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To ask you all what contraception you use?

236 replies

Slightlypanicked · 12/08/2016 19:07

Haven't used any contraception for years, between being pregnant and breastfeeding both dc's I've just used condoms.
Went to the clinic today and the nurse was very pushy about me having a coil fitted and how with new research its safer and that the pill really increases risks of blood clots and depression etc.
I opted for the pill for now until I make up my mind on the coil. She gave me a none branded version of yasmin as I also suffer with adult acne and was hoping the pill would help that too.
Is the pill really that dangerous?

OP posts:
EnquiringMingeWantsToKnow · 12/08/2016 19:40

Vasectomy. DH had horrendous swelling/pain/infection at the time and was very worried that he'd end up with permanent side effects, but the surgeon fixed it and now it's the perfect contraceptive.

StylishDuck · 12/08/2016 19:44

My dr was keen for me to get the coil or implant when I went in after stopping BFing. I did feel a bit pressured and I don't know what puts me off either of them, other than them being more invasive than the pill. I stuck with the pill in the end. Always used Microgynon/Rigevidon and had no issues.

MargaretCavendish · 12/08/2016 19:47

Love love love my Mirena. Having it out in two weeks to TTC and although I'm excited about potential baby, I am so sad about going back to pre-Mirena periods.

TaraCarter · 12/08/2016 19:50

Coil. I will never use the pill or any hormonal contraception again, after I linked it to my depression. And I do mean 'depression', not 'low mood'.

Familyof3or4 · 12/08/2016 19:51

If you get migraines you definitely shouldn't be on the pill.
I have pregnant/breastfeeding/ttc for ages to but after my next baby am getting the mirena. If it works well it is great and it's easy to remove if not.

SquidgyRedBall · 12/08/2016 19:53

I cannot take anything hormone based due to health and doctor has said no to coil as I haven't been pregnant. Condoms all the way throughout our 5 year relationship, it suits us.

pettyprudence · 12/08/2016 19:53

I had the copper coil fitted 3 months ago. I now have a few days spotting, 3 days HEAVY bleeding, 1-2 days normal bleeding and then 1-2 days spotting. Each month is getting lighter and back to my "normal" cycle (except I never had spotting before/after period).

Fitting was not pleasant but now I don't have to do anything for 10 years and I like being hormone free (I took pill for 14 years with no problems). The thought of having it fitted did make me squeamish (and delayed having it done for 2 years!) but I figured if 2 whole human beings can come out of me I could have something teeny tiny inserted. The implant freaks me out more for some reason.

HerRoyalFattyness · 12/08/2016 19:54

I have the implant. The thought of the coil made me cross my legs. I've only had it since may. Bled once but it wasn't as bad as my regular periods, it did last longer though (a couple of weeks) but nothing since. It's working well for me so far. My youngest is a pill failure. I was definitely taking it correctly. So I no longer trust the pill.

HairySubject · 12/08/2016 19:57

I have a copper coil and I take Dianette the non branded version for my skin. I have very light periods in the pill break with a bit of stomach ache on the first day or two.

StarryIllusion · 12/08/2016 19:58

Pill. Combined, not mini pill. Couldn't get on with it so swapped to microgynon and never looked back. As long as you don't smoke, don't drink heavily and have a bmi under 35, it's safe. I love it. I have a 12 hour window to take it if I forget and my periods are like clockwork. I can predict them down to the hour almost.

Idliketobeabutterfly · 12/08/2016 19:59


imjessie · 12/08/2016 19:59

Ive got a copper coil. The mirena still has hormones .

Puddleduckthe2nd · 12/08/2016 20:00

I have implant, first couple of months my moods were horrendous was going to get it removed, seems to have settled still have periods but seem to be 6 weekly instead of monthly but get pmt badly with it. Considering getting it removed still

Wellmeetontheledge · 12/08/2016 20:12

I use the patch :) similar to the pill but I only have to remember to change it once a week.

TheGreatDessert · 12/08/2016 20:15

Condoms currently even though neither of us particularly like them.

