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To be considering having a Breast reduction?

131 replies

CrazyMermaidHair · 02/01/2016 13:14

I've always been very top heavy, it's always made me feel uncomfortable with unwanted gawping and comments from men and even other women but I've been lucky in that until now Ive always escaped the health problems that other large chested women have.

In the last year I've taken up running, and even though I have properly fitted sports bras, I'm finding that I'm getting horrendous pain particularly in my right shoulder at the point when my bra strap sits. I also have grooves in my shoulders from the straps. They are also heavy and even now it feels like I've got two large bags of sugar strapped to my chest. In the summer I get rashes underneath them. They look disgusting as well, like two huge lumps of flab that sag under my arms when I'm not wearing a bra.

I'm a 34 HH and have tried losing weight, but all that happens is that my back size goes down but the cup stays enormous. I think now I just want them gone. I know it's a big operation but I don't really care. I don't even know how to go about it? Would it be done on the NHS?

AIBU to be even considering it?

OP posts:
CeridwenFoel · 03/01/2016 10:26

Skin stretches and never goes back, fat can go, just not skin

Skin does go back after stretching, what that is what happens after pregnancy.

When I had mine my consultant told me that there was a chance they could grow again and it was entirely hormonal, though weight gain and loss could influence it.

Every time I got pregnant one of the first signs was my boobs growing and having to get bigger bras. Even with my 3 MC (at less than 12 weeks) this happened. They never really went back to my pre pg size.

lostInTheWash · 03/01/2016 11:26

There's a condition some people are affected by which causes accelerated breast growth in the first place which is hormonally driven, for these people when hormonal changes happen during pregnancy etc they can also find they 'grow back' after the reduction.

Interesting I was very big very quickly growing up then found mine get larger with pill - just gone on it again late 30's and it's happened again - and went up a lot with pg and stayed large with bf independent of general weight gain. In fact with pill first time I'd lost/ was losing a lot of weight but boobs still went up.


I have thought and asked about it myself. Few years ago I asked and the GP who wasn't helpful. According to them it was lose three stone from request which still held even if your BMI was normal and ignoring fact breast held a load of weight and it have no effect on breast size. It's what they told a mum friend of mine with similar problems.

She decided she couldn't lose that much and I have found mine go down with my weight - though they are still very big they go down.

I don't think they were the pct guidelines but was how my then GP was interpreting them.

I found my back problem went when I got better fitting extremely tight bands compare to what I'd been fitted with before. Having said that I don't run as I hate the bounce - I'm always a bit Hmm when it's suggested for weight loss - I'm sure it's good for that just don't think its for me mainly due to boobs.

Twerking9to5 · 03/01/2016 12:45

Thanks fratelli Flowers to you too!

Dandelionandburdock1 · 04/01/2016 16:22

I'm also seriously considering it this year but worried about:

  1. that they'll grow back
  2. scarring
  3. loss of sensation

    Think we've covered the first two but has anyone any experience of lack of nipple sensation?
goldenpineapple · 04/01/2016 17:39

dandelion - yes. I had a reduction about 10 years ago and lost all sensation in both nipples, and parts of my breasts too.

However, this was after a second operation. I had it done on the NHS, and the first surgeon did not listen to me at all and I ended up only going down one cupsize. I was devastated, and they agreed to re-do the procedure. Unfortunately this resulted in the loss of sensation - it hadn't been a problem after the first time. I really don't know if this will affect my ability to breastfeed - TTC 1st baby at the mo so time will tell.

I have no regrets though - it changed my life enormously for the better. It is odd not having sensation, but I'm just used to it now. I think if I could go back I would probably have tried to wait a few years and save up to go private, but tbh at the time I was so utterly depressed and held back my massive boobs that it was the only way forward.

Oh, and they've definitely not grown back at all - still same size as post-op! And the scarring for me is pretty much faded and doesn't bother me at all.

Hope thats helpful!

Orangeanddemons · 04/01/2016 17:47

I'm having one on Monday!☺️

It was suggested to me as I having severe upper back pain. My GP requested the funding. I had to have a photo taken which was sent to the funding committee. No one told me to lose weight, and I could lose a bit tbh.

It took 6 months to secure the funding, then a wait of just under 3 month for the op after seeing the consultant. Even if I was as thin as a rake they were still huge.

