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To be considering having a Breast reduction?

131 replies

CrazyMermaidHair · 02/01/2016 13:14

I've always been very top heavy, it's always made me feel uncomfortable with unwanted gawping and comments from men and even other women but I've been lucky in that until now Ive always escaped the health problems that other large chested women have.

In the last year I've taken up running, and even though I have properly fitted sports bras, I'm finding that I'm getting horrendous pain particularly in my right shoulder at the point when my bra strap sits. I also have grooves in my shoulders from the straps. They are also heavy and even now it feels like I've got two large bags of sugar strapped to my chest. In the summer I get rashes underneath them. They look disgusting as well, like two huge lumps of flab that sag under my arms when I'm not wearing a bra.

I'm a 34 HH and have tried losing weight, but all that happens is that my back size goes down but the cup stays enormous. I think now I just want them gone. I know it's a big operation but I don't really care. I don't even know how to go about it? Would it be done on the NHS?

AIBU to be even considering it?

OP posts:
Quietattheback · 08/01/2016 14:11

Thanks trucking. I'm still breastfeeding DD but she is my last and so will be looking into a reduction at some stage. I've wanted one since I was 17 and it would be such a relief to get these boulders off my back.

Quietattheback · 08/01/2016 14:12

Well front, but you know what I mean!

gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 14:22

I'm booked in for a tummy tuck and reduction / lift at the same time in 3 weeks.
What is the recovery like wookie and how low is the scar? I'm already a size 10 but 4 kids have left a horrible saggy roll . Can you see scar on a bikini ?
Op , I'm panicking about being asleep for so long . Was it okay ?

thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 14:34

Hi - I stayed 3 nights I think ? The scar goes from just past my left hip bone to just past my right. ( yes bloody massive. !!) but it's with my underwear line - so is hidden by briefs or bikinis with sides - the tie up ones show a weeny bit. But it's faded down to a silver line - got rid of all my baby made stretch marks ! Have a new navel - that's still numb - and there feels like ( but you can't see it as its internal ) a mesh or something from bikini line up to just under bra height and sort of nipple width wide - basically holds all your muscles in !

thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 14:51

OMG - most important info I almost forgot to tell you ... Avoid sneezing at ALL costs !! If you can't stop one - hold absolutely all your tummy in - literally with both hands - and prepare yourself for agonising pain !! Confused

gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 15:06

How noticeable is the scar round new tummy button? Is it really obvious in a bikini?
I've got Visions of a big circle scar round It.

Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 16:01

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gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 16:23

I bet you are relieved it is over ! Hope you are not in too much pain. How long were you in surgery?
I had a reduction 21 years ago so this is my second . I'm sure tecniques will have improved .

gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 16:27

Wookie, my surgeon said he will stitch up muscles but hasn't mentioned mesh ? Worried now.
I want that mesh 😁
Also, Silly question but I have eyelash extensions , will I have to have them removed for surgery or is it just metal things?
I sound very fake now 😁
I'm not BTW

thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 16:44

Here's a pic - it's a bit flaky as I'm peeling - just back from a holiday in the sun (to wear my bikini !! )
I don't feel it's that noticeable ! No one has come up to me and said "what's with your weird belly button "

To be considering having a Breast reduction?
thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 16:47

No idea about the eyelashes ?! Sorry !! I had to remove contact lenses - lost my belly button piercing but not bothered with a new one.

gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 17:55

That looks amazing !
Is the scar thick and angry or quite thin? I have dark skin so may look worse

gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 17:55

On the big scar I mean not the tummy button !

Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 19:44

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Ilovefluffysheep · 08/01/2016 19:47

I hope you're going to complain about the nursing care, you'd think it would be top notch seeing as you're paying for it.

gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 19:56

Poor you. I would ask them what help is available for you . They should be much nicer to you . Hope you feel better tomorrow 💐

Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 20:03

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Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 20:11

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thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 20:19

Oh tough that sounds bad - kick up a fuss !! You are the customer !!!

Gubby the long scar is very thin pretty much all the way along - sign of an excellent surgeon my pal who works in a private hospital says ... The chap who did mine wasn't the cheapest - he 'does the Stars' apparently ! I was walking about as much as I could bear to help keep me moving and less bored and I also needed to go too and from the freezer for ice packs for my eyes which I also had done at the same time ! I looked like I'd been run over !! Lol !! Can't believe I've just told you all that - even my RL friends don't know I have had work done !! Lol ! So sshhhhh don't tell anyone !!!

Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 20:27

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gubbygubby · 08/01/2016 20:47

I wanted my eyebags done also but he said no ! 2 procedures in enough ( which it is. )
I'm worried about not coming out of theatre alive and I have 4 dc . I feel selfish but really want this. Wookie, did you get lower eyebags or upper?
I can't wait to wear a summer dress and but need Spanx . I can't really talk to anyone in RL , many friends are way bigger than me and it is insensitive to discuss my tummy when theirs is way worse ,and when I've mentioned it , it's almost like I'm being stupid as I'm slim anyway and ridiculous.
But I hate the big roll and stretch marks and when I put a few pounds on I look pregnant. Hopefully the muscle seeing up will sort that out.
I loved my boobs after my first reduction. Was a 28 HH
Couldn't get that size so had 2 very ugly 34 gg and had them done on the NHS.
You are going to love you're new boobs!
That really is life changing.
Take care and have some more painkillers .
Ask them why it's taking so long when you've spent so much 😁

Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 21:04

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MerryInthechelseahotel · 08/01/2016 21:23

Grunt I was wondering if you, or anyone, had heard of this procedure?

MerryInthechelseahotel · 08/01/2016 21:24

Meant to say it is better for post menopausal women. I am so interested!

thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 23:03

I had upper lids done and bags removed under too !
DH and a few others have said its taken years off me ?! I just think I don't look tired all the time now !
It was my midlife crisis I think ! An over it now - although I'm now thinking about that micro boobie op !! As minimal scarring !!
Lol - I shouldn't have come on this thread !!!
Glad things are improving for you tough!! Night all !! Smile

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