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To be considering having a Breast reduction?

131 replies

CrazyMermaidHair · 02/01/2016 13:14

I've always been very top heavy, it's always made me feel uncomfortable with unwanted gawping and comments from men and even other women but I've been lucky in that until now Ive always escaped the health problems that other large chested women have.

In the last year I've taken up running, and even though I have properly fitted sports bras, I'm finding that I'm getting horrendous pain particularly in my right shoulder at the point when my bra strap sits. I also have grooves in my shoulders from the straps. They are also heavy and even now it feels like I've got two large bags of sugar strapped to my chest. In the summer I get rashes underneath them. They look disgusting as well, like two huge lumps of flab that sag under my arms when I'm not wearing a bra.

I'm a 34 HH and have tried losing weight, but all that happens is that my back size goes down but the cup stays enormous. I think now I just want them gone. I know it's a big operation but I don't really care. I don't even know how to go about it? Would it be done on the NHS?

AIBU to be even considering it?

OP posts:
gubbygubby · 09/01/2016 13:49

Wookie, how long till you could put in your lenses afterwards?
And how long did eyes look red and run over looking ? !

thewookieswife · 09/01/2016 19:44

Hi ! Took about 2 weeks to start to look ok again. Same with the lenses. But as I was pretty much housebound anyway it was fine ! I had dissolvable stitches as I was Squeamish about having any stitches taken out. Would recommend that - so ask !!

gubbygubby · 13/01/2016 10:05

Tough as, how are you ? Are you out of hospital ?

Orangeanddemons · 16/01/2016 10:01

Well I had mine done on Monday and I bloody love them already. I look,completely different and all hideous neck pain has gone. I went from a K to a D.

I'm up and about and feel fine, it was a relatively small operation and not particularly painful. I wish I'd had them done years ago! I look much slimmer too.

momofgirls · 16/01/2016 17:10

Good to hear it went well Orangeanddemons. Please update thread as you progress I am definitely thinking of having reduction but need to time with work.

Peoni18 · 29/05/2018 07:30

I'm 5 weeks post op breast reduction and wondered if any recent posts available to compare?

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