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Why oh why did Gwynnie uncouple from Chris Martin?

110 replies

ProserpinaColada · 12/01/2017 22:19

I still don't understand!

OP posts:
MoonShapedPool · 12/01/2017 23:02

CM and Jennifer Lawrence for example. I really liked her Confused

Wineloffa · 12/01/2017 23:02

I am totally in love with Chris Martin. He's kind, funny, down to earth and he does yoga!! Oh and apparently he gives 10% of his earnings to charity. He's actually my dream man.

WingMirrorSpider · 12/01/2017 23:03

I read somewhere that they were both less than faithful.

MoonShapedPool · 12/01/2017 23:04

I couldn't have sex with a man who does yoga shudders

ProserpinaColada · 12/01/2017 23:04

Links arms with Wineloffa. A woman with great taste in real men.

OP posts:
Dieu · 12/01/2017 23:05

I really like the guy. Where does the arrogant bit come in? I don't see that in him at all.
My uncle works in airport security, and met the Coldplay gang and their children. Said they were all delightful and exceptionally polite.

QueenoftheAndals · 12/01/2017 23:05

Maybe he got steam burn on his cock...

NomNomNominativeDeterminism · 12/01/2017 23:07

Is that you, Chris?

Njcr · 12/01/2017 23:08

I actually met him a couple of times at gigs when I was younger (where Coldplay were support, pre-Yellow) and I can confirm he is indeed an arrogant tosser. Or at least he was almost 20 years ago!

PinxTheTinxMinx · 12/01/2017 23:08

I love CM, he does seem a rather decent chap. As a previous poster said he came across really well on carpool karaoke.

ScruffyTheJanitor · 12/01/2017 23:09

I think they were arguing and Gwynnie tried to see things from Chris' point of view but she couldn't fit her head up his arse hole too.

PlymouthMaid1 · 12/01/2017 23:11

I heard that CM went to a Crisis homeless place at Christmas and sang with the folk there. Seems a good chap. Gwynny may have have been hard to live with when the guy just wanted a burger sometimes.

MoonShapedPool · 12/01/2017 23:13

I'm about the same age as him and he reminds me of so many boring right on middle class boys I knew at college/uni. So boring. Such bland shit music. It's a bit hilarious that he married a Hollywood star and became A list but it felt like it was never going to last

KimmySchmidtsFakeXmasSmile · 12/01/2017 23:19

I thought they split up because of her affair with current beau she met when playing Holly in Glee. Then it was all going g to be exposed by Vanity Fair? But that said, there were also rumours of him being with Alexa Chung among others. If both parties are playing away, irrespective of opedn marriage or not, and are the source of various blinds, true or made up, and you have kids in the mix then a mutual non acrimonious split would make sense.

Littleballerina · 12/01/2017 23:19

Maybe she wanted a man with some balls.

KimmySchmidtsFakeXmasSmile · 12/01/2017 23:22

Apols for spelling. Brad Falchuk bloke met on Glee

Lilmisskittykat · 12/01/2017 23:24

Don't know why... But the fact his last album is much happier suggests she made him sad

ClopySow · 12/01/2017 23:26

I'd be gutted if chris sang to me at christmas.

lastqueenofscotland · 12/01/2017 23:28

There is only much self righteousness that should ever be under one roof. They exceed it.

user1484263181 · 12/01/2017 23:29

On the basis of this brilliant thread, I have just joined Mumsnet! I only came on to read reviews of IKEA kitchens!!
Very funny read.

Imo he's very nice but possibly dull whilst she would be very high maintenance in an emotionally demanding way (ie pain in the backside).

StuffYouAllInTheCrust · 12/01/2017 23:30

I just don't understand how you can dislike Chris Martin, he seems such a down to earth guy and is absolutely gorgeous! Makes me swoon...Ahem. That will be all...

GloriaGaynor · 12/01/2017 23:31

He looks like geography teacher with the sex appeal of a raisin.

I infer from his dreary songs that he's a very boring man.

I guess this is delayed trauma OP?


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pieceofpurplesky · 12/01/2017 23:34

He and his music is like nails down a board for me shows age. He just irritates me.

HyacinthsBucket · 12/01/2017 23:35

I adore CM - we saw them live 3 times last year and he's such an amazing energetic performer. Listening to Everglow for the 1st time made me cry - it was such a raw expression of loving someone who doesn't love you. He's a very talented songwriter too, and I think GP knows she's made the biggest mistake of her life letting him go, she and BF don't seem to be going anywhere, her star waned years ago and yet CM is riding on a career high. She's holding on for dear life, and using the kids as her reason to do so. I'd feel sorry for Annabelle Wallis if she wasn't such a terrible actress.............

Buck3t · 12/01/2017 23:36

I wish I had a rational reason for why I feel the way I do. But I wish they had stayed together because it's easier to avoid them when they are. Now their apart, I get a shock whenever one of them appears.

I never liked her since her Brad Pitt days, and I just can't stand Coldplay (not even a little... okay maybe one track). His voice makes me feel suicidal on my most happiest of days.

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