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To ask you all what contraception you use?

236 replies

Slightlypanicked · 12/08/2016 19:07

Haven't used any contraception for years, between being pregnant and breastfeeding both dc's I've just used condoms.
Went to the clinic today and the nurse was very pushy about me having a coil fitted and how with new research its safer and that the pill really increases risks of blood clots and depression etc.
I opted for the pill for now until I make up my mind on the coil. She gave me a none branded version of yasmin as I also suffer with adult acne and was hoping the pill would help that too.
Is the pill really that dangerous?

OP posts:
aurynne · 13/08/2016 05:50

I had an Essure fitted 3 years ago. No hormones, no pills, no worries! The best choice for me _

Slightlypanicked · 14/08/2016 12:36

Sorry for abandoning thread, ive not been able to get back on. Thank you to everyone for your replies, loads of good info. Defo won't be taking pill with my migraines then! Looks like the coil sounds like my best bet but it still makes me squeamish.

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 14/08/2016 12:48

DH had the snip.

'I will be gutted if they try to say I'm to old for it. I have even given up smoking to enable me to continue taking it for longer.'

Guidelines from RCOG that's several years old now say it's safe to take combined pill up to menopause as long as you do not have health conditions which contradict its usage, so don't let anyone tell you you are 'too old' to take the pill.

auldfuckingspinster · 14/08/2016 13:31

Mirena here, on my 4th. Had crazy heavy periods that lasted for months at a time, it gave me my life back. Never had children but the insertion is uncomfortable rather than painful - no worse than a smear and I have a retroverted uterus and just feels like a menstrual cramp when insertion takes place.

Glitterpegs · 14/08/2016 14:07


Wonkydonkey44 · 14/08/2016 14:19

Copper coil here , tried all the hormonal options and none worked x

Sugarlightly · 14/08/2016 17:27

All contraceptives will affect everyone differently - different side effects etc.

If you really aren't sure which ones to have try the least invasive ones first - condoms , pill, depot and then implant, coil etc

I have the implant - only side effect I get is no periods (not complaining) but for some women, bleeding is constant on the implant. It honestly is really just a trial and error things. There are also different types of contraceptive pill so you can look at those

OvariesForgotHerPassword · 14/08/2016 17:29

Right now, nothing. Kept forgetting the Pill hence two year old DD Grin

Thought of the implant makes me queasy. Don't want weight gain with depo and not sure whether I want the coil or not.

Not bothering with condoms right now because we're hoping to ttc in a couple of months anyway.

hhh333 · 14/08/2016 17:32

Condoms here.
I've tried nearly every contraception and condoms are the best. I didn't realise how much they all affected me until I came off and had nothing in my system. It was a shock.

bananafish81 · 14/08/2016 17:32

Really sorry to hear how those of you on the copper coil have suffered with heavy bleeding - but as I'm having one put in to try and induce menstrual bleeding, to help me get (and stay) pregnant, this is very encouraging!!

TheWeeBabySeamus1 · 14/08/2016 17:41

At the minute abstinence, but normally condoms.

shortaris1 · 14/08/2016 17:43

Mini pill since I started getting migraines in January this year.

Love it. No bleeding at all and no fuss.

TheFuzz · 15/08/2016 00:44

Had the snip. Went wrong, got PVPS. More surgery didnt help. Rarely have sex due to pain it causes/constant pain.

PointlessUsername · 15/08/2016 00:47

I've the copper coil. No need to be squeamish, it took minutes to insert and was no worse than a internal.

dollydoesdalaman · 15/08/2016 00:55

You shouldn't have a coil because you feel pressured to, especially if you feel uncomfortable with it.

We use natural fertility methods because I am allergic to latex and am contraindicated for hormones, don't fancy a coil and haven't got round to booking a sterilization, It's a bit expensive because I use the ovulation kits as belt & braces, but not failed so far. I am probably not far off peri menopause anyway.

HelenaDove · 15/08/2016 01:07

No contraception at all here .....currently celibate .

Ive lost a lot of weight and i wont take hormonal contraception again.

