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To be considering having a Breast reduction?

131 replies

CrazyMermaidHair · 02/01/2016 13:14

I've always been very top heavy, it's always made me feel uncomfortable with unwanted gawping and comments from men and even other women but I've been lucky in that until now Ive always escaped the health problems that other large chested women have.

In the last year I've taken up running, and even though I have properly fitted sports bras, I'm finding that I'm getting horrendous pain particularly in my right shoulder at the point when my bra strap sits. I also have grooves in my shoulders from the straps. They are also heavy and even now it feels like I've got two large bags of sugar strapped to my chest. In the summer I get rashes underneath them. They look disgusting as well, like two huge lumps of flab that sag under my arms when I'm not wearing a bra.

I'm a 34 HH and have tried losing weight, but all that happens is that my back size goes down but the cup stays enormous. I think now I just want them gone. I know it's a big operation but I don't really care. I don't even know how to go about it? Would it be done on the NHS?

AIBU to be even considering it?

OP posts:
MouldyPeach · 02/01/2016 17:50

And I honestly don't believe that they just miraculously grow back - I think those that claim they have have really just put on weight

Sorry you are so sceptical but it definitely happened in my case without putting weight on elsewhere.

Toughasoldboots · 02/01/2016 17:52

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Bunbaker · 02/01/2016 17:57

My friend didn't gain any weight other than breast tissue when they grew back.
I wonder what causes some women to be over- endowed and others like me and DD to feel self conscious about our lack of curves. We both wear padded bras so that we aren't mistaken for boys.

Stratter5 · 02/01/2016 18:06

I had mine done back in '95, it was honestly the best thing I have ever done for myself. I'm not going to lie, the first 48 hours after were incredibly painful for me, despite being on a morphine pump, but I'd put that down to my body processing opiates v v quickly. Aside from that, I have no scars now, they took a few years to fade but weren't horrific anyway. I have grown slightly, I was a C cup, and am now a DD, but I did have a child after, which is when they grew, and I was able to breastfeed.

For anyone thinking about it, DO IT. Seriously, the comfort and ease of movement, the lack of comments and staring, being able to walk into a shop and buy any bra or top I liked, priceless.

Truckingalong · 02/01/2016 19:03

Irresponsible? Seriously? I had a straightforward experience. Would you rather I make something up, just to make my post more responsible? The fact is that many, many women have this operation every day with no complications and the results are life changing for them.

puddingcheeksmonkey · 02/01/2016 19:07

Little bit different but I had a reduction to one side to correct asymmetry about 13 years ago. Ended up having a second operation a couple of days later after the drain was removed when my boob swelled up, but besides that, was fine. I was about 22. People on the ward around me were having similar surgery etc and were coming back and sleeping all day, recovering etc... I was taking myself off for a shower and perfectly fine, no pain. Had two toddlers at the time and couldn't pick them up for a couple of weeks afterwards, but I had only paracetamol and I don't remember pain or discomfort after the second op at all once the drain was gone. It was a week in hospital due to the complications but otherwise I'd have been out after a day.

I breastfed afterwards, but not exclusively. My boobs are now both probably the same size as the bigger one used to be, I'd gone down to a c cup with the operation. The scars now are faint, upside-down T and circle around the areola. I don't think about it anymore, and that was the point of having it done, to never have to think about it again. Smile

Stratter5 · 02/01/2016 19:21

No, I had no complications whatsoever, the only negative was the pain for the first 48 hours, but this was 20 years ago, and I'd assume things have improved since then.

You cannot tell I've had surgery now, and age 48 I still have perky boobs in the right place.

FindoGask · 02/01/2016 19:26

"Irresponsible? Seriously? I had a straightforward experience. Would you rather I make something up, just to make my post more responsible? The fact is that many, many women have this operation every day with no complications and the results are life changing for them."

As they were for me. To clarify, I thought your post was irresponsible because it sounded so dismissive of negative experiences - you outright said you didn't believe them! I think when someone is considering surgery of this magnitude they should be as informed as possible.

Any competent surgeon should talk through some of the factors I've mentioned - however I think it's good to be aware of them before even meeting the surgeon so people know what questions to ask.

