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To ask you all what contraception you use?

236 replies

Slightlypanicked · 12/08/2016 19:07

Haven't used any contraception for years, between being pregnant and breastfeeding both dc's I've just used condoms.
Went to the clinic today and the nurse was very pushy about me having a coil fitted and how with new research its safer and that the pill really increases risks of blood clots and depression etc.
I opted for the pill for now until I make up my mind on the coil. She gave me a none branded version of yasmin as I also suffer with adult acne and was hoping the pill would help that too.
Is the pill really that dangerous?

OP posts:
wejammin · 12/08/2016 20:33

Natural family planning (temperature and other signs) on a chart. No PIV during fertile window.

I love it. It's empowering and there's no side effects. All hormonal contraception makes my libido vanish and I was miserable on the pill for 10 fucking years

YouCanButImNot · 12/08/2016 20:36

Coil but having it out on Wednesday, it's been in just over a year and I've piled weight on - I'm the heaviest I've ever been. No changes to diet or exercise and I've been actively trying to lose weight for a while and have lost 4lbs in total. In around 4 months. It's the only thing I can think of that's causing it so out it comes. Not sure what we'll do after, condoms probably.

becciandbump · 12/08/2016 20:37

I was on the pill for about 12 years but started to worry about the risks of taking it for so long. I came off it 3 years ago and we have just used condoms. My migraines disappeared. Am now pregnant and plan to go back to condoms after but having conceived within 1 month of trying I wonder how safe condoms alone would be although they never failed is on the previous 3 years x

StillRabbit · 12/08/2016 20:37

A friend in America told me she had her 'tubes tied'. Is this procedure available in Uk and is it reversible? I dont get on with any hormonal contraception but we want more children eventually, just a few years break after this one comes. We had planned to use condoms but wondered if there was an alternative.

That is just another term for tubal ligation or female sterilisation. It is meant to be permanent so no, not reversible.

MissisBee · 12/08/2016 20:41

I've been on the mini pill for 5 years. Can't use combined pill due to migraines - there's a risk of stroke. The best thing has been no periods for 5 years. There has definitely been a suppression of libido, I was quite spotty for the first couple of years but definitely worth it for no periods. Planning to come off it soon to TTC, dreading the return of periods. Long term I would go for mirena.

ifcatscouldtalk · 12/08/2016 20:41

Pre my daughter I tried combined pill, gave me horrendous headaches. Implant (periods stopped for 10 months) but hated it, put on a stone and constantly felt like a period was coming but never did. These days its condoms as i just dont get on with additional hormones! I considered the copper coil but my periods are heavy enough. Different contraceptives suit different people. I remember my mum really pushing me into going on the pill when I was younger. To her it was the first class contraception and I was mad to ditch it for condoms. Thankfully we dont discuss my sex life now.Grin

hollinhurst84 · 12/08/2016 20:42

Copper coil. My body hates hormones

HeyhoSwashbuckleandgo · 12/08/2016 20:45

Mini pill here too. Also get migraines and light smoker so combined pill a no no. Much prefer this actually.
Can BF with mini pill, had no side effects, no periods, no weigh gain and instant return to fertility when you come off it.
Plus less risk of thrombosis etc
Only drawback is 3 hour window to take it in.

autumnboys · 12/08/2016 20:46

We've used pill, copper coil, Mirena, condoms, Billings and now the snip.

I hated the Mirena, just got unpredictable spotting on it for days on end, even after a year. Copper coil was fine, although periods were a little heavier. I didn't like the pill. Condoms were a bit meh, although we used them for Billings for over a year. I liked Billings, but once we were done with having babies (no accidents!) it seemed a bit high risk.

camelfinger · 12/08/2016 20:49

Mirena. I had acne from microgynon, Yasmin, Dianette and no contraception. I still do, the only thing that seems to work for me skin wise is pregnancy unfortunately. Still have light periods but they are regular and preceded by just a dull ache for a day rather than days of agony. Didn't find it too bad being inserted, just like a smear test. I do think GPs are very keen on long acting contraceptives.

