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AIBU to expect a Christmas card that isn't from a 'pack of five' from close family?

192 replies

SurferJet · 17/12/2015 12:05

I know cards can be expensive, but it's only once a year & I'd like to think I'm getting a card that's had a bit more thought behind it.


OP posts:
Ipsos · 17/12/2015 14:13

I hardly send cards at all and then only cheap ones. They just go in the bin anyway.

BarbaraofSeville · 17/12/2015 14:13

I think you can also get cards from the dog Grin

DM used to work in Card Factory and she often used to marvel at the variety of cards and recipients that were available.

freespiritsbadattitude · 17/12/2015 14:17

"to a special couple"

We get cards like this from a family member. Not only is it vom-worthy, she just writes "love, X" at the bottom. To me that's meaningless, I'd rather get a generic card in which someone has written a message.

But really, I don't actually care about cards and could take them or leave them. Waste of money and resources.

UkmmTheSecond · 17/12/2015 14:19

Are there are any families where there's a perfect match between donor and recipient over what style of card is acceptable?

Other than my Dad, everyone sends multipack style ones.

I used to get, "to a special couple" wheras my brother would get "to a great son and his wife" my dad had issues with addressing the woman first and coukdnt bring himself to buy me a "daughter and her husband" one

Every year I'd get a talking to about stepmums hurt feelings at the lack of "mum and dad" card. Nope, sorry, I don't buy my actual mum special cards, so I won't buy one calling stepmum "mum". (Who didn't like us anyway)

It does seem as many who send special cards do so because that's what they'd like back?

TheOriginalMerylStrop · 17/12/2015 14:27

Of all the things you could possibly get the huff about this is the most stupid I have ever heard.

If you send personalised ones, it's because you want to, and it makes you feel good. A card from a multipack is not a measure of your worth in their eyes. Get some perspective!

chillycurtains · 17/12/2015 14:27

YABU as you have no rights to dictate how much someone spends and how they spend their own money. No rights at all. You are being very rude.

SwearySwearyQuiteContrary · 17/12/2015 14:28

Ukmm, a card like that would make my day!!

Enjolrass · 17/12/2015 14:29

But I care about these things.

then you do it!

No more thought goes into picking a card out than a box of cards.

I actually spent more time today picking out a card than I do when I used to get named ones.

Personally I think they are a waste of money and usually bought because you have to, not because you want to so what's the point?

MERLYPUSSEDOFF · 17/12/2015 14:33

I sent zero cards this year.

I have had a crap year and in the grand scheme of things a lack christmas card is small fry to worry about.

(I spent £30 - what I would've spent on cards - for a food hamper for women's aid refuge. They would appreciate that more than a picture of a stagecoach to place on their mantelpiece)

SurferJet · 17/12/2015 14:35

You're a Star

Thank you. Flowers

AIBU to expect a Christmas card that isn't from a 'pack of five' from close family?
OP posts:
NorksAreMessy · 17/12/2015 14:43

Awwww, that is lovely

UkmmTheSecond · 17/12/2015 14:43

Glad you like it OP.
And ty for your note.

uggmum · 17/12/2015 14:46

I just don't send cards to family or friends They only go in the recycling after Christmas.
The only cards I send are to my neighbours. They send me them and I don't want them to think I don't like them. So I send 4 cards each year. From a multipack.
No one seems to mind.

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 17/12/2015 14:47

Aw that's nice Ukmm and OP.

But OP - YABU.

ObsidianBlackbirdMcNight · 17/12/2015 14:48

I was about to say yabu but skipped through and saw the amazing card and your response so yay! Good outcome. Bah humbug

spilttheteaagain · 17/12/2015 14:50

I bloody hate cards. My Christmas card list is now down to 4 - just the remaining elderly relatives. So far all the cards we have received this year have been read, quick smile at the contact from the person and straight into the recycling already. They have driven me crackers cluttering up the place every year and this year enough is enough I am not putting them up at all.

What baffles me is getting a card from PIL who we will be staying with from Christmas Eve til the 27th. Why?? We are driving over there with a car full of presents & contributions to wish them merry christmas in person on the day FGS! Why send us a card??

BalthazarImpresario · 17/12/2015 14:54

Yes yabu it's a card.
Good job you aren't in my family, I don't send any.

NorbertDentressangle · 17/12/2015 14:55

I thought my mum was the only person who ever bought the "To a special couple" type cards but it seems not Xmas Shock (although I do wonder if she unintentionally manages to find the naffest ones)

munkisocks · 17/12/2015 14:55

I bought personal cards this year but no others. I always forget to give out to friends and work anyway. Baby's first Xmas so family's expecting all aunt, uncle, grandma, great grandad cards for first time. I just added her name to ours! Not bloody getting a card from us AND one from 5 month old. Even cheapest are £1 each and it would be about 20 cards. I had to get special couple this year as I couldn't find sister and boyfriend. I'd do multi packs but everyone else has already given me personalised.

MitzyLeFrouf · 17/12/2015 15:04

'To A Special Couple', 'To An Amazing Sister', To A Wonderful Brother' cards are as naff as a knitted doll toilet roll cover.

SirChenjin · 17/12/2015 15:08

DH and DH's family all do personalised cards - they spend a fortune on them, and their 'beauty' is much admired Hmm. I've stopped trying to put him right, so he sends me cards that cost £3/4 and I send him a 50p one from the Card Factory or don't send one at all.

Archfarchnad · 17/12/2015 15:11

Well done on being so sweet about it, SurferJet. It just shows how the definitions of 'individualised' can vary. For you it means buying a card with a pre-written message that refers to your relationship with the sender. For me any nicely designed card will do, whether from a pack or not, but I personalise it by including a photo of the family (we live abroad) and filling the inside of the card with handwritten news, so the card really is unique. It's all about what's meaningful for you.


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Higge · 17/12/2015 15:13

My mum buys me a personalised card and I couldn't care less. I'd rather people didn't send me a card - my thoughts when I'm writing a card are not pleasant - more along the ffs when will this job be finished? I only send to family because a few get offended by the lack of a card. It's a farce!

MitzyLeFrouf · 17/12/2015 15:14

My only Crimbo card snobbery is that I don't approve of non charity Christmas cards quite so much.

NCISaddict · 17/12/2015 15:14

I don't expect cards from close family, DH never gets me one and I don't get him one, the children don't get them from us or from each other. If I got one to a 'special couple' I'd say thank you politely and do a very private eye roll. I hate sentimental cards.

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