver of music."

Ha ha.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 13/01/2017 07:35

They don't hand out First in Classics at UCL to just anybody, so clearly he is indeed very bright. I like him, and I'd say nobody who is humourless and unable to laugh at himself could have carried this off:

TheNaze73 · 13/01/2017 07:39

Have you listened to a Coldplay album?? Wink

beanfilledfish · 13/01/2017 07:41

I agree with the poster who said he is the jamie oliver of music, so so true!

I agree that he is an arse.

SleepFreeZone · 13/01/2017 07:47

I would guess the sex got really REALLY boring.

Anniegetyourgun · 13/01/2017 08:07

You see a public performance, hear a couple of appealing interviews, and think that's what the person is? Logically, you know it isn't. Even in-depth magazine articles have absolutely no idea what someone's like to live with. You think now (not having or, sadly, ever likely to have the opportunity) that you wouldn't mind waking up next to that face every day for a hundred years, but you haven't tried it. You might find yourself screaming to get out after a week.

Bottom line is, doesn't matter if you're rich and famous, sometimes ten years is all it lasts. (Which is actually a pretty good run by showbiz standards.)

ps That tribute was a sweet idea but the actual music... ah well, taste is a personal thing innit.

lovelearning · 13/01/2017 08:15

Gwyneth Paltrow seems self-obsessed, self-righteous, dull

What kind of mother lets her children go hungry?

“Sometimes when my family is not eating pasta, bread or processed grains like white rice, we’re left with that specific hunger that comes with avoiding carbs.”

MoreProseccoNow · 13/01/2017 08:38

lovelearning, yes, that's shocking. And her me-me-me website & vagina-steaming. WTF.

SillyOldUncleFeedle · 13/01/2017 09:22

He makes me want to punch him in his pompous, smug face and I can't stand the nasal, tuneless dirge that is Coldplay. He sings like Fozzy bear from The Muppets.

NavyandWhite · 13/01/2017 09:25

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elQuintoConyo · 13/01/2017 11:00


Navyandwhite I'm giggling cos you googled smegma Grin the first rule about MN: don't ever google!

ClopySow · 13/01/2017 12:50

There is a really weird hunger feeling you get when you stop eating carbs lovelearning despite the fact that you're eating plenty of everything else.

WanderingNotLost · 13/01/2017 13:00

Isn't he dating that blond girl from Peaky Blinders now?

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