Truckingalong · 02/01/2016 19:52

Did you actually read my post or did you read half of it and then make assumptions? The only bit I was dismissive of was the bit about breasts growing again post-surgery.

FeliciaJollygoodfellow · 02/01/2016 20:02

This is really interesting, I'm overweight and want to lose a lot this year, after that I want a breast reduction. I will almost certainly have to pay for it and to be honest, I'd rather do that and get the shape and size I want.

My boobs aren't especially painful (size 36GG/H) but they are ugly. I hate them.

LynnetteBird · 02/01/2016 20:23

My reduction went beautifully. My breasts are now full, round, and high. They are my best feature. I've fluctuated in weight +/- 30 lbs a couple of times over the 10 years since i got it done, and they grew and shrank with me. Lovely!

Fratelli · 02/01/2016 21:21

I feel your pain op. I'm a size 10 and a 34HH. They get me so much unwanted attention. I was a DD at aged 14 and was stared at by the boys and bullied by the girls. If I had the money I would get them reduced in a heartbeat. After breastfeeding they're droopy and I'm only 25. It really gets me down. I say go for it if you can. Flowers

Coldest · 02/01/2016 21:37

Sorry to hijack but I have a question. Do breast grow with very pregnancy. I weny from a DD to FF with my first and breastfeeding. Am pregnant again. Hoping they don't grow anymore

Twerking9to5 · 02/01/2016 21:37

fratelli I massively sympathise. I hated doing PE at school as I was aware of the boys talking and sniggering. I even found graffiti about my boobs at school-I was so shy, the whole thing was painful. Also remember doing work experience in yr 9 and having to buy size 18 tops just to attempt to hide my chest (I was a size 12). I have just had a daughter and really hoping she hasn't got the gene x

Coldest · 02/01/2016 21:37

*every pregnancy not very pregnancy

rosewithoutthorns · 02/01/2016 21:42

God I would have loved one.

Im an F and probably not considered a worthy cause.

Im a bit older now and worried about nipple death but if I was 30 I would have gone for it knowing about scaring too.

rosewithoutthorns · 02/01/2016 21:43

Skin stretches and never goes back, fat can go, just not skin :/

MrsItsNoworNotatAll · 02/01/2016 22:31

If I could afford to have one I would. I also find the comments about them from women far more irritating and downright bloody rude than men. Unless it's just me it wouldn't enter my head to remark on another woman's boobs at all.

Go for it I say xx

rosewithoutthorns · 02/01/2016 22:40

Not sure what you mean MrsIt?

I have tits and am allowed to comment on them. Im also allowed to get them bigger or smaller if i have the money to do so.

CheeseToastie123 · 02/01/2016 22:56

And I honestly don't believe that they just miraculously grow back - I think those that claim they have have really just put on weight.

Well, you're wrong.

CheeseToastie123 · 02/01/2016 22:57

Disclaimer: In some cases. Damn lack of edit.

FeliciaJollygoodfellow · 02/01/2016 23:28

rose pretty obvious that Mrs means the 'she's got big boobs, what a slut' type of comments are the one's she's talking about, NOT the comments on the thread!

Also, commenting on your OWN breasts is very different to commenting on someone else's breasts.


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returnofthehumanegg · 03/01/2016 00:59

There's a condition some people are affected by which causes accelerated breast growth in the first place which is hormonally driven, for these people when hormonal changes happen during pregnancy etc they can also find they 'grow back' after the reduction. Can't remember the name of the condition, it's definitely real though.

I was so relieved to have a breast reduction, then very sad 15 years later when I couldn't breastfeed very much at all, (actually got sent for cbt by gp to help get over it) but now I'm not planning on any more babies I'm fairly happy again . Personally I'd leave it till after kids to see how you feel and how they change. My boobs have actually shrunk further after 2 babies.

Fratelli · 03/01/2016 06:06

Twerking - Flowers to you

DyslexicScientist · 03/01/2016 09:04

What is your bmi?

I think quick diets will make it worse. You need to have a long term change else dieting too hard for a few weeks then going back will be a hindrance.

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