Ragwort · 12/08/2016 20:49

Nothing (advantage of having been through the menopause Grin).

honeylulu · 12/08/2016 20:53

I have a copper coil after years of my body being messed up by the pill, causing secondary fertility, then years of fertility drugs on and off, I was adamant no more hormones!
I was squeamish about the fitting which was actually fine. I do have an abnormally short uterus though so I had to be sent for a scan to see if it was in far enough (yes).
I was still breastfeeding when I had it fitted so no period for ages. It was heavier first couple days but later stabilised though annoyingly is now longer - 2 days spotting, 1-2 days light bleeding, 2 days heavy, 2 days light, 1 day spotting. I could live with that if it was every 2-10 months like when I was trying to conceive. Now its 25 days or even less so I bleed about half the bloody month! Don't know what to do now. In my 40s and praying for the menopause.

elderberryflower · 12/08/2016 20:55

GPs have to push Long Acting Reversible Contraception- it's one of the targets they're assessed on. LARC comes up on the screen whenever I go because I'm female and of reproductive age! It's because it's easier for them and there's less user error than the pill or condoms.

Lolimax · 12/08/2016 20:55

Depo for me. I'm 46 and will stay on it until I'm safely over the menopause. I've actually had a very nasty thrombosis in my brain since I've been on it but both my haemotologist and neurologist say that was nothing to do with it and want me to stay on it (as pregnancy on my subsequent medication would be horrendous).
Depo has been fine for me.

Mommawoo · 12/08/2016 20:55

ah ok, thanks stillrabbit

specialsubject · 12/08/2016 21:00

All contraception is safer than pregnancy.

Migraines contraindicate the combined pill. You may be able to take the mini pill.

All very personal so if one thing doesn't suit , try another.

thepenguinsrock · 12/08/2016 21:16

Pretty much all of them 😂
I've used the implant but it made my tummy feel bloated and bruised all the time so then I tried the injection but didnt like the no periods it also stopped them for a year after the injection wore off. Then i went on the 30 day pill which gave me headaches so tried the 21 day pill which worked lovely until I forgot a few and got knocked up 🙈 after baby number 3 I had the coil but hubby could feel it alot and it hurt him so that only lasted 15 months before I went back on the pill and ended up pregnant again 🙈 I'm now on the patch which is same hormones as the pill and only need to remember to change it once a week for 3 weeks then have a week off so finally have a winner. Ive had to order it online though as it's not offered in docs around my area for some reason. ☺

SerendipitousFoxley · 12/08/2016 21:22

Condoms until DH gets the snip, hopefully early next year.

CazY777 · 12/08/2016 22:23

I'm taking Cerrelle (mini pill) - working well for me, appart from occasional light bleeding I don't get periods. Doc tried to get me to switch to a coil or implant when I complained about the bleeding as apparently the hormones are a lower dose. But as I didn't dilate when I had my daughter I think inserting a coil would be more difficult ( and I'm really not keen) and not sure if having something inserted under my skin might freak me out too much.

FairyDogMother11 · 12/08/2016 22:37

I was on the pill for three years; had a MMC whilst on it - about 2yrs in - and another scare a few months back. I took it like clock work as I have other medication I have to take like clockwork so I don't really trust it any more, I'd use it if I really had to but wouldn't choose it. I got the Implant nearly 2 months ago and so far I'm delighted with it.

Summerwood1 · 12/08/2016 22:47

None e,just don't do anything around ovulation,risky I know but so far so good!

Mamadothehump · 12/08/2016 22:49

Mirena. Had my second one fitted/inserted last week. Fabulous piece of kit.


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bananafish81 · 12/08/2016 23:10

Ironically we are TTC but I'm getting a copper coil put in for 1-2 months as part of my fertility treatment, to try and thicken up my uterine lining before our 4th IVF cycle, to try and help prevent me from miscarrying again

Dr said many women who have a copper coil have very heavy periods. As I don't have bleeds at all, I will be delighted if the IUD has this effect

Pre TTC I was on the pill. Used to run on my packets so I could skip periods. If I had my time again I'd probably get the Mirena

The irony of having spent years being religious about taking contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancy, when it turns out I'm £30,000 down on fertility treatment and all I have to show for it is a dead baby, is not lost on me....

Sweetpea15 · 13/08/2016 05:06

Depo, I get it done once every three months injected into the area just at the top of my bum cheek. It doesn't hurt, and I don't have a period. I did put on some weight but it was the best option for me and I love it :)

DorothyHarris · 13/08/2016 05:38

I had a copper coil fitted at my 6 week check so around 3 months ago. My periods have been horrendous. I'm told they will settle, If they don't I'll be trying the mirena coil.

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