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AIBU to expect a Christmas card that isn't from a 'pack of five' from close family?

192 replies

SurferJet · 17/12/2015 12:05

I know cards can be expensive, but it's only once a year & I'd like to think I'm getting a card that's had a bit more thought behind it.


OP posts:
ouryve · 17/12/2015 16:32

Some cards in packs of 5 are more expensive than single ones.

YAB silly. They all get chucked in the recycling at the end of the year, anyhow.

MizK · 17/12/2015 16:37

Aaargh you sound like my in laws. All their cards have to be specific ie 'To a wonderful grandmother' etc. I don't do Christmas cards at all any more but they would kick off if we didn't get them their special cards. I would not love them any less if I gave them cards out of a box of 10.

I just don't like Christmas cards at all.They clutter up the house and cause unnecessary bother.


SirChenjin · 17/12/2015 16:40

Golden - he bloody does, but instead of accepting that he was in the wrong for doing what he did and apologising, he started with the whole 'is you period due' thing Angry

Anyway, I'm hijacking - sorry Blush

squoosh · 17/12/2015 16:42

SirChenjin you show him! And once you've reconciled you can get back to that sonnet you were penning for him 'Oh Hubby How I Doest Love Thee'.

SirChenjin · 17/12/2015 16:44


Funny how I never get past the first line of that sonnet squoosh

squoosh · 17/12/2015 16:45

'your back hair is bristlier than a Christmas tree'

squoosh · 17/12/2015 16:45
shebird · 17/12/2015 16:46

Jesus wept - If someone has sent you a card they have thought of you, even if it's from a pack of 40.
Does it really matter? Cards and postage so adds up.

IamSantaClaus · 17/12/2015 16:49

My close family are lucky if they get a tag Grin so imo yes you are bu.

SirChenjin · 17/12/2015 16:51

I'm liking that squoosh

Oh Hubby How I Doest Love Thee
Your back hair is bristlier than a Christmas tree
Actually my period is not due
You are, however, a big smelly poo
And sometimes I hate you.

I think that's coming along nicely actually.

Theworldmakesnosense · 17/12/2015 16:53


squoosh · 17/12/2015 16:53

That is just beautiful. You'll be the Poet Laureate soon Sir, I can feel it!

SirChenjin · 17/12/2015 16:53

One too many actuallys there perhaps.

SirChenjin · 17/12/2015 16:57

squoosh - I may even credit you as the sonnet's inspiration in my Poet Laureate acceptance speech if I get onto my second glass of peach Lambrini and come over all emotional

OhMrBadger · 17/12/2015 17:38

Bloke queueing in front of me in WH Smiths yesterday, was clutching one that said 'To The Woman I Married'. Made me chuckle, it did.

ghostyslovesheep · 17/12/2015 17:46

awwww this thread got all warm and fuzzy Grin

girlguide123 · 17/12/2015 18:09


if you enjoy buying special cards, great! I sometimes do myself, especially for close family.

however, not everyone wants to/can afford to/attaches that much importance to cards - you can't reasonably expect everyone else to adhere to your standards.

let it go & enjoy Christmas x

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