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To ask if you breastfed your LO how long did you do so for?

280 replies

QueenE27 · 25/02/2016 21:06

I see the WHO advises 2 years and just wondered .......

OP posts:
AntsMarching · 25/02/2016 21:13

18 months for both of mine. I stopped them at 18 months, with dd1, I stopped because I was pregnant again and it was too painful. With dd2, she was losing interest anyway and I had a 3 day holiday away on my own and when I came back she never asked for more.

KondosSecretJunkRoom · 25/02/2016 21:14

7 weeks, 3.5 yrs, 2yrs and counting.

Franny1977 · 25/02/2016 21:14

Three months. Did I read someone wrote 4 years above???

soupmaker · 25/02/2016 21:14

DD1 4 months. Looking back I wish I'd persevered but she had horrid reflux and seemed to hate feeding. DD2 15 months. She was EBF to 6 months despite a difficult start with tongue tie. She weaned herself and never bothered with having a bottle or formula. Was bliss as I'm lazy.

TheSconeOfStone · 25/02/2016 21:14

8-9 months with both. Had already phased in mixed feeding. I had expected to BF exclusively until at least a year but was sick of the exhaustion. The relief was stronger than the guilt by the time I stopped with both of them.

I don't know many who made it past 6 months.

worriedmum100 · 25/02/2016 21:14

posted too soon.... meant to add we stopped because he lost interest, stopped demanding it, lost weight and we were both miserable. It had been great up until about 3 months then steadily went downhill. He was very happy to take a bottle though so the transition wasn't hard luckily.

Narnia72 · 25/02/2016 21:14

DD 1 22 months
DD 2 26 months
DS I initiated a gentle stop on his 3rd birthday (initially having tried when he was 2!!)

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 25/02/2016 21:14

DC1 - 9 months but mix-fed (with formula) from 4 weeks.
DC2 - EBF for 2 years 9 months

Muchtoomuchtodo · 25/02/2016 21:15

Ds1 for 9 months and ds2 for 12 months.

MrsAukerman · 25/02/2016 21:15

We were down to bedtime only for a couple of months and fancied letting his GPs take him overnight.

whatsonyourplate · 25/02/2016 21:15

DD1 13 months
DS 2.5 years
DD2 3 years 4 months and counting.

GreatFuckability · 25/02/2016 21:15

18 months, 2 and a half years and 2 years respectively.

RubyChewsDay · 25/02/2016 21:16

Are you conducting a special BF survey OPWink

debedoo · 25/02/2016 21:16

DS self weaned at about 18 months xx

Hurrayitsnotdark · 25/02/2016 21:16

3 weeks, 3 months and 5 months. I was so over the whole boob thing by 5 months and so couldn't be bothered with it. Highly unpolitically correct but very true.

StitchesInTime · 25/02/2016 21:17

DS2 is 2.5 yrs and still breastfeeding.

It never worked properly with DS1 and gave up trying by 3 months. But he was mostly on expressed breastmilk until about 7 - 8 months.

Ludways · 25/02/2016 21:17

Struggled with ds who had a huge tongue, 2 months. Did 26 months.

Vinorosso74 · 25/02/2016 21:17

16 months. Last couple of months was just a feed before bed.

GreatFuckability · 25/02/2016 21:17

all stopped more or less of their own accord. the older 2 both lost interest when i got pregnant again, the third lost interest once she realised i wasn't going to give to her all night anymore!

foxessocks · 25/02/2016 21:17

1 year

katienana · 25/02/2016 21:19

18 months

heritagewarrior · 25/02/2016 21:19

12 months until DT1 bit me (and drew blood) then gave up, and his brother couldn't stand being different so gave up shortly afterwards. I loved it and genuinely felt bereft when they stopped....


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Alyx80 · 25/02/2016 21:20

Dc1 - 23m
Dc2 - 21m
Dc3 - 2y8m
Dc4 - still going at 13m

MoreTeaPenguin · 25/02/2016 21:20

15 months for DS, then he lost interest and preferred bottle. 2.5 years for DD, she seems to be losing interest now, so I expect we'll stop soon.

itshappenedagain · 25/02/2016 21:21

Both DS and DD until just after 3. In fact stopped feeding DS and fell pregnant with DD the next month!

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