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to feel sympathy for the first Mrs straw ridge

249 replies

Wordsaremything · 12/06/2016 20:55

Husband, ex military man appropriately named dick, did a lot of telly in the early noughties about engineering projects, and living green etc. Involving all his family.

Seems he's had a mid life crisis and is now with a young cockney vintage person called Angel, has started a second family and is now living with her and youngsters in France in a ruin d chateau allegedly bought for. 280 k with 12 acres and a renovation budget of 20k.

All lovey Dovey. Constantly nose bumping etc. Decorating the honeymoon suite. And Lo! Her parents have arrived to live with them ( and no doubt contribute to the budget.)

All feels very yuck.

OP posts:
Ta1kinPeace · 25/03/2017 21:07

Brigit is doing just fine without him
ignore the meejah

AllThatIsGoldDoesNotGlitter · 25/03/2017 21:09

There's only 11 years between them. Hardly a scandalous gap between consenting adults... (I had no idea who these people were until this thread - thank you, Google!)

Imamouseduh · 25/03/2017 21:11

I loathe that vintage pin up style and can't bear what's she's doing to that chateaux with her decorating.

AwkwardSquad · 25/03/2017 21:13

So, all in all, there's no scandal here, move along please Grin

TheSmallClangerWhistlesAgain · 25/03/2017 21:15

"Angel" isn't a designer, she was on Dragons' Den with her "vintage tea shop", and has written some cookbooks.

I have no opinion on the original Strawbridge couple's split, but she gets on my nerves, mainly because she reminds me of someone I know IRL whom I can't stand.

That comment about the jackhammer is horrid and embarrassing.

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 25/03/2017 21:16

Is that on the TV again?

See the thread has been resurrected?

MrsMoastyToasty · 25/03/2017 21:17

He used to present a show with his grown up son from his first marriage if I remember.

EnriqueTheRingBearingLizard · 25/03/2017 21:20

I've got Angela's book, it's very pretty

KathArtic · 25/03/2017 21:24

Funnily enough Dh and I were have a similar conversation tonight recalling some of Dicks earlier projects.

I think it is because his first family seemed so happy and united, and then the next minute this he is with a bright-red haired 40's lass with tattooed eyebrows.

The assumption is he had a taste of celebrity /had a mid-life crisis and got a new wife.

Rather concerned with her pinning dead butterflies around the house and the stuffed wolf was awful.

ThePiglet59 · 25/03/2017 21:36

Projecting much?

Tigresswoods · 25/03/2017 21:41

I echo PP, DH & I were shocked when this Chateau programme started but some quick googling revealed a smaller age gap than us!!!

As some have said, we don't know the full story so I'm happy to let them crack on.

MorrisZapp · 25/03/2017 21:44

Never heard of them.

I went right off Rick Stein though, when he traded Jill in for a younger model.

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 25/03/2017 21:47

Angel Adoree as a name is so gloriously twee. Almost like her decorations.

What did they do with the moat?

TescoCarrierBag · 25/03/2017 21:48

This is vintage zombie thread

Ta1kinPeace · 25/03/2017 21:49

not reallly - as the programme is on again

expatinscotland · 25/03/2017 21:53

'I went right off Rick Stein though, when he traded Jill in for a younger model.'

So did Jeremy Paxman, and that awful Jeremy Kyle, and Rowan Atkinson. Dick is just another spoony.

MorrisZapp · 25/03/2017 22:53

Angel Adoree? There aren't enough eyeroll smileys in the world...

user1471517900 · 25/03/2017 23:00

Did they "trade them in" or did they find a younger person after their first relationship ended. Funnily enough they're perfectly allowed to do this.....

expatinscotland · 25/03/2017 23:02

'Did they "trade them in" or did they find a younger person after their first relationship ended.'

Stein, Paxman, Atkinson and Kyle definitely traded in before first relationship ended. They're allowed to do that, too, but it makes them cunts. Long list of 'em, too.

coconuttella · 25/03/2017 23:09

What a wired thread to start?.... unless you are perhaps the first Mrs Strawbridge's mum!

coconuttella · 25/03/2017 23:10

Weird thread...

BonnyScotland · 25/03/2017 23:44


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ExplodedCloud · 26/03/2017 00:17

We were a bit Hmm at Dick and Angel when the Chateau thing was shown. Glad to hear the first Mrs S is doing fine.

FairytalesAreBullshit · 26/03/2017 00:35

I feel like I've missed out on something really important. Have I? What's their contribution to society? Are they tackling world peace or world hunger?

From what I gather you like the first wife, but you consider the second to be a tart because she's named Angel. Whilst I prefer traditional names myself, I'm not going to ascribe class or status via a name, as celebrities are known for crazy names like Apple and Phantom ooh and the delectable North.

I will google as I'm dying of reflux and can't go to sleep in fear of choking. I won't judge anyone, just as I don't really want people judging me on my name alone.

You'll find it easier in life if you consider everyone your equals.

thecraftyfox · 26/03/2017 02:40

It's not an 11 year gap. The article says he's 56 and she's 38. The fact he has grandkids a similar age to his second round of children is a bit weird. I find it quite tedious predictable, older man takes up with younger woman, presses restart on family life.

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