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to be hurt he only takes snapchats with her?

142 replies

lifetimeoflaughter · 13/11/2015 22:59

Whenever we go out as a group of friends, there is one guy (who I would consider pretty much a best friend) and he will always take a snapchat with the same woman.

Se is very pretty.

He does it as hes a player and wants to make other women jealous.

He never takes one with me.

I'm definitely your plan jane type of girl.

Just makes me feel pretty shit.


(yes pathetic I know)

OP posts:
Enjolrass · 14/11/2015 12:35

It is hilarious when someone comes onto a thread just just declare someone is mistaken - when its actually them who are mistaken. Cringe haha

Yeah grown ups cringe about not really getting the details of snap chat!


UnGoogleable · 14/11/2015 12:40

Someone is getting overly invested in the finer points of Snapchat...

Misses my point entirely...

Enjolrass · 14/11/2015 12:41

A Morisson's discount card you say Enjol gosh I'm rather jealous. Does he take Snapchats of himself with it?

I am going to insist dd takes one next time we visit! So he is down with the kids Grin

UnGoogleable · 14/11/2015 12:41
IoraRua · 14/11/2015 12:42

Lightup - yes, because everyone uses Snapchat and understands how it works, of course!

Google how terrible of you, getting something wrong. How will you ever live with yourself? Wink

UnGoogleable · 14/11/2015 12:44

So apparently the OP never stated whether it was a 10 second Snapchat or a 24hr thingy. So we don't really know or care

Missdee2014 · 14/11/2015 12:45

How old are you OP? I'm guessing early teens by your OP. Haven't bothered to read the rest of the thread.

lightupmynight · 14/11/2015 12:48

Google how terrible of you, getting something wrong. How will you ever live with yourself?

Theres nothing bad about getting something wrong.

Its when you come on acting superior and saying "you're mistaken", when you blatantly don't have a clue yourself.

I think someone must be quite full of themselves to do something like that.

WorraLiberty · 14/11/2015 12:50

It looks like the OP has cancelled her plan to go out for the day.

UnGoogleable · 14/11/2015 12:52

light I think you're entirely missing the point of my original post.

Hint: It's got nothing to do with Snapchat.

Enjolrass · 14/11/2015 12:56

light this thread has really pissed in your chips hasn't it.

SlaggyIsland · 14/11/2015 13:15

OP you sound very young.

AnthonyBlanche · 14/11/2015 13:16

How very shallow you all sound. Hopefully when you've grown up a bit you will realise that looks aren't everything - they fade anyway, even the best looking women lose their looks.

scarlettf0x · 14/11/2015 13:20

Well I GET it op. It's like saying out loud ''i want to be seen with her, but you, no'' or ''she'd make me look good, you, not so much''. or ''my friends wout be impressed by her, you not so much''. It has nothing to do with fancying or jealousy, it's just so rude.
I'd leave them to it.

I remember once being on a tube with my flat mate and this guy came up to us and started chatting to us. I didn't fancy him so I wasn't jealous and he told my friend that she was prettier than me. I was so annoyed. I couldn't find the words to express how I felt and my friend thought I was jealous, that some wanker on the tube said that to her. I was furious that a random sexist wanker had somehow entered us in to competition with each other we didn't willingly enter that competition but he wandered up to us and put us in some crappy competition and made her the 'winner'. That's what made me so furious...

SoozeyHoozey · 14/11/2015 13:24

What a strange thread.

scarlettf0x · 14/11/2015 13:31

you must all be so beautiful that you've never been in the situation where some thoughtless sexist man basically ranks the women around him according to their attractiveness. Even if he's a tosser, it's still kind of humiliating. I find it very hard to believe that every other poster is so impervious to this 'slight' or that they're so beautiful it's never happened to them.
It's happened to me many times and even though the arsehole who's 'ranking' you is not somebody whose respect or affection you want, it's still so awkward.
Once I was with my boyfriend and a friend (years ago) and an acquaintance of my then bf's said ''oh I thought the pretty one was your girlfriend''. Again, I felt so mad! Like, how dare some stranger walk up to us and put us in competition and make me the loser.

If this has never happened to you then lucky you, you're gorgeous, or you're impervious to these slights. Go you. I have good self-esteem as well, I recognise this bullshit for what it is. It still isn't pleasant though. The OP said she felt bad and you all make her feel worse.

ThatsNotMyRabbit · 14/11/2015 13:33

I get it, sort of.

If I regularly went out with a group of female friends and the one I'm closest to constantly took selfies of her and another friend, there'd come a point when I got a bit Hmm

beefthief · 14/11/2015 13:35

Yes, you're being unreasonable. Are you 16, OP?

LosingTheWillToSkate · 14/11/2015 13:36

I don't really get it.

I have friends who love having their photo taken and often take selfies with each other. They all know this of each other so they enjoy it together.

Personally I hate having my photo taken so I avoid it.

ConstanceMarkYaBitch · 14/11/2015 13:38

All men rank all women in order of attractiveness. Womendo it to. And men do it with other men and women with women. Sonetimes conciously often not. Its not sexist to fancy one women (or man) and not another. Its completely fucking normal!

I, for example, look like a bulldogs arse chewing a wasp. Very few people want to take snapchats, selfies or any other type of pic with me. Its not a shocker.

ElsaAintAsColdAsMe · 14/11/2015 13:42

you must all be so beautiful that you've never been in the situation where some thoughtless sexist man basically ranks the women around him according to their attractiveness

Plenty of times, but the fact that he is being a dickhead makes his opinion invalid and not worth getting upset about.

I don't base my feelings on what a man has to say about my looks.

It has nothing to do with the op of the thread though as the man here said/did nothing to her, merely chooses to take pictures with another friend, in the same way he probably has coffee with some friends, drinks with others, goes to the gym with others....

MilkTwoSugarsThanks · 14/11/2015 13:43

I'm a bit worried now.

When I go out (y'know - in public) with DP I don't take photos of us together. Does that mean he'll think I don't want to be seen out with him? Even though I am actually out with him and being seen with him.



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hoopityhoopla · 14/11/2015 13:56

Grin op what a twat you are

laffymeal · 14/11/2015 14:02

I don't have Snapchat but apparently I turn up in a lot of them. People take photos of me ALL THE TIME, even in ALDI (don't like Morrisons) so I must be fucking gorgeous OP.

I'm 50 by the way, not 15 which you sound and I bet I have a better social life than you.

My DD has just said I appeared on her Snapchat last night at about midnight on my friend's "story".

Not surprised your friend doesn't take photos of you, if your persona on here represents you well, you're probably pretty unattractive as personality always outs you.

Why are you so jealous of this other woman? Is it her you fancy?

diddl · 14/11/2015 14:06

"Even though I am actually out with him and being seen with him."

Oooh your poor OH!

RL is meaningless unless backed up by socail media.

He must be so hurt.Grin

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