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To ask if you breastfed your LO how long did you do so for?

280 replies

QueenE27 · 25/02/2016 21:06

I see the WHO advises 2 years and just wondered .......

OP posts:
stonecircle · 25/02/2016 21:21

6 months
1.5 years
2+ years

Birdsgottafly · 25/02/2016 21:21

8 months, 15 months and around 18 months.

Looking at the reasons why the Who recommends BF, beyond six months, they don't apply to my circumstances living in the UK.

jinxdragon · 25/02/2016 21:21

3 months ish, 9 months, and 1 year and counting.

Cirsium · 25/02/2016 21:21

13 months, still breastfeeding feeding regularly along with plenty of solids. I plan to carry on for as long as she wants to. I'm lucky to be able to take her to work with me which makes it possible.

LauraMipsum · 25/02/2016 21:21

6 months. I'd imagined natural term feeding but it didn't happen that way for us.

ButterIsAngelSpunk · 25/02/2016 21:22

2 days and then decided it wasn't for me - I have so much respect for women who breastfeed, I couldn't handle the pain of it and I didn't like not knowing exactly how much he had taken.

Baconyum · 25/02/2016 21:22

8.5 months to my great disappointment. My milk dried due to I have messed up hormones (endo and other stuff).

I'd have done so till at least a year and longer if at all possible! Milk dried literally one feed was fine next feed nothing! Had to do emergency dash to supermarket/mothercare to get bottles etc.

LastGirlOnTheLeft · 25/02/2016 21:22

My first just 6 weeks....I found it hard and got mastitis whereby she refused my left breast! My second I had no confidence so did the recommended 6 months then quit. My third is almost three and still going and number four is seven months and counting....

I want to reassure anyone that would like to breast feed that it IS hard and it took baby #3 for me to really know what I was doing.

BeStrongAndCourageous · 25/02/2016 21:22

DD for 3.5 years, DS still bfeeding at 19 months with no plans to stop any time soon. I tandem fed the two of them for a year.

It was mainly laziness on my part - easier than forcing DD to wean - but there was something lovely about having one on either side, gazing at each other when they fed. Sometimes they held hands over my heart Smile

FelicityFunknickle · 25/02/2016 21:24

DC1= 22 months
DC2= 30 months

Jitterybug · 25/02/2016 21:24

5 months, just right for us.

FlappyRose · 25/02/2016 21:24

5 and a half months.

ScandiManny · 25/02/2016 21:24

DC1 13 Months - I think it was possibly a bit early to be considered 'self weaning' but he just point blank refused one day preferring a cup so after a few weeks of offering I let him get on with things. Hes never been a cuddly child though so I think bfing quite irritated him!

DC2 - I exclusively pumped for a month and he was tube fed in NICU. He then learnt to suckle at around 4 weeks and he's still feeding at 15 Months. I think it'll be a good while yet until we stop.

DartmoorDoughnut · 25/02/2016 21:25

Almost 18 months and still going

ridemesideways · 25/02/2016 21:25

3.5 years

bluespiral · 25/02/2016 21:25

2 years

Bluecarrot · 25/02/2016 21:25

2 and no plans to stop, but pregnant now and worried milk will dry up. It's such a comfort to her and I love doing it. The thought she might tell me it's gone any day makes me cherish every second of it a bit more! ( but hoping supply keeps up throughout)

TrashPanda · 25/02/2016 21:26

Still going at nearly 11 months but he seems to be losing interest during the day when there is food available and stuff going on. At the moment he feeds all night which we need to work on because I am feeling the lack of sleep. I'm worried that will be the end though Sad

Schmoochypoos · 25/02/2016 21:26

Ds1 7months
Ds2 7months and counting, he has refused all offerings of expressed milk and formula, he prefers it direct from the source! so presumably he will decide when he's ready.

AnotherStitchInTime · 25/02/2016 21:27

Dd1 2, dd2 17 months (stopped as I was pregnant and my milk supply reduced), ds 2.2 months and counting.

BolshierAryaStark · 25/02/2016 21:28

12 months for both DC.

BingoBonkers · 25/02/2016 21:29

DC 1 - 1yo
DC 2 - 9 months as DC decided to quit
DC 3 - 8.5 months and plan to until one year


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ExAstris · 25/02/2016 21:29

DS1 33 months.
DS2 so far 6 months and counting - got through expressing for tube feeds in NICU, teaching him to feed properly for the first time at 10 days old (when he'd developed the habit of biting from his ventilator tube...), a bad latch, oversupply/fast letdown, & tongue tie, like fuck am I going to stop now we're at the easy phase! :)

To be pedantic, though, I believe the WHO recommend at least 2 years, and as long after as mutually desirable.

ZedWoman · 25/02/2016 21:30

DS 7 months
DD 9 weeks, but then again she had a congenital heart defect and getting her to take any feed was a struggle

Bunnyjo · 25/02/2016 21:31

I fed both mine for 2y3m exactly. DD was weaned because I was pregnant and it was like passing glass through my nipples. DS self-weaned at the same age DD was, to the day, when I weaned her!

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