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AIBU to expect a Christmas card that isn't from a 'pack of five' from close family?

192 replies

SurferJet · 17/12/2015 12:05

I know cards can be expensive, but it's only once a year & I'd like to think I'm getting a card that's had a bit more thought behind it.


OP posts:
Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 17/12/2015 13:27

It's always puzzled me that there are no cards that say 'To a fairly run of the mill couple' or the like. Grin Surely we can't all be special?

Laquila · 17/12/2015 13:29

This is very interesting - like PPs, I'd always wondered who bought individual cards. I mean, where do you draw the line?! I buy charity multipacks and the only personalisation that happens is I mightt write a PS msg or put in a photo, but otherwise it's just a standard Christmas/NY greeting.

I do always feel slightly hard-done-by when I get a card that hasnt been topped - I.e. the sender's just written "from the Smith family" or similar without writing our names above. That makes me irrationally annoyed, but at least I know it's irrational ;)

SwearySwearyQuiteContrary · 17/12/2015 13:29

Sorry, OP, I do think YABU. I used to be a prolific card sender but I don't send them at all anymore. It occurred to me that I could actually do something meaningful with the money I'd usually spend on cards and postage. My friends and family know I love them. They see all our news and photos online. Last year by not sending twee cards I was able to donate to a cancer research institute and this year to our local refuge for victims of domestic violence. It doesn't mean I care any less for friends and family, just that I'd like to do something useful and pragmatic.

howabout · 17/12/2015 13:32

I am going to say YANBU but only because my DC make cards for our nearest and dearest which are very very personalised. One of our relatives objects and would rather have generic shop bought. Xmas Grin

I only send cards to a select few who we don't meet up with over the holidays.

NewLife4Me · 17/12/2015 13:32

YABU as they go in the bin after xmas and it's the thought that counts.
There are also more important things to worry about, so handing out my first grip.

Pidapie · 17/12/2015 13:33

:O I gave all my family cards for a 10 pack! Well, I bought 3 different ones so they don't have the same picture, haha. I would love to make lovely handmade ones, or buy the gorgeous elaborately decorated ones, but I simply can not afford them. Sorry but yabu - it's just a card. The fact they thought about giving one in the first place should be enough :) Merry christmas!

alltouchedout · 17/12/2015 13:40

A friend of mine's MIL once ripped up her card, threw it in the bin and had a screaming tantrum demanding a replacement personalised 'Mother' card. You really don't want to go down that route, OP. Just be happy that someone sent you a card!

GloriaSmellens · 17/12/2015 13:42

This has to win the 'most unreasonable Christmas AIBU' award for this year surely!

I see that you have.accepted that your are being completely and utterly ridiculously unreasonable though, and I always like posters who do that so

Merry Christmas!

Outaboutnowt · 17/12/2015 13:43

You're being ridiculous

I buy a (naice) pack of 30 charity cards for £6.50 from paperchase

I always get DP a personal one and that costs me about £2.50

If I bought all the family a personalised one I'd be spending about £30.

Such a waste of money.

Janeymoo50 · 17/12/2015 13:44

Ah well, I actually buy special cards for close family (albeit from Card Factory and not the £3.99 Clintons versions). I always feel a bit miffed to get one from a pack of 40 from some family members but then I give myself a talking to about being ridiculous (but I get your point).

icklekid · 17/12/2015 13:44

I care about what message is inside the card more than if they chose an individual Christmas card! My mil finds a specific card for every occasion - to son and fiance, to son and daughter in law, to son, daughter in law and grandson... they are cheap ones which I don't mind but not something I personally choose to do...

megletthesecond · 17/12/2015 13:44

Yabu. I get a bit judgy about individual cards. Shocking waste of money, not even for charity.

I sent photo cards this year so you can judge me for that Xmas Grin . (And some charity ones).

latrilllis · 17/12/2015 13:44

There's a local shop that does every possible variation. Mum and Dad, Mum and Stepdad, dad and floozy, the same lot for grandparents, aunt, uncle, niece and finance, brother and partner, sister and girlfriend, big sister, little sister, sister in law... you get the gist. Then I got to the christmas cards for the dog and had to leave the shop due to fits of the giggles.

Sanchar · 17/12/2015 13:46

My mil is One Of Them! Our 'dearest, darling most wonderful son & daughter in law' card arrived today and dh started panicking because he hasn't sent her one!😸. has to be a special one too, the wailing if she gets a pack one!!

At least this year she didn't do the rage inducing Mr & Mrs bob sanchar on the envelope or put glitter in the card🎊😵

Bubbletree4 · 17/12/2015 13:49

Well some of my family and friends will be getting supermarket shite cards (charity ones though) because my dc kindly took all the nice ones (also charity but nicer) and wrote them to their primary school friends grrrrrr. Wonder if my friends and family will be offended!

SilverOldie2 · 17/12/2015 13:50

YABU - I only buy charity cards and they only come in packs.

Snowglobe1 · 17/12/2015 13:52


SinglePringle · 17/12/2015 13:52

I detest 'To My Wonderful Sister / Husband / Dog / Whoever' cards.

Unbelievably naff.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 17/12/2015 13:52

I would pay good money to see a card addressed to 'Dad and floozy'!

GummyBunting · 17/12/2015 13:58

I've always wondered who buys those individual cards. I had assumed nobody younger than my gran.

If someone told me they felt slighted because they'd received a generic card off me, I'd have to work hard not to laugh in their face. They're just sooooo tacky!

UkmmTheSecond · 17/12/2015 13:59


I needed to test some coloured pens (don't ask) so I've made you your very own unique Xmas card that no body else in the world will have. :)

My family is massive as there's loads of divorces and second marriages and step children etc, I love them all dearly but it would cost us £20 on individual cards. (I need me vodka for over Christmas to put up with them all)

AIBU to expect a Christmas card that isn't from a 'pack of five' from close family?
latrilllis · 17/12/2015 14:02

Gasp I may have made that one up but it was close Grin

I love the individual cards as a tool for dishing out serious insults.


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WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 17/12/2015 14:05

Ive never bought an individual xmas card for anyone in my life and never will.

They didn't even exist until a few years ago. Then the card companies saw a way of screwing more money out of gullible people. More fool you for falling for it.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 17/12/2015 14:06

Judging by this thread, lots of people who get cards of the 'To the best son ever and his wife' type don't like them at all and lots of people who want to get cards like 'To the woman I love more than my wife and always will, namely my mum!' don't get them. Xmas Grin

Are there are any families where there's a perfect match between donor and recipient over what style of card is acceptable?

Bunbaker · 17/12/2015 14:08

"But I care about these things."

No-one else does. I don't buy cards for OH and DD. Everyone else gets a card from packs that I buy directly from charities.

I don't even read the verses in birthday cards. I look at the picture and see who it's from. That's all.

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