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191 replies

Frogers · 12/09/2016 08:07

I am of the opinion that you should dry you feet before placing your feet on the bathmat.

DP seeks to think the bathmat is there to partially dry his feet and then splodge around the rest of the bathroom leaving it soaking.

Give him his due he drys the floor (with his towel Confused but that's another thread) but if I'm second in when I step out the shower it's onto a soggy cold bathmat.

Who is being unreasonable here?

OP posts:
mummylove2monsters · 13/09/2016 18:24

My effing husband steps over the mat and off down the landing leaving puddles along the way 😡 He also leaves his toothbrush and a pot of spat out water on the edge of the bath 😡 Tempted to make his tea with it as it makes me efffffing evil !!! Lol

PikachuBoo · 13/09/2016 18:28


Bathmat is for standing on while you dry yourself, including feet. Use it, then hang up to air.

Stepping off the bathmat with wet feet is obviously a crime - there shouldn't be any need to mop up the floor after a shower or a bath.

Kkmuppet · 13/09/2016 18:34

YABU - I really don't understand what a bath mat's purpose is if not to soak up the water dripping off you as you step onto it from bath/ shower and grab towel. If you are already dry you don't need the mat! (Unless you have a cold floor of course)

WhooooAmI24601 · 13/09/2016 18:36

DH here doesn't like bath mats. Says the feel of them on his feet gives him the willies, so kicks it to the side before showers, marches straight out of the bathroom leaving great big wet prints all over the place.

I firmly believe I'd be within my rights to use it as proof of his asshattery when I divorce him.

TippyT · 13/09/2016 18:42

Do you hover or levitate ? How do you dry your feet before getting on the bath mat ?

P1nkP0ppy · 13/09/2016 18:46

I'm with you on this op, dry one foot / step onto mat and dry other.
Your DH is definitely a deviant in my opinion.

Laiste · 13/09/2016 18:49

I've never in my life heard of anyone attempting to NOT get a bathmat wet Confused

We have 3 mats down at all times and we step straight out of the shower or bath onto them or stand on one at the sink. It's what they're for. Wet feet and splashes. They get wet but they dry out - on the floor. And they're pretty thick fluffy things.

They get picked up and washed every couple of days.

PitchFork · 13/09/2016 19:03

Do you hover or levitate ? How do you dry your feet before getting on the bath mat ?

put one foot on side of bath or shower. dry and step onto mat.
the do the same with other foot.

it's not difficult Confused

Blueskyrain · 13/09/2016 19:28

Even if some people do it your way, there is clearly mixed opinion on it. He's as entitled to his view, as you are to yours. If you want to hop around on one foot, thats fine - if he wants to dry his feet on the bath mat, that's fine too. You are different people. You don't have to agree on this.

JudyCoolibar · 13/09/2016 19:35

Not every bathroom has a towel rail near the bath or shower. Therefore if you want to dry before you get out you've got to find somewhere to put the towel where it's within reach and won't fall on the floor. In our bathroom I could only do it be hanging it on the basin, and even then I couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't get wet. Much better to use the bathmat for what it's actually for.

FlipFlop78 · 13/09/2016 19:40

I chucked our bathmats long ago, precisely for this reason. Use old towels now. Not only would DP leave the mat completely sodden, he would also stand on it whilst waiting for his bath to fill and it absolutely reeked of his cheesy feet. Towels go straight in the wash after he's used them.

I can identify with PPs whose DHs manage to soak the whole bathroom, as mine does this too. He has such boiling hot showers and baths that the whole room steams up. Every surface is dripping wet when he's finished. The steam, combined with the half a can of deodorant that he has to use every time, makes it impossible to breathe in there for a good 10 minutes and that's with the window open. Add to that the carpet of pubes that waft to every side of the room, after his vigorous towelling-down.

I make sure I only clean the bathroom when I know there's a good 24hrs before he'll be using the shower again!

Deux · 13/09/2016 19:42

My DH leaves puddles of water everywhere and 2 great big soggy footprints on the bath mat.

If I shower in the shower over the bath then I dry my feet on the way out and do the one foot dry thing. That's how I did it when I was little. The bath mat was to stop your feet from freezing. I guess old habits die hard.