FindoGask · 04/01/2016 17:47
  1. is very individual and depends to a large extent on the method the surgeon uses. Same for 2) actually. The wikipedia breast reduction entry is actually pretty decent and has a good description of the different methods

    For women with very large breasts sometimes the free nipple graft technique is the only option and I believe that is associated with the most loss of sensation and with no change of post-reduction breastfeeding.

    I had the inferior pedicle technique and did have loss of sensation in both nipples immediately following surgery (I had the inferior pedicle technique) - reduced in one, and no sensation in the side I had the complications on (a post-operative haematoma or large collection of blood under the skin). But! These resolved completely over the following months/years and I now have the same feeling in both nipples as I did pre-reduction.
Stratter5 · 04/01/2016 17:47

I have no loss of sensation, I had mine done 20ish years ago, so.techniques have probably got even better since.

FindoGask · 04/01/2016 17:48

no chance, not no change, that should read.

FindoGask · 04/01/2016 17:51

Also, on scarring - ten years on I don't see mine at all now - they are there but hardly noticeable. But they were quite pink and cross for the first year at least. Bio Oil etc made no difference, just my body needed to take its own time to heal.

Toughasoldboots · 04/01/2016 18:16

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FindoGask · 04/01/2016 18:24

Good luck, Toughasoldboots, and Orangeanddemonds! Hope it all goes splendidly.

Toughasoldboots · 04/01/2016 18:36

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FindoGask · 04/01/2016 18:55

That's fantastic, Tough! You've given yourself a much better chance of having a straightforward recovery after the op. Do update with how you get on.

Truckingalong · 04/01/2016 19:01

I had no loss of sensation. If anything, I'd say I'm probably a bit more sensitive than before. Scars around the nipple are almost invisible and the ones under the breast are very much faded but I can't see them anyway!

Toughasoldboots · 04/01/2016 19:52

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Truckingalong · 05/01/2016 23:26


cosypenguins · 06/01/2016 01:01

I have very large breasts and have all the difficulty that most people here have mentioned. I am considering having mine reduced. My mother had her breasts reduced when she was 64 years old. This was before my breasts were a real problem for me, at least not in the way they are now.
When my mother had her done, I was immediately struck by how much younger she looked. I know this might not be the most important thing for most people. How she felt afterwards was life changing for her. Her posture and confidence changed overnight. She shortly afterwards told me that this was the first time in her life that she could go into a high street shop and buy a bra.

I would have mine done in a flash but I am concerned that I might lose erotic sensation of my nipples. I don't know if this would be a deal breaker, but I would like to know if this happens to others much, and if it is inevitable. This is something that I have not been able to ask my mother and will never be able be able to ask my mother about.

Toughasoldboots · 06/01/2016 08:35

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FindoGask · 06/01/2016 08:56

ha - I'd forgotten about the sharpie! Good luck! Is anyone with you?

thewookieswife · 06/01/2016 09:07

Best wishes Tough !
I'm considering it - but the scarring puts me off ! I use Enell sports bras for running - they are the only one that holds it all in and keeps it all in the same place while I run!! - and believe me I've tried loads and loads of sports bras ! It's more like a waistcoat than a bra so less strap pain too ! Hope that helps ! Smile

Toughasoldboots · 06/01/2016 09:09

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harryhausen · 06/01/2016 09:22

I had mine last year. Best thing I ever did. I went private. I was a 36HH. Now I'm a 36G possibly a DD depending on bra. Doesn't sound much smaller but the surgeon was amazing and took off nearly 6lbs in weight. They are soooo much lighter and better. It's such a relief to getting rid of that weight - like two rucksacks hanging off your neck.

My recovery was great. Off painkillers within 48 hours. The only thing I found was that I was exhausted for a few weeks. Slept lots and lots. I have a loss of sensation in one nipple but really don't care. Scarring is literally barely there.

Good luck to anyone thinking about it or doing it soon!

booooooooooom · 06/01/2016 10:07

Really interesting to read this thread, thank you OP for starting it.

I am 5.2" and size 14. I am a size 30HH. I've had chronic back and shoulder pain since I was 15.

Last year I went to the doctor and he referred me for breast reduction surgery. The next day he called me to tell me I had been accepted for funding and my op will be November of this year.

I am bricking it to be honest - but reading this thread has made me feel miles better.

The only thing I am concerned about is the shape of my breasts after the op. At the moment they are saggy and disgusting - will the op improve the shape? I want pert boobs!!!

Borninthe60s · 06/01/2016 10:23

Go and see your GP and ask for choose and book and see a consultant.

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