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To ask you all what contraception you use?

236 replies

Slightlypanicked · 12/08/2016 19:07

Haven't used any contraception for years, between being pregnant and breastfeeding both dc's I've just used condoms.
Went to the clinic today and the nurse was very pushy about me having a coil fitted and how with new research its safer and that the pill really increases risks of blood clots and depression etc.
I opted for the pill for now until I make up my mind on the coil. She gave me a none branded version of yasmin as I also suffer with adult acne and was hoping the pill would help that too.
Is the pill really that dangerous?

OP posts:
Scaffleen · 31/12/2016 19:28

This is an old post!
But I got pregnant on the mirena coil. It was a brilliant form of contraception up until it went wrong and i would never get it had I known all the facts. I now have the implant which is much more reliable.

user1483209195 · 31/12/2016 18:53

First time post...I have had 2 mirenas successfully, and also used the pill to ensure no periods as well as no further pregnancies. In March I had a new mirena fitted. Then I has thrush about two or three times. In September I stopped taking the pill as the doctor advised that as I am now 47, it's not such a good idea. Since then I have had thrush again (at least 4 times) and two UTIs within 6 weeks (I have never had one of those before). And today, joy of joys.. I began bleeding for the first time in about ten years. Any advice?

user1471423462 · 18/08/2016 14:16

First time post...
I'm now on 3rd mirena. Love it. No periods, except slight spotting when it gets changed. Slight cramps when it is first inserted but subsided after a couple of days.
I have tried the mini-pill, caused horrendous mood swings and I swore I just couldn't put my family through it anymore.
Before these I used the copper coil- this was how I ended up with DD2. It also caused very heavy periods, obviously before pregnancy!
Depo injection- put on tons of weight, hated it.
So yeah, I love my mirena and think I would stick with it for as long as I'm allowed. Smile
But I do understand why some women don't want to add more hormones into the mix.

CurbsideProphet · 18/08/2016 14:05

TwentyCups like sharp period pain lower left side that comes and goes. I had an injection in my cervix to dilate it. I'm not sure if my insides are just feeling a bit battered and bruised from being yanked around Confused

expatinscotland · 18/08/2016 13:51

'I think there's no middle ground with mirena, it's either fantastic or the absolute worst thing ever!'

I agree. When I finally had mine removed by the FPC after 10 months of hell, I was told about 15% of users suffer negative side effects with it.

I'm old and permenopausal now (45) and hope I don't get any trouble with my periods between now and menopause because Mirena is always suggested. But it sank my mood so low, I had suicidal thoughts and this was before we were bereaved of a child. I dare not try it now because my tendency towards low mood is so much greater. I'd refuse and insist on something else.

TwentyCups · 18/08/2016 13:45

Can I ask what sort of pain? Like period pain?

CurbsideProphet · 18/08/2016 13:42

I had a copper coil fitted this week. I'm in pain, but as I can't have anything hormonal I'm hoping it will settle down.

TwentyCups · 18/08/2016 13:39

I think many people haven't heard of it. When I first had the depo shot, around eight years ago, I knew nobody else who knew it existed!

Sheusedtobesomeonelse · 18/08/2016 13:35

It is hormonal but it's more like a minipill where the dose of hormones is lower.. I am quite evangical about it as i had no side effects, unlike the pill which i was on before having children (but what works great for one person won't necessary suit all, like everything really!)

I'm just surprised that no one has tried / is using it.

TwentyCups · 18/08/2016 13:33

I seriously considered the nuvaring but, like the pill, worried I would forget to put it back in after seven days out.
The whole thing is such a hassle. Can't wait for my copper coil next week, hoping it will be the answer to my prayers, want my body back!

RoastieToastieReastie · 18/08/2016 13:26

That's interesting she. I used the patch for a while but had to stop because of side effects, I assumed the ring could give the same side effects as its hormonal.

Sheusedtobesomeonelse · 18/08/2016 10:52

I have just read the whole thread and no one is using Nuvaring? I've been using it since DD2 7 years ago and i love it! No side effects, no pills every day, just one every 3 weeks removing super easy, i always go on about it!

But have an appointment in October to do the same as Crookers, cannot wait to get rid of my tube (only one left now after an advanced ectopic pg 8 years ago) and be done with contraception! No more babies for me so it just seems the best solution all round.

BeyondLovesSweetDee · 18/08/2016 10:10

I think there's no middle ground with mirena, it's either fantastic or the absolute worst thing ever!

InteriorLulu · 18/08/2016 09:18

I've had the copper coil in the past but as I'm peri-menopausal my periods were getting really heavy and the doctor suggested Mirena.