I came off the pill around 4 months ago after being on it for almost fifteen years. Last few years i was on Yasmin. Amazing for my skin but I had zero sex drive and I think it affected my mood. I took a brief pill break over five years ago and my true periods were really, really heavy. This time my periods are virtually non existent - like 1.5 days of really light bleeding Confused. My skin is terrible once again - chest ance has returned and I think my back will start erupting soon Sad. Sex drive appears to be reemerging, albeit slowly.

I'm going to ask my doc about antibiotics for my skin. I'm not keen to go back on hormonal contraceptives and the thought of a coil makes me feel faint.

I haven't had any kids yet so neither of us can consider the snip.

Getting pregnant currently would be a nightmare situation. If that wasn't the case i'd probably try charting. Currently I can't take that risk.

JaceLancs · 12/08/2016 20:16

I had a hysterectomy and DP had the snip before that so think we were pretty safe!

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 12/08/2016 20:16


Hate it.

Fat, depressed, zero libido. Periods are either light and last for three weeks or flooding heavy. It has had 2 years to settle and I am going to ask for it out.

NameChange30 · 12/08/2016 20:17

"I don't really mind the condoms myself, dh is not so keen."

If he's the one who doesn't like condoms, he can take responsibility for an alternative. In other words, get a vasectomy.

If he doesn't want a vasectomy, and you're happy with condoms, why on earth should you have to use hormonal contraception (with all the side effects) just to please him?!

AveADayOffWillYa · 12/08/2016 20:20

Condoms. Its getting a bit tiresome after 15 years, though, and we do take risks which we shouldn't be taking seeing as neither of us want any more children.

Toying with the idea of a coil (would have to be copper, though, as cannot take any hormonal contraception for health reasons). DH also assures me he is 'looking into' the we shall see!

MatildaTheCat · 12/08/2016 20:21

I'm on my 5th and last Mirena. I guess it's been a success then. Smile

Not had a period in 21 years. I'm acne prone and it has persisted throughout my adult life to some extent, not sure that the coil has made it worse TBH. I did try the progesterone only pill for a short while ( slightly less effective than combined pill) and my skin was the best ever. Only problem was my libido packed up and went.

In case it helps I now use Duac cream on prescription and it really helps those hormonal chin and jaw spots.

I know Mirena isn't for everyone but for many it's a game changer and extremely reliable.

fatcathatmat · 12/08/2016 20:22

I had a coil in for a bit, but it really squicked me out. I had it taken out after a year, and switched to the implant.

I can recommend implant, it's progesterone only so doesn't have some of the same risks as the combined pill (I.e. I get migraines, so I can't have the combined one)

End of the day, it's your choice- once you've been told about the risks you should be allowed to make that decision yourself. It's not on for anyone to be pressuring you, and it might be worth having a quiet word with the clinic manager or someone to the effect that you're sure she didn't mean it like that but the nurse made you feel really pressured to take up a contraceptive option you don't really feel comfortable with.

glorious · 12/08/2016 20:22

Sympto thermal method and condoms. You have to be very disciplined and it's definitely not for people who would find an unplanned pregnancy a disaster, but done properly it does work


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Missgraeme · 12/08/2016 20:27

Doc told me migraine sufferers are at risk of a stroke taking the pill. Implant made me feel down. Coil made me bleed lots and often the when they took it out doc said it hadn't been put in properly! Ttc at the moment then prob have tubes tied.

Mommawoo · 12/08/2016 20:28

A friend in America told me she had her 'tubes tied'. Is this procedure available in Uk and is it reversible? I dont get on with any hormonal contraception but we want more children eventually, just a few years break after this one comes. We had planned to use condoms but wondered if there was an alternative.

StillRabbit · 12/08/2016 20:32

I know three (yes THREE) different friends who fell pregnant with the coil (not the one with hormones). I didn't want to go back on hormonal contraception after second DC born so DH and I have been using condoms for 13 years. He is perfectly happy with them and I like the 'lack of mess'. Nearly 48 now so hoping that everything will pack in soon...

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