In the shower cubicle I dump my towels on the bath mat and stand on them when I get out. But sometimes do a full dry in the shower cubicle.

Curiously, I realise, I've taught the DCs to come straight out and drip on the mat. Confused

Meluzyna · 13/09/2016 19:42

OP: I know exactly where you're coming from - I could have written the same opening post.
When DH has had a shower you'd think a baby whale had been in our bathroom..... water everywhere and a bathmat that is sopping wet. In fact when we stay at my Mum's she has had to put a second mat folded double under the one you step on to to prevent him soaking her carpet.
Before getting in the shower I make sure my towel is reachable and then when I get out I step on to it on the bathmat: no faffing around like a flamingo on one leg.
What really pisses me off is when he uses the towel that I keep for wiping my bum after I've used the bidet as a bathmat. Apparently he can't tell the difference. despite the towel being green and the bathmat blue (apart from the obvious differences of size and thickness). I really hate wiping myself on a soggy towel.
I don't think I'm ever going to change him, but at least I feel less alone thanks to this thread.

xmb53 · 13/09/2016 19:43

Buy 2. One just for yourself.

shrunkenhead · 13/09/2016 19:49

We don't have a bath mat....I think they're a bit manky like those toilet mats that go around the base of the toilet.....We just step onto a small towel and dry ourselves on that before moving (so as not to spread wetness from body!) Each person uses a dry small towel to stand on so soggy Ness avoided.

CafeCremeEtCroissant · 13/09/2016 19:50

mel surely that's easily solvable by LTSB buying yourself some nice white or pink towels?

Anyway, we have bath mats that are like towels, none of that 'decorative thick mats' nonsense.

Step out of the shower & onto the bathmat, use that the dry any water on the floor then hang it over the edge of the bath. It's usually dry/dry enough when next needed, if not, grab a dry one if you want. Life's wayyyy too short to give a toss about a wet BATHMAT.

It is NOT so short you can't lose your shit at anyone leaving the bathroom floor wet 😁

shrunkenhead · 13/09/2016 19:53

And don't get me started on carpeted bathrooms........

CafeCremeEtCroissant · 13/09/2016 19:53

shrunkenhead how is a BATHMAT that gets stood on with clean feet anything like a TOILET MAT that gets wee'd on goes around the base of the toilet? Nonsense!

I guess they might be manky if they're big fluffy monsters just left there day in, day out, week in, week out - but a towel style one that gets washed a couple of times a week?

arranged · 13/09/2016 19:54

Oh my god you're all barking mad.

Step out, dripping wet onto bath mat, reach for towel, get dry.

Hang bath mat up to dry.

That's what a bath mat is for! What the hells the point of a purely decorative bathmat??

I do live on my own though, well apart from the kids, so no one else has to be irritated by the wet mat.

LightDrizzle · 13/09/2016 19:54

YABU! Why do you have bath mats? I can see why your husband might like them but why are you placing an unattractive ornamental rug next to your bath? It's madness.

shrunkenhead · 13/09/2016 19:55

Cafe creme they're usually bought as a set....

inarmsofanangel · 13/09/2016 20:24

A heartbreaking story about a bathmat......

When I was little I had a rag call a 'yoi yoi. I tickled my nose with it and it stank to high heaven. Anyway, Yoi yoi got lost a few times over the years but was always replaced with a new one swiftly.

I was 14 (and yes I still had Yoi) Blush and me and my brother were on the ferry to France.
without my knowledge or even asking me beforehand, my brother took my Yoi and used it as a bath mat as he couldn't find anything else apparently.

It was destroyed forever and I was broken.

The moral of this story is use a proper fecking bathmat when you want to wipe your feet.


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dailyarsewipe · 13/09/2016 20:32

You are BU. Thats why they are made out of towel material.

dollybird · 13/09/2016 20:35

We have a thick towel type bathmat that DH gets soaking wet every time. He showers twice a day and it is hung up after every use on the towel rail but because the heating isn't on at the moment it never gets dry. There's no room to hang two. He doesn't splash all round the bathroom though so not all bad Grin

nicolachristine · 13/09/2016 20:40

Not sure if this solution has already been suggested but: get rid of the bathmats.

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