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To ask you all what contraception you use?

236 replies

Slightlypanicked · 12/08/2016 19:07

Haven't used any contraception for years, between being pregnant and breastfeeding both dc's I've just used condoms.
Went to the clinic today and the nurse was very pushy about me having a coil fitted and how with new research its safer and that the pill really increases risks of blood clots and depression etc.
I opted for the pill for now until I make up my mind on the coil. She gave me a none branded version of yasmin as I also suffer with adult acne and was hoping the pill would help that too.
Is the pill really that dangerous?

OP posts:
RoastieToastieReastie · 18/08/2016 13:26

That's interesting she. I used the patch for a while but had to stop because of side effects, I assumed the ring could give the same side effects as its hormonal.

TwentyCups · 18/08/2016 13:33

I seriously considered the nuvaring but, like the pill, worried I would forget to put it back in after seven days out.
The whole thing is such a hassle. Can't wait for my copper coil next week, hoping it will be the answer to my prayers, want my body back!

Sheusedtobesomeonelse · 18/08/2016 13:35

It is hormonal but it's more like a minipill where the dose of hormones is lower.. I am quite evangical about it as i had no side effects, unlike the pill which i was on before having children (but what works great for one person won't necessary suit all, like everything really!)

I'm just surprised that no one has tried / is using it.

TwentyCups · 18/08/2016 13:39

I think many people haven't heard of it. When I first had the depo shot, around eight years ago, I knew nobody else who knew it existed!

CurbsideProphet · 18/08/2016 13:42

I had a copper coil fitted this week. I'm in pain, but as I can't have anything hormonal I'm hoping it will settle down.

TwentyCups · 18/08/2016 13:45

Can I ask what sort of pain? Like period pain?

expatinscotland · 18/08/2016 13:51

'I think there's no middle ground with mirena, it's either fantastic or the absolute worst thing ever!'

I agree. When I finally had mine removed by the FPC after 10 months of hell, I was told about 15% of users suffer negative side effects with it.

I'm old and permenopausal now (45) and hope I don't get any trouble with my periods between now and menopause because Mirena is always suggested. But it sank my mood so low, I had suicidal thoughts and this was before we were bereaved of a child. I dare not try it now because my tendency towards low mood is so much greater. I'd refuse and insist on something else.

CurbsideProphet · 18/08/2016 14:05

TwentyCups like sharp period pain lower left side that comes and goes. I had an injection in my cervix to dilate it. I'm not sure if my insides are just feeling a bit battered and bruised from being yanked around Confused

user1471423462 · 18/08/2016 14:16

First time post...
I'm now on 3rd mirena. Love it. No periods, except slight spotting when it gets changed. Slight cramps when it is first inserted but subsided after a couple of days.
I have tried the mini-pill, caused horrendous mood swings and I swore I just couldn't put my family through it anymore.
Before these I used the copper coil- this was how I ended up with DD2. It also caused very heavy periods, obviously before pregnancy!
Depo injection- put on tons of weight, hated it.
So yeah, I love my mirena and think I would stick with it for as long as I'm allowed. Smile
But I do understand why some women don't want to add more hormones into the mix.

user1483209195 · 31/12/2016 18:53

First time post...I have had 2 mirenas successfully, and also used the pill to ensure no periods as well as no further pregnancies. In March I had a new mirena fitted. Then I has thrush about two or three times. In September I stopped taking the pill as the doctor advised that as I am now 47, it's not such a good idea. Since then I have had thrush again (at least 4 times) and two UTIs within 6 weeks (I have never had one of those before). And today, joy of joys.. I began bleeding for the first time in about ten years. Any advice?

Scaffleen · 31/12/2016 19:28

This is an old post!
But I got pregnant on the mirena coil. It was a brilliant form of contraception up until it went wrong and i would never get it had I known all the facts. I now have the implant which is much more reliable.

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