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191 replies

Frogers · 12/09/2016 08:07

I am of the opinion that you should dry you feet before placing your feet on the bathmat.

DP seeks to think the bathmat is there to partially dry his feet and then splodge around the rest of the bathroom leaving it soaking.

Give him his due he drys the floor (with his towel Confused but that's another thread) but if I'm second in when I step out the shower it's onto a soggy cold bathmat.

Who is being unreasonable here?

OP posts:
cexuwaleozbu · 13/09/2016 07:13

The purpose of a bathmat is to stop the bathroom floor getting soggy. Ergo, it is the bathmat's role to get soggy.

If your dh gets the bathmat soggier than can be reasonably used again after him, have two bathmats. Simple.

user1471552005 · 13/09/2016 07:18

I have no bathmat. I dry my body in the shower, step out, wrap my hair, put on my robe.
Apply facial moisturiser, comb hair, drop towel on the floor where it gets stood on, drying the floor. Towel in laundry basket, dry floor.

user1471552005 · 13/09/2016 07:21

My OH has recurrent fungal toenail infections. I don't really want him to spread that to the whole family via regularly dampened bath mat.

ButteredToastAndStrawberryJam · 13/09/2016 07:44

My sons the same. It's hard to live with others sometimes.

nooka · 13/09/2016 07:50

My parents had terrible athletes foot, and as a result so did I as a child. The only way to avoid recatching I have found works is to avoid ever walking in bare feet where their bare feet have been.

I also have an incredibly wet dh. Not sure how he manages to get so much water everywhere, and I too hate the soggy bathmat. So I got my own personal bathmat. Problem solved. I step straight out of the shower onto the mat but I just leave two wet footprints, you don't need to pre dry yourself in order to avoid dripping great puddles everywhere.

Blueskyrain · 13/09/2016 08:01

Um...I always thought the whole point of a bath mat was to dry your feet on it. I find the concept of balancing on one foot drying your feet first a bit weird if I'm honest. It's like drying yourself so you can use a towel...

euromorris · 13/09/2016 08:24

YABU a bathmat is designed for this very purpose. Something dry and non slippy to step onto.

We couldn't physically dry in the shower if we wanted to as the towel rail is on the opposite side if the room, out of reach.

This is also one of those things that I don't see as a big deal. Just ask him to put another towel down if it gets that wet. Problem solved.

DarkBlueEyes · 13/09/2016 10:21

YABU. We have a shower over a bath until our new loft is done and we step out of the shower and onto the mat. It's not possible to grab your towel from inside the shower. The mat is not soggy at all as we both dry ourselves quickly. The mat and the towels all matching of course get washed weekly and they are dry for the next day. I don't get the issue. Is he leaving the shower ON whilst stepping out?

femfemlicious · 13/09/2016 10:49

Erm I think I would be pretty angry to go into the bathroom and find the floor wet. That is unacceptable! . Why can't your husband clean the floor after he makes it wet? .

I clean my feet on the bathmat and I immediately hang it on the radiator and I would be pretty upset to go to the bathroom and find it wet on the floor. I expect everyone to either hang it back up to dry or not use it at all.simples

squoosh · 13/09/2016 11:20


A bathmat's whole purpose in this world is to receive wet feet. How can people think otherwise?!

mammamic · 13/09/2016 17:26


bathmat is to safely step out of bath/shower with wet feet.

I'm not understanding how it can get so wet so as to annoy. Step out, dry, leave. Unless his final rinse is on the bathmat

Daisygarden · 13/09/2016 17:33

Have two towels. One small one for hair and a bath towel for body.

Turn shower off. Wrap hair in small towel. Dry body on bath towel still standing in the shower tray/bath. Swipe foot and ankle with towel before stepping on the floor. Swipe second foot and ankle with towel before putting that on the floor. Wrap bath towel around body (or dressing gown).

Not a drip on the floor in our house. Definitely no need for any bath mat!

ShatnersBassoon · 13/09/2016 17:40

The bath mat is there so you don't have to dry your feet, isn't it? It's just bad luck if you're not the first one to step on it. I'm not going to risk slipping and getting my towel wet in the shower tray by dabbing my feet before stepping out.

MitzyLeFrouf · 13/09/2016 17:42

Daisy that sounds like an awful lot of faff when a bathmat could take care of it all.

scattychicken · 13/09/2016 17:46

YABU. What the hell do you think bath mats were invented for?! is too fucking short....

JudyCoolibar · 13/09/2016 17:58

There is literally no point in having a bath mat if you're going to dry your feet before you get on to it. If your feet are already dry, why not step straight on to the floor and/or, if you want to, into slippers or shoes?

I also think it's dangerous teetering around a wet shower or bath trying to dry your feet on a towel and keep them dry whilst you dry the other one.

CasanovaFrankenstein · 13/09/2016 17:59

Is DH a Golden Retriever?

OnceThereWasThisGirlWho · 13/09/2016 18:00

YABU about the bath mat. YANBU about the wet floor. Tell him he can't have it both ways! If he's using the bathmat for its intended purpose - to stand on whilst drying, to avoid making the floor wet - then the floor should be dry. Conversely if he's going to splodge around dripping all over the place he shouldn't bother with the mat.

Obviously option 1 is the correct one. Wink

SpookyRachel · 13/09/2016 18:01

In our house the bathmat is treated as a purely decorative object. I usually find it floating atop puddles of bath water. All. Over. The. Jeffing. Floor.

This does not make me happy.

Goingtobeawesome · 13/09/2016 18:05

My kids make the bath mat sopping. DH tells them to dry their feet before they get out. They don't. I have my own shower and shake my feet before getting out on to the bath mat. After a while it goes on the radiator to dry off.

AlMinzerAndHisPyramidOfDogs · 13/09/2016 18:13

Bathmats are the work of satan himself and are simply glorified pube and dingleberry attracters.
Cant bear 'em.

trafficcarrots · 13/09/2016 18:18

I think YABU for putting a bath mat anywhere other than beside a bath.

And obviously thinking a bathmat was just for decoration.


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Unicorn1981 · 13/09/2016 18:18

Thank you so much for this. DP is guilty of this and when his brother was in the army and used to stay with us a lot I was forever nagging him about it. I think he used to think IWBVU.

Charell20 · 13/09/2016 18:21

What on earth are bath mats for, if not to dry your feet?

RebeccaCloud9 · 13/09/2016 18:22

What??? I have literally never heard of that! for me, the bathmat is where you stand when you get out of the shower. Wet. Then get towels and dry. It gets wet. That is its purpose!

What else is its purpose?!

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