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To be considering having a Breast reduction?

131 replies

CrazyMermaidHair · 02/01/2016 13:14

I've always been very top heavy, it's always made me feel uncomfortable with unwanted gawping and comments from men and even other women but I've been lucky in that until now Ive always escaped the health problems that other large chested women have.

In the last year I've taken up running, and even though I have properly fitted sports bras, I'm finding that I'm getting horrendous pain particularly in my right shoulder at the point when my bra strap sits. I also have grooves in my shoulders from the straps. They are also heavy and even now it feels like I've got two large bags of sugar strapped to my chest. In the summer I get rashes underneath them. They look disgusting as well, like two huge lumps of flab that sag under my arms when I'm not wearing a bra.

I'm a 34 HH and have tried losing weight, but all that happens is that my back size goes down but the cup stays enormous. I think now I just want them gone. I know it's a big operation but I don't really care. I don't even know how to go about it? Would it be done on the NHS?

AIBU to be even considering it?

OP posts:
BartholinsSister · 06/01/2016 10:37

Stupid question probably, but can they reshape the nipples to suit the new size boobs? What happens if you have large saucer sized areola and then get reduced to a c cup?

QuizteamBleakley · 06/01/2016 10:49

I had mine done - on the NHS - a little under 10 years ago. BEST. DECISION. EVER!
36JJ to 36DD. Recovery was a couple of weeks to feeling 80% and after 3 or 4 weeks all was right with the world.
It was so liberating to have boobs that didn't need nappy cream underneath when I'd gotten too hot or Canesten if I'd been running.
My only words of warning are: make sure you've plenty of money to spend on lingerie! No more over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders, just fancy, lacy pretties.
Good luck today Tough - it'll all be worth it when your new cracking bangers are unveiled! Grin Flowers

Toughasoldboots · 06/01/2016 10:53

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booooooooooom · 06/01/2016 11:22

Good luck, Tough!!

Let us know how you get on!

Anotherusername1 · 06/01/2016 11:37

I'm being criticised for saying you should insist on a referral. but you need the GP to refer you. You can't approach a consultant yourself whether or not you want it done on the NHS or privately. You need to go to the GP, insist on the referral and let the consultant assess you and let you know if it's something that can be done on the NHS or whether they would do it privately and how much it would cost.

But without the GP referral you can't progress.

writingonthewall · 06/01/2016 13:50

For all those saying ask the GP to refer the GP can't refer on the NHS if you don't meet local funding requirements. It's not in their control so if you go in demanding you'll just end up having a row for no benefit
And you only need a referral letter for a private appt if you want insurance to pay, not if you're self paying.

harryhausen · 06/01/2016 14:24

Bart - I don't know the exact answer to the re-sizing nipple question as it didn't come up with me. However, I'm pretty certain they can resize. These surgeons are pretty good at their job. My surgeon is also one of the top surgeons in the South west for breast reconstruction surgery for instance. He knows his breasts Wink

CeridwenFoel · 06/01/2016 17:15

But without the GP referral you can't progress. That is not true. If you are paying yourself you just call the consultant and make an appointment.

The time from making an appointment and surgery was 2 weeks for me. I did not even tell my GP about my op.

CeridwenFoel · 06/01/2016 17:19

BartholinsSister They resize them for you, that is what they did for me.

Truckingalong · 06/01/2016 21:32

You do not need a GP referral at all. I went straight to my consultant directly. My GP wasn't involved at any point.

To answer some questions:

The erotic sensation increased slightly for me but other people find it goes a bit. It's slightly different for everyone.

Yes they resize nipples if necessary.

I have a fabulous shape now. They are like an 18 year olds breasts - firm and perky and actually, a little bit pointy with puffy nipples, which might be a detail too far for some people but someone did ask! They are my idea of perfect and a conventionally coverted shape.

Orangeanddemons · 07/01/2016 08:50

How did it go Tough? I'm shitting myself now....

booooooooooom · 07/01/2016 09:13

Truckingalong - you lucky lady - your boobs sound amazing. Was it just a boob reduction that gave you that shape or did they lift as well? Did you have a nice shape (albeit bigger) before the surgery?