WanderingNotLost · 15/08/2016 02:04

I took the pill quite happily without problems for well over a decade- switched to the implant when I moved in with DP and couldn't find an out of hours FPC nearby. I hated the implant- I put on a stone and a half in weight, had mood swings, got terrible spots across my shoulders, and had an almost constant black/brown discharge, which made it very effective as a contraceptive because I never wanted to have sex! Went back on the pill a year and a half later.

DuvetCaterpillar · 15/08/2016 02:10

31, no children. Never taken hormonal contraception, but my 10 year copper coil is an absolute miracle of science, I love it. For my part, I couldn't see the point in messing around with my hormones unnecessarily and didn't want to worry about forgetting pills.

Insertion was more uncomfortable rather than painful - a brief sharp pain, but they warn you it's coming and it's over fast. I'd get it done at the GUM clinic rather than your GP (they get lots more practice so are quicker), and I find an ibuprofen 20 minutes ahead helps. Initial periods were heavier but not extraordinarily so, and settled down in three months.

Am due to replace it this winter, and will be getting another - it's like magic for me.

NorksAkimbo72 · 15/08/2016 03:12

I don't get on with pills, so I've had both the copper coil and the Mirena. Truth be told, I preferred the copper periods never changed, even in the first few months. I switched to the Mirena because of severe depression during was either try the mirena, or take antidepressants, really. The only real downside is that I'm still having a (light) period, and it's a bit irregular. That's it though, I've had it 3 years now, and the PMS depression is gone, and I've had no other side effects.
It's definitely not for everyone, so make the decision you feel most comfortable with!

stitchglitched · 15/08/2016 03:30

Avoiding PIV! Can't tolerate hormonal stuff anymore and too scared of getting pregnant to rely on condoms. DP will get vasectomy soon.

WeAreEternal · 15/08/2016 04:51

I use a diaphragm.

I'm mid 30's and have been using one since DH and I started sleeping together in our teens.
We have used condoms sporadically over the years but DH is on the larger side so even with King/xl/super large sized we have had a few splits and he can find them uncomfortable so they don't really work for us.

I tried the pill briefly in my 20's which is how we ended up with DS (9)

I won't take or use any form of hormonal contraceptives, I just feel they are unnecessary.

We keep track of my cycle so know when to be extra careful and use the diaphragm and it's worked flawlessly for nearly 20 years.
It's quick and easy to use and I love it.

I know it is very uncommon now and I'm considered very 'retro' by a few people who know I use it but honestly it's so easy.
DH and I have a lot of sex several times a day usually and it's so easy an comfortable, it takes two minutes to put in, you can't feel it (and DH can only feel it with his fingers) and it's had a 100% success rate for us.
You can put it in several hours before sex and you leave it in for 6 hours after, it's very easy.
I honestly have no idea why they aren't more popular.
We can also have mess free sex on my period using it, even on the heavy day.

Nectarines · 15/08/2016 08:41

I had the implant when my son was eight weeks old. So far no side effects and it was safe to continue breastfeeding.


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Fairylea · 15/08/2016 08:47

I'm surprised how few people are taking the pill. I (wrongly) assumed it would have been the contraception of choice for most people.

I take the Yasmin pill. Have done for 4 years now since having ds. Tried to conceive him for 18 months prior to that and before that I was on the pill for 10 years after having my first child. I am really squeamish about the idea of coils etc. There's no way I would ever have one personally. I don't like the idea of someone sticking something through my cervix. I had a traumatic birth with dd and for that reason I had an elective c section with ds. I don't want anyone fiddling with my cervix etc unless it's a smear which is fairly non invasive.

Danglyweed · 15/08/2016 09:05

Dh's vasectomy has failed so back getting depo injections until its redone and worked. No side effects or periods so perfect for me.

I am shit at remembering to take the pill so def a no go.

The implant was horrendous for me, 6 months continuous heavy bleeding and took 45 mins to remove Envy

RubbleBubble00 · 15/08/2016 09:07

Marvelon. Iv always suffered with acne and was on dianette for years. Tried many pills and Marvelon us the only one that agrees.

Do not get an Minera if u suffer from acne

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