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AIBU? want a tumble dryer rather than a dishwasher?

101 replies

GreenBaizePacker · 16/04/2016 13:16

Moving house soon and new house has space for one or the other. We currently just have tumble dryer.

DH wants dishwasher. He is chief washer upper.

I want to stay with tumble dryer. I am chief launderer.

The thought of doing towels and bedding without a tumble dryer in winter makes me want to cry.

So AIBU to want to stick with tumble dryer?

OP posts:
pearlylum · 16/04/2016 16:52

Dishwasher over tumble dryer. I have space for both but I choose not to have a tumble dryer. I have had a tumble dryer in the past.

I agree with RhiWrites a dishwasher not only washes, but stores dirty dishes too, so the kitchen is always tidy, rather than having piles of dirty or drying stuff near the sink.

pearlylum · 16/04/2016 16:54

LadyIncuntliaButtock I live in Scotland - I hang out laundry all year round. Even with crunchy snow underfoot, I love the smell of ice dried clothes on a sunny winter day.

OutToGetYou · 16/04/2016 16:58

When I lived on my own I had a washer/dryer which was fine, though to be honest I rarely used the dryer, it was more for "emergencies".

I had originally a slimline dishwasher which was fine, then later had a full size one which was better.

Moved in with dp, no room for dryer and we decided to use his wm as it was newer and with a big drum. We do have his old dyer in the garage but it's never been plugged in to anything so not been used in three years. Never missed it.

The dw here was built in and quickly transpired to be a bit rubbish. We replaced it quick smart. I'd never be without a dw. Yes, you can put most things in them (I do the nice glasses by hand and wooden bread board, though being just a bread board it shouldn't really get very dirty......and wouldn't if dp could just remember not to cut vegetables up on it!).

So, for me, it's dw over tumble dryer I'm afraid.

We have no problems drying stuff but we have three spare bedrooms so one of those is always festooned with laundry, even so it all dries overnight. We keep the window open in that room all the time to prevent damp and double spin everything to remove excess water and speed up drying.

OutToGetYou · 16/04/2016 16:59

Also, tumble driers use a lot of electricity.

OhSoggyBiscuit · 16/04/2016 17:05

Tumble dryer! Warm clothes fresh from the tumble dryer in the winter are heaven. And nice fluffy soft towels.

Lifecanonlygetbetter · 16/04/2016 17:08

In our last house we had a tiny kitchen until we extended. I had the choice between a dishwasher or an oven, and it was the dishwasher hands-down. We managed with a combi microwave for 3 years. The dishwasher keeps the kitchen cleaner and tidier. Try and squeezable slimline one in if you can. Could the dryer go in the bathroom?

newmumwithquestions · 16/04/2016 17:12

YABCompletelyU. A dishwasher every time! We have a dehumidifier next to the indoor clothes wrack - dries really quickly. And I say that despite as chief washer and OH as chief washer-upper.

newmumwithquestions · 16/04/2016 17:13

And evidently I can't construct a sentence with correct grammar... My vote still counts thought!

newmumwithquestions · 16/04/2016 17:13

Urgh though not thought! Wtf??!

Mistigri · 16/04/2016 17:17

I'd have the dishwasher - but I have a large garage with a washing line for winter drying, and a garden for drying in summer. The further north you live or the less outside space you have, the more a dryer makes sense.

pearlylum · 16/04/2016 17:28

ohsoggy- I don't like the smell of tumble dried clothes, they smell slightly rubbery/industrial, nothing beats the smell of clean fresh outside air.

Tumble driers wear clothes out too.

oliviaclottedcream · 16/04/2016 17:59

Aren't tumble driers very energy heavy and bad for the environment ?

saltysquid · 16/04/2016 19:34

I have the same dilemma at present and am leaning towards a tumble dryer. Fed up of having clothes constantly drying on the radiator.

RedSoloCup · 16/04/2016 20:15

I had this choice and went for tumble drier and I haven't regretted it.

dietcokeandwine · 16/04/2016 20:35

I would go for tumble drier over dishwater times about eleventy million. Never really used a dishwasher when I had one, don't currently have one (rented flat that doesn't have one) and haven't missed it once. I like the routine of washing and drying up and putting away. Dishwashers stress me the fuck out anyway (all those manky dishes just festering before you can get round to putting it on at the end of the day? Yuck!) and having to load and unload the damned thing is a million times more of a faff than just washing and drying up as you go!

Whereas a tumble drier (if you have 3 DC as I do) is the difference between coping with the laundry pile and not coping. Wash it, dry it as quick as possible and put it all away is my motto. With dishes as well as laundry!

lazyarse123 · 16/04/2016 20:52

I have both and wouldn't be without the dryer, us two plus three adult children to launder for. We only have a slimline dishwasher and it's plenty big enough. The dryer doesn't cost much to run (we have prepayment meters so i can work out the running costs of pretty much anything). It would cost a fortune to have the heating on to dry the laundry. Get the dryer and share the washing up if you really can't find the space.

Gide · 16/04/2016 21:21

Both, just reorganise the kitchen or knock down walls to make a massive utility room.

poorbuthappy · 16/04/2016 21:34

5 of us so the tumble dryer is more important than dishwasher.
But I would go for a washer dryer and a dishwasher if space was limited.

NeedMoreSleepOrSugar · 16/04/2016 21:39

Dishwasher every time. But why not a dishwasher and washer dryer?

FunkyPeacock · 16/04/2016 21:39

I'd take the dishwasher every time!

ghostyslovesheep · 16/04/2016 21:43

tumble dryer - never owned a dish washer - never wanted one - dishes aren't to hard to wash but drying 1 or 2 loads of laundry requires sunshine or lots of radiators!

GruffaloMoggy · 16/04/2016 21:46

Heated airer & tumble drier.


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GruffaloMoggy · 16/04/2016 21:47

Blush I meant heated airer & dishwasher!

SeraOfeliaFalfurrias · 16/04/2016 21:56

We have a slimline dishwasher for the 4 of us, sometimes we need to run it twice a day but it's definitely big enough. We also have a condenser tumble dryer which won't fit in the kitchen, so it's upstairs in a bedroom cupboard. We just run it with the cupboard door open, and having the bed right there to fold and sort the laundry is very handy. Plus it makes our bedroom toasty warm in winter. Condenser driers can go anywhere - get creative!

Fluffycloudland77 · 16/04/2016 21:56

You need both. Washing up is a hateful job and costs a fecking fortune in water.

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