I was skeptical about it as I'd heard a lot about the negative effects. But I love it. Periods have all but disappeared and the bonus is that I don't have any cramping at all. It was getting to the point where it felt like being in labour, and I could barely function for the 10 days that my periods lasted.

I had broached the subject of DH having a vasectomy, but that is a subject NEVER TO BE MENTIONED AGAIN Grin.

Notasinglefuckwasgiven · 18/08/2016 07:11

Mirena coil. On my 2nd. First one out after a year because I got pregnant and it was ectopic. Which due to my high pain tolerance I was ignoring until it was critical Blush no problem with this one yet ( 2 years almost ) except one pregnancy scare. Missed period, I still get them, sore breasts, nausea and severe heartburn but test was negative so just a blip. DH won't get snipped as I only have 1 child and he desperately wants to be able to impregnate me if I change my mind Grin ( which I won't ) he isn't dds father ( ex husband is ) and he wants the option if I get broody. I respect his choice. For now.....

PirateFairy45 · 18/08/2016 06:59

Sex?? What's that?

I seem to remember something from a long long time ago. But, nah... It couldn't be...


RoastieToastieReastie · 18/08/2016 06:49

I wish there were more non hormonal options, the really isn't a huge amount if choice when you take that out. I can't do hormonal methods, they don't work in my body well. I've tried the copper coil and stuck with it for a year until I gave up as I was taking nurofen three weeks out of four for the pain. I'm allergic to latex but have a non latex diaphragm but the spermicide gel irritates my skin so I can't use. Our only option is non latex condoms which dh doesn't get on with and I get anxious about them not working. I'm waiting or the day they bring out some kind of male implant!

BengalCatMum · 18/08/2016 03:15

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Ericaequites · 18/08/2016 02:30

Lesbianism, but it's a minority taste.

Cineraria · 18/08/2016 01:56

I wanted hormone free contraception as all the women in my family seem to get very noticeable pigmentation problems with hormonal contraception, so I have always used a copper coil. I was really pleased with it as I felt very confident in it and didn't have to think about contraception at all for years at a time.

It was uncomfortable to fit the first time, probably more so as I'd never had children, but not really painful, a bit like pressing a bruise. I did faint on the bus home though, when all the lube came out and I thought I was bleeding heavily!

Removal was fine. I didn't even know she'd done it until she held it up and I screamed as I had a very bad blood and needle phobia, so was quite squeamish about seeing it.

The best thing was knowing my fertility was back to normal the day it was gone and that there should be no delay to conception.

DH was a bit sensitive to the threads so I'd probably have them trimmed if I have one again after we've finished having children, which seems the most likely option.

HelenaDove · 18/08/2016 01:37

When i came off the Depo years ago it took nine months for my periods to return.

Justaboy · 18/08/2016 00:48

Just a few comments if they are any use.

Both of my ex wives were on the pill and various versions they found that one version seemed to be better than the others not a surprise as if you have to take blood pressure meds you may well find that some are like most drugs the spawn of Satan with side effects so seems some trial and error might be of use.

Both ended up with a coil first one long time ago now, no problems.

However the second one had a copper coil fitted turned out the bloody thing had a fault as she was in pain quite some of the time wanted that damn thing out.

Second replacement one that was done at the doctors and painful as well.

Got fed up and went to have it taken out at a contraception clinic there a very helpful nurse said i don't think this has been done quite the way it should we'll take it out and come back when your at a certain time in your cycle and we'll give you another to try. Lo and behold absolutely painless insertion and use too .

She was very happy with that and in the end it was the best option but there were as seen two times when it was almost knocked on the head due to a fault and problematic insertion rather that the device itself being problematic.

I hear from someone i know that doctors aren't usually as experienced as contraception clinics. One does it rarely the other several times a day so practice makes perfect;-)



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Shizzlestix · 17/08/2016 22:52

Mirena. Was sick of sitting in a hot bath with a hot water bottle panting like I was giving birth. I had some stunning cramps in the first few weeks and the fitting was omg, nearly went backwards out of a window. After a year, I'm down to spotting and the occasional clot. I'm not convinced on the ethical dimension. I'd rather take the pill, but I'm too old and fat. Loved Microgynon, it was amazing. Piece of piss to remember it if it's on the bedside table, last thing, plug in phone charger, set alarm, take Pill.....

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 17/08/2016 22:45

Withdrawal too Blush

I am old now surely

MrsKoala · 17/08/2016 22:32

Meant to say had my first copper coil at 17 (so way before dc 20 years and 4 coils later). Hurts like fuck to put in, then period style cramps for a day or 2. Heavier periods on the first 2 days. But all in all the best contraception for me. Once in I just forget about it.

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