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To think that this is inappropriate?

161 replies

cerealnamechangers · 03/10/2016 16:29

An acquaintance on Facebook posted a picture of her toddler son with the caption 'jack was howling on the school run today and people were commenting saying oh poor him, well no quite frankly he's just being a twat and I'm allowed to say that because he's my child' she then posted an update later ' received some lovely messages from my rant this morning some people are afraid to state the truth but I'm not if you've never referred to your toddler as a twat then you are a liar' I have since unfriended her as I think referring to a child as a twat is disgusting and I can't see the funny side of it to be honest. Have I just lost my sense of humour?

OP posts:
LunaMay · 03/10/2016 17:35

Who takes offence at toerag? My mother is the first one I think of, in her circles it's definitely an insult up there with slut/cunt etc and they all swear like sailors. I've only heard it used as an insult to other women.

MyEternalSunshine · 03/10/2016 17:35


Ah yes I see your point, yes I agree bad taste on Facebook! I hadn't thought of it that way as I never post on my Facebook it's purely there to keep up with how people are etc so didn't think about it Smile

Emmageddon · 03/10/2016 17:37

My son can be a little shit sometimes but I don't think I'd share that sentiment with facebook. I also didn't share his a pic of his first poo on the potty - although I was ridiculously proud of him Grin

Oldraver · 03/10/2016 17:37

I think she can call her child what she wants, I may of used the odd swear word when describing DS on occasion.

For me the thing I dont like in her post is using the ....'show me a liar' stance. Its saying I'm right, you're wrong, your opinion means nothing to me, I'm not even going to respect your opinion and agree to disagree.

pictish · 03/10/2016 17:39

I've only ever known toerag to equate with rascal or scallywag - that sort of thing.
I've never heard it used to refer to an adult woman! Edinburgh and Fife area here. Where are you?

HighwayDragon1 · 03/10/2016 17:42

Twat/brat/shit/ratbag used interchangeably here, obviously never in front of dd!

RichardBucket · 03/10/2016 17:43

YABU and very precious.

FeliciaJollygoodfellow · 03/10/2016 17:45

Could genuinely not care less what people call their offspring, when it is having a rant rather than abusing said offspring.

ShmooBooMoo · 03/10/2016 17:46

Pictish: regardless, I think it's disgusting to refer to your child as a twat.

ShmooBooMoo · 03/10/2016 17:47

RichardBucket... What is precious about the OP finding a parent referring to her child as a twat offensive?

gillybeanz · 03/10/2016 17:48

You obviously speak a different language.
But can quite often happen when you confuse acquaintances with friends.
maybe your friends wouldn't speak like this.

I don't think there's anything wrong with what she said and everything doesn't have to be humorous. Why do you think it wasn't a serious comment?

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 03/10/2016 17:48

Shmoo- except it's not if twat is a mild term where you live.

Acardwithbigletters · 03/10/2016 17:51

Meh, I refer to 6 mo DS as a twat, bugger, sod & tit all the time.

Tis the way in our family. It's said with affection!

ShmooBooMoo · 03/10/2016 17:51

I'm from a very ordinary place, not posh or snobbish at all, but I am so glad I don't live in a part of the country where it's deemed harmless/ acceptable to refer to any child as a twat. Where on earth is twat a mild term?

ProfYaffle · 03/10/2016 17:52

I'm from the North West. When I was growing up Twat was really offensive, just a small step down from cunt.

Minniemagoo · 03/10/2016 17:53

Obviously its regional/personal. For me twat is like rascal, imp. Someone up above mentioned waster was ok which to me would be a horrible thing to say.
In the Op's position I'd think of the person who wrote it and know in what vein it was meant. But then again I have few FB friends as I like to keep it to actual friends rather than random aquaintences of dubious ideals.

Sugarpiehoneyeye · 03/10/2016 17:54

I don't think that you should unfriend her OP.
Her choice of words, wouldn't be mine, but she wasn't exactly shouting in the street, and I'm sure she loves her baby.
She was simply letting off steam, and wanted the world to know it.
Don't be too judgemental, we all have our moments.
We just, don't always get it right ! 😄

ShmooBooMoo · 03/10/2016 18:00

Acardwithbigletters:Wow... I must be from another planet! I can't imagine ever referring to a child as any of those things.

Those who think it's ok to refer to your child as a twat, how would you feel if you overheard your child's teacher telling a colleague all about how your child had been a twat today? Would it be different because someone else was saying it?

I'm horrified so many think it's ok to talk about their children in such a way.

MrsDeVere · 03/10/2016 18:02

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Foxysoxy01 · 03/10/2016 18:08

Someone on Facebook regularly calls her kids cunts and the cuntlings
She seems to think it is a term of endearment Hmm

kenicka · 03/10/2016 18:09

Twat is like using cunt up north, but a bit stronger that twit down south.

When I first moved north I used it in a team meeting, went down a little badly.

Acardwithbigletters · 03/10/2016 18:09


I can't imagine there's a teacher in the country who hasn't called their pupils a twat on occasion.

Do get off your high horse. My sisters and I still call either other knob and twat on a regular basis and we're all in our twenties now and very close.

If you're shouting abuse at your child it's very very different to being said with affection. I'm amazed you can't see the difference.


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DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 03/10/2016 18:10

Where on earth is twat a mild term?

Many places.

ShmooBooMoo · 03/10/2016 18:11

Perhaps you should come to terms not everyone shares your views too? I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are.
Hyperbole...where? I don't think I'm getting anything out of proportion or exaggerating.
What is ridiculous about asking if a person would feel differently if they were to hear somebody else referring to their child as a twat, a neighbour or teacher, for example? I would be willing to bet that if a child came home from school claiming they overheard Miss or Sir calling them a twat most of these parents who regard the term as inoffensive would be up to the school faster than a rat up a drainpipe!

larrygrylls · 03/10/2016 18:12

Twat is not a nice word but some people think it just means twit. I think you need to react to what people mean, not a single phrase. If she is usually nice, 'I friending' her is an overreaction.

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