I am trying to gauge the chances of my flappy flabby tits being turned into firm pert breasts...

booooooooooom · 07/01/2016 09:14

...and Tough - hope all went well for you Flowers

Truckingalong · 07/01/2016 18:33

I wouldn't say I had a nice shape beforehand especially. It's hard to know really, as they were just big and saggy. They are a totally different shape now though. I got totally lucky but I also had a phenomenal surgeon - qualified to the hilt, hugely experienced, on advisory boards, plastic surgeon rather than cosmetic (important distinction).

As far as I know, a reduction and lift kinda go hand in hand. I went in for a reduction, not a lift and I got both.

Truckingalong · 07/01/2016 18:38

Orange - nothing I can say will stop you from shitting yourself but honestly, you will be amazed. It is nothing like as bad as you imagine. One of the worst things is how tight your skin feels as the days and weeks go by but that's more annoying than painful. It's a strange concept too to get your head round. You can have some strange feelings about having your body cosmetically altered but you accept it eventually.

Quietattheback · 07/01/2016 18:40

truckingalong - care to share the name of your surgeon, pretty please Flowers.

Toughasoldboots · 07/01/2016 20:35

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KissMyFatArse · 07/01/2016 20:58

Good luck tough. I had an uplift 6nths ago due from going from a size 20 to size 10 in 6nths and my boobs shrinking from an EE to a small c with major sagging.

Nipples were repositioned and reduced in size and boobs now a 32c and perky! I love them.

I was most worried about getting the drains removed but it wasn't bad.

Scarring still noticeable and will be for another 6mths or so. I had to pay privately 5500k. Even tho it was more reconstruction of them I
Where I am the NHS aren't especially known for doing these ops and have a few years wait before you even get a decision.

From going from large breasts to smaller ones I Defo feel more confident and feminine actually if that makes sense? Let us know how you're feeling tough, I used tramadol and solpadol for first few weeks tbh but have a rubbish pain threshold!

Truckingalong · 07/01/2016 23:04

My surgeon He was great in the consultation and I didn't see anyone else, as I already knew other people who'd used him and so I was pretty certain before I even met him that he was the one for me. On the day of the surgery, when I was bricking it, he was very formal and matter of fact and not as personable but I think he'd just gone into surgeon-mode. His anaesthetist was lovely though and let me be pathetic and cry on him!

Truckingalong · 07/01/2016 23:05

Oh yeah and I didn't even really feel the drains being removed either.

thewookieswife · 08/01/2016 07:11

Hey Tough I had a tummy tuck Aug '14 - believe me - when you see the flat stomach in your bikini on the beach this summer or in a pair of low rise denim shorts /jeans it will soooooo be worth it. I agree it's hurts like hell initially, and I can only just now sleep on my front - but oh soooo worth it !!! Hang in there! Smile

Trickydecision · 08/01/2016 08:32

I had a reduction in 1988, I was 44. My GP suggested it himself when I complained about the pain even when walking never mind running. It was offered on the NHS, but in the event I had it done privately because my lovely X-SIL told my DB to pay for it, as he had done for hers and the surgeon was top-notch.
It was brilliant. Minimal pain, wholly new ability to wear lots of clothes which had previously been impossible.
Over the years I have put on some weight and they have grown back to some extent, but still perky.
I just wonder what the hell they would have been like by now if left to their own devices.


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Toughasoldboots · 08/01/2016 08:46

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Dandelionandburdock1 · 08/01/2016 13:39

Hope you feel better soon Tough,

and thanks to all who answered my questions too (sorry for jumping on your thread) , what a supportive, informative bunch you are.. Have finally made my mind up to do it after many years of being miserable with my ginormous boobs but fearful of the results.

Lemuriformes · 08/01/2016 14:03

I had more be done when I was 20 in 1988. On the NHS as I was always super-skinny - 28H if I remember correctly. I suspect any recollection of the surgical procedure itself would be less than helpful (30 years ago it was all very different - I was in hospital for ten days, could do no exercise for months) but it was one of the best things I ever did. I realise now that it wasn't a particularly good job, and I still have really bad scarring, but I do scar anyway. I have also gone back to being huge over the last 15 years - currently 30G - despite being only one clothes size larger than I was then - and very saggy.

Back then it was impossible to buy bras that worked. These days there are brands like Freya and Fantaisie that mean I can still wear pretty underwear while being supported, but I am still planning to get it redone as the sagginess and the fact that I do run and workout a lot means I am beginning to find it less than comfortable.

I say go for it. But bear in mind that everyone's experience will be different.

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