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AIBU to think that having paid to see Florence at BTS Hyde Park, I shouldn't have to put up with other people's children

138 replies

monstiebags · 03/07/2016 00:41

I went to the BTS festival today and was lying on a blanket in the sun listening to some cool tunes when a family turned up and sat down a few yards away. Parents got in pints and pints of beer and settled down for some tunes whilst children ran up and down between my husband and I screaming and playing tricky. The band playing was a rapper and every other word was fxxxck. Am I being unreasonable to think that this was not a suitable
for children who were very distracting for the rest of us who were there for the music.

OP posts:
OpheIiaBaIIs · 04/07/2016 21:14

Lol at did not make for a nurturing environment for children Grin

Was it a radical environment though, OP? A, like, totally far out environment? With cool tunes?

crystalgall · 04/07/2016 21:14

What they were doin f sounds bloody irritating OP so Inagree with you on that but I can't believe someone moaned about kids running in a park. A park!
Also sometimes when you're in a park a ball
Might land near you. Shock horror. Kids kicking a ball aren't professional league footballers. It's a park!!

limon · 04/07/2016 21:31

Children have just as much right to be there. Move away from children if you dont like what they are doing.

dogsdieinhotcars · 04/07/2016 22:08

Just laughing that OP never came back!

HaveAWeeNap · 04/07/2016 22:19

OP did come back - at 20.09

KissMyArse · 04/07/2016 22:24

tricky is what autocorrect makes of "ticky"

So. Fucking. Disappointed.

robinia · 04/07/2016 22:25

Except she did about 12 posts ago Hmm
I'm with you OP. Not sure why others think that you should either put up with the children's unacceptable behaviour or move.

ThreeSaggyBalloons · 04/07/2016 22:31

Although you are getting flamed I don't think Yabu. Just because kids are allowed there doesn't mean it's a free for all and suddenly it's ok to be using you as unwilling participants in piggy in the middle or tiggy or whatever it was.

I'd have found it annoying as well but probably would have said something if it was continuing as I'm a moody cow at the moment; however previously I'd have been like you and sat there quietly fuming and tutting.

ExitPursuedByABear · 04/07/2016 22:36

But I don't know what ticky is either!

KissMyArse · 04/07/2016 22:44

"One child is chosen to be "Ticky," i.e., to be on the quivive to lay hold of or touch any one who is not touching wood. If played out of doors it must be clearly defined what is ivood, trees and all growing wood being forbidden. The fun consists in the bold ventures of those who tempt " Ticky " to run after them, and contrive to touch " wood,J just before he touches them. When one is caught he is Ticky " in turn"
KissMyArse · 04/07/2016 22:47

"One child is chosen to be "Ticky," i.e., to be on the quivive to lay hold of or touch any one who is not touching wood.

"Better to be touching wood than touching cloth"


dogsdieinhotcars · 04/07/2016 22:49

Ok found OP. Anyhow YANBU. Some places just need to be young kid free. Noisy, sweary, pissed and stoned places are such places.

ExitPursuedByABear · 04/07/2016 22:50

Kiss who be Ye?

KissMyArse · 04/07/2016 23:09

Kiss who be Ye?

I doth be the parent who has verily had a bad experience with a parent rather than a childe at ye olde festivals.

Went to Wireless in 2009 with a bloke from my son's football club and our 11 year olds. Within half an hour of being there said (until then perfectly normal) bloke was in the portaloos snorting ket Hmm

Cue him screaming his child had been lost "for 7 hours" (they'd been gone 20 minutes and were happily watching some minor rapper, having already told me where exactly they would be).

Finally calmed him down and when I popped off to the loo he stole my noodles. £5 fucking quid they cost me!

He also turned out to be a recovering alcoholic who ran off and drank himself into a stupor.

Give me kids enjoying themselves every time.

Just5minswithDacre · 04/07/2016 23:20

I still don't know what ticky is Sad

YABsoveryU to say 'ticky is not tricky; it's something from before X boxes' OP.

You have a following here.

YANBU about feral children at live music events OTOH.

Eiram49 · 04/07/2016 23:34

Get a grip.....

TheNaze73 · 04/07/2016 23:41

What the hell is "ticky"

I think YABU for your sense of entitlement around putting a beach towel down at an open air festival & claiming the land as yours

KissMyArse · 04/07/2016 23:55


"One child is chosen to be "Ticky," i.e., to be on the quivive to lay hold of or touch any one who is not touching wood. If played out of doors it must be clearly defined what is ivood, trees and all growing wood being forbidden. The fun consists in the bold ventures of those who tempt " Ticky " to run after them, and contrive to touch " wood,J just before he touches them. When one is caught he is Ticky " in turn"


Just5minswithDacre · 04/07/2016 23:58

Oh sorry kiss, I thought you were making up some bollox. That's real is it? I can't really follow it. Probably because I'm not wearing knickerbockers.

ephemeralfairy · 04/07/2016 23:59


I must play it!! I can add it to my repertoire of Pub Games, including Hot Cockles, Duck Duck Goose, 20 Questions, Compliments and Wax Hands (my own inventions).

ExitPursuedByABear · 05/07/2016 00:02

No Kiss. I mean who are you.? Namechanger?

You are everywhere like a rash at the moment.

In a good way obvs.


ExitPursuedByABear · 05/07/2016 00:04



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KissMyArse · 05/07/2016 00:13


Forget the knickerbockers, let's just play some cool tunes on the lute (you hum it, I'll join in on the harpsichord)


Previously PiranhaBrothers (though I think that was a while back). May have mentioned my requirement for an extra long speculum/long fingered doctor to break my waters on a previous thread
Probably not a good time to mention rashes (good or bad) ...

Actually just too much time on my hands lately (insomnia and a week on annual leave) Grin

Just5minswithDacre · 05/07/2016 00:59

We've nearly got a Tudor popular beat combo Grin

Just5minswithDacre · 05/07/2016 01:01

*May have mentioned my requirement for an extra long speculum/long fingered doctor to break my waters on a previous thread

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