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AIBU to think that having paid to see Florence at BTS Hyde Park, I shouldn't have to put up with other people's children

138 replies

monstiebags · 03/07/2016 00:41

I went to the BTS festival today and was lying on a blanket in the sun listening to some cool tunes when a family turned up and sat down a few yards away. Parents got in pints and pints of beer and settled down for some tunes whilst children ran up and down between my husband and I screaming and playing tricky. The band playing was a rapper and every other word was fxxxck. Am I being unreasonable to think that this was not a suitable
for children who were very distracting for the rest of us who were there for the music.

OP posts:
NoahVale · 03/07/2016 11:13

i assume tricky is like a game of tag

NoahVale · 03/07/2016 11:13

do you mean Tricksy?

SpringerS · 03/07/2016 11:14

I think it's quite nice when families are at a gig like that, especially if the children enjoy the music. I was at a big park gig a couple of years back and felt a bit jealous of the people who had brought their children as my son would have loved it. That said there was a natural system of families spread out near the back, mainly adult groups chilling out in the middle, with some older children in that area. Then the majority of the crowd were at the front, fairly tightly packed and dancing.

If there had been children around you up front and you couldn't enjoy yourself for fear of injuring them you'd have a point. But if you were further back in the area full of people chilling out and picnicking from a safe distance then children are to be expected and if you felt some were too near to you and being annoying, you should have moved.

KittyKrap · 03/07/2016 11:17

I've now got RunDMC in my head.. 'It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)- I met a little girlie, her hair was kinda curly'..

Went to her house and bust her out and had to leave real early Grin

derxa · 03/07/2016 11:28


GabsAlot · 03/07/2016 11:54

ty kitty

lol but i do love that song

myownprivateidaho · 03/07/2016 12:05

Hahaha. I was at bst yesterday too. One thing I noticed about the venue is that it was quite... I think the word I'm looking for is big? So you might have been able to fid another spot in the large swath of Hyde park that was cordoned off. And oh yeah, it was a festival. Not the opera. Silence not obligatory, esp if you're miles away from the stage.

jamdonut · 03/07/2016 12:23

It's just that thing about people not having respect for others around them. If I had gone with my kids, they would not be allowed to run around annoying others. And I would expect others to have the same courtesy for me.
Sadly, large section of society don't have these views and think they can do what the hell they like and sod everyone else. [Hmm]

DoomGloomAndKaboom · 03/07/2016 12:29

Tricky is a game where the first person has to run in a straight line until they are tagged by the second person, then the first person runs in zigzag lines until the third person tags the second person, when the second person runs in circles and the first person has to bounce on the spot three times before leaping to the side. Then the fourth person joins in to tag the SECOND person, who then has to run away yelling MUMMMMAAAAYYYY and the third person tags the first person who then belts them back whilst the fourth person has a wee somewhere inappropriate. The nearest adult signals the next part of the game by tutting. The fifth person joins in and hits the third person for no reason, who then mistakenly trips up the first person who by now is fucking beside themselves.
The second person starts crying for no reason whatsoever and the fourth person pretends to be nice to them but actually just wants to pickpocket their sweets. Then they all start running around in circles until someone goes the wrong way and then the first, fourth and - new! - sixth person have a fight. If the second person joins in, 'TRICKY' is called and they have to reverse places and start all over again.

Honestly, it's perfectly simple, did none of you play this as children? EVERYBODY knows what tricky is and I have absolutely not made all this up because no one else is explaining what frickin' tricky is.

Runningupthathill82 · 03/07/2016 12:35

I'd have loved to see Kendrick Lamar. YABU for not moving away from the tricky, tricky, tricky kids.

Just5minswithDacre · 03/07/2016 12:39

Honestly, it's perfectly simple, did none of you play this as children? EVERYBODY knows what tricky is and I have absolutely not made all this up because no one else is explaining what frickin' tricky is.

FoxesOnSocks · 03/07/2016 12:48

Well there's evidently at least four people who know what Tricky is, that's for certain.

IceBeing · 03/07/2016 13:05

wtf? Anyway, YANBU - other peoples children shouldn't be running and screaming in between you and your husband (assuming you were sitting reasonably close together).

ApocalypseNowt · 03/07/2016 13:12

Am totes going to play tricky. It sounds fun. I will have to make some more friends though first.

KissMyArse · 03/07/2016 13:29


Thank god someone here could explain it! Yup, now you mention it I play it all the time (especially "the fourth person has a wee somewhere inappropriate).

DoomGloomAndKaboom · 03/07/2016 13:55

I have just re-read the OP and I think I might have got it all wrong.

  • children ran up and down between my husband and I screaming and playing tricky."

    Who was screaming and playing tricky, the children or the OP & husband?

    The plot does the confusion....
DoomGloomAndKaboom · 03/07/2016 13:57

bold fail

children ran up and down between my husband and I screaming and playing tricky.

children ran up and down between my husband and I screaming and playing tricky.

fiorentina · 03/07/2016 15:39

I went too and to be honest just looked at the people with children and were glad mine were at home so that I could enjoy myself more. I didn't think badly of them?! If they were annoying, I would have moved, same as if adults had annoyed me. It's that simple.

happypoobum · 03/07/2016 16:02

Yeah, I think Tricky is a bit like "Cups" Great game! Where is the OP?

AIBU to think that having paid to see Florence at BTS Hyde Park, I shouldn't have to put up with other people's children
GabsAlot · 03/07/2016 19:57


ive watched it so many time and still dont get it

loobyloo1234 · 03/07/2016 20:01

I have even googled what Tricky the game is ... I am none the wiser. Here to book mark also so we can find out what this is

And Grin at your comment about children running around having fun at a public festival. How very dare they?

MrsWembley · 03/07/2016 20:18

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feralgoat · 03/07/2016 21:55

how dya pronounce 'fxxxck' then?

Damselindestress · 03/07/2016 22:09

Tricky could be a typo for tiggy, which is what some people call tag.

FoxesOnSocks · 03/07/2016 23:21

Is cups the one with the singing? If it is why is there a picture of those two off Friends? Is it a trick picture, oooooh are we playing tricky?!??

Good point though about who was screaming and playing tricky, it is unclear. Hmmmmm.

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