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To ask if you breastfed your LO how long did you do so for?

280 replies

QueenE27 · 25/02/2016 21:06

I see the WHO advises 2 years and just wondered .......

OP posts:
Minshu · 25/02/2016 21:31

Nearly made it to 12 months - she gave up on my dwindling supply 5 days before her first birthday (she had a cold). Still get a pang just before her birthday (she's 6 now).

Pomtastic · 25/02/2016 21:32

DC1 is nearly 4 yrs, DC2 is nearly 2 months, both currently still feeding :)

MummaB123 · 25/02/2016 21:32

DC1 26 months.
DC2 currently 11 months.
I got a looooot of stick for how long I breastfed my first DC but I'm proud of it! I never planned to do it for so long, but I (and she) loved it!

DramaAlpaca · 25/02/2016 21:33

DS1 - 9 months
DS2 - 8 months
DS3 - 4.5 months

I was happy with how long I fed the first two for. I personally didn't want to breastfeed beyond a year and the two of them lost interest before that & pretty much self weaned. Back then, 20 or so years ago, we started on solids earlier so by 8 or 9 months they'd been eating a good mixed diet for a while and it felt fine to stop breastfeeding.

I'd have liked to have fed DS3 for longer but for some reason I struggled with supply and had to mix feed from about 8 weeks. I'm happy I managed to keep going until 4.5 months, but was very sad when we had our very last feed.

MothButterfly · 25/02/2016 21:33

I'm tandem feeding a 3.10 year oldand a 20 month old. fed oldest through conceiving my youngest andspregnancy. I'm wondering when my oldest will self wean but I don't mind. It's useful as a comforter and for getting him to sleep.

waddleandtoddle · 25/02/2016 21:34

2 years - went back to work when Ds was 6 months and loved the evening feed snuggles after a stressed day.

HackerFucker22 · 25/02/2016 21:39

13m and still going strong no sleep as she feeds much more at night and always has done and I'm going to let her self wean.

Am back at work 3 days a week, haven't slept in well over a year and sometimes having my body at the disposal of someone else BUT I still want to let child self wean.

BrokenRing · 25/02/2016 21:40

9 months
18 months
18 months
18 months

eurochick · 25/02/2016 21:40

8 months of expressing! (Premmie baby never got the hang of latching)

PotteringAlong · 25/02/2016 21:40

Ds1 = 15 months
Ds2 = 18 months

pregnantgrump · 25/02/2016 21:42

8 months and still going. Mixed feeding since I went back to work recently. Keeping going when working is hard especially if no time to pump as quite a bit of pain in breasts by the end of the day, but I'm told they'll adjust.

DaisyDando · 25/02/2016 21:43

11 and a bit months, but with formula too. Wish I hadn't stopped now the teething is happening again.

FankEweVeryMuch · 25/02/2016 21:44

No1- 3 months
No2- 7 months
No3- 13 months (bottle refuser or it would have been less)
No4- is almost 5 months, not sure how long I'll keep going but it won't be until he's 2.

BestZebbie · 25/02/2016 21:46

6 months - 4 exclusively and 2 more with one bottle of formula a day as well, as my milk wasn't keeping up with his demand.
However, all of that milk was expressed with a breast pump and given in bottles, so apparently that doesn't count as 'breastfeeding'! (or as bottle feeding...)

Amelia65 · 25/02/2016 21:47

DS1 - 8 months then the teeth came ouch!

DS2 currently 4 months - hoping to do it for a bit longer this time! Really enjoying it!

Good luck I know it's not easy sometimes x

UterusUterusGhali · 25/02/2016 21:47

2.5 years
2 years (then got pg so he went off it)
3 years.

CruCru · 25/02/2016 21:47

12 months and 18 months (ish)

Lovelydiscusfish · 25/02/2016 21:47

Dd was just shy of two when she self-weaned. Just wanted to add, I went back to work when she was four and a half months - return to work doesn't have to mean the end of bf, depending how things work out.

BrownAjah · 25/02/2016 21:50

DC1 - about 24hrs. Total failure!
DC2 - 13mths
DC3 - 2.3yrs

Wardrobespierre · 25/02/2016 21:50

3.5yrs both times.

LakeFlyPie · 25/02/2016 21:51

5 and 4 (over 5 years non stop).
I'm not sure either of them would have self weaned any time soon as they each continued to ask for bf for months after they stopped!
I did feel they'd each had their fair share Grin

SoozeyHoozey · 25/02/2016 21:51

6 months with dc1. I was going back to work but I'd had enough to be honest, I wanted to get drunk and I wanted my body back! I didn't really enjoy it, I did it purely for the health benefits.

Due to give birth to dc2 and I'll probably do it for a similar time, maybe a bit shorter.


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StealthPolarBear · 25/02/2016 21:51

Failure is not on the part of the mother or baby!! If you wanted to breastfeed longer but struggled and couldn't you were let down.

PricklyHodgeheg · 25/02/2016 21:52

17 months
2 years

angelikacpickles · 25/02/2016 21:52

DD - 2 years 7 months
DS - 23 months and still feeding

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