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to be hurt he only takes snapchats with her?

142 replies

lifetimeoflaughter · 13/11/2015 22:59

Whenever we go out as a group of friends, there is one guy (who I would consider pretty much a best friend) and he will always take a snapchat with the same woman.

Se is very pretty.

He does it as hes a player and wants to make other women jealous.

He never takes one with me.

I'm definitely your plan jane type of girl.

Just makes me feel pretty shit.


(yes pathetic I know)

OP posts:
LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 14/11/2015 07:40

He obviously fancies her. He's not doing it because she's a better friend, he's doing it because he fancies her. Two totally different things going on here, no point in comparing them.

You say you categorically don't fancy him, so I genuinely don't understand why this bothers you so much. Confused

Scoobydoo8 · 14/11/2015 07:44

You say loudly 'Hey, wankface, take my picture sometimes, I'm your blanking friend, youre just being a blankhead trying to pretend X is your girlfriend' and see what happens.

SaucyJack · 14/11/2015 08:09

No, don't do what Scooby says. Why embarrass him?

I don't understand why him flirting with somebody else bothers you if you really don't fancy him.9

Whoknewitcouldbeso · 14/11/2015 08:20

He sounds like a shallow twat to be honest if he is valuing her beauty over your friendship. Might be time to reconsider this guy as a good friend, he isn't acting much like it.

2rebecca · 14/11/2015 08:40

If he was a good friend I'd say something as it is affecting the relationship. 'Not another pic of you and flo' sort of thing but he either fancies her or is shallow

TheDowagerCuntess · 14/11/2015 08:46

He does it as hes a player and wants to make other women jealous.

And it's working, clearly.

Leave him to it. For your own sanity. you won't, but you really, really should.

Scoobydoo8 · 14/11/2015 08:55

Hey, wankface, take my picture sometimes, I'm your blanking friend, youre just being a blankhead trying to pretend X is your girlfriend

Well, it could be rephrased as 'Hey Jo, why don't you take my pic for a change?'

The point is it might not occur to him that you want your pic taken, or that you are offended that he is mucking about taking someone else's pic so at least give him the chance to correct this - don't just assume things.

TheBunnyOfDoom · 14/11/2015 09:03

Why does it bother you? You say you don't fancy him and he clearly thinks this other girl is attractive and takes photos with her. No big deal, surely? Confused

As an aside, I find my DP very attractive but we only have about six shots together from a three year relationship. I have more photos of me with the cat - doesn't mean anything!

WanderingTrolley1 · 14/11/2015 09:03

He fancies her and you're obviously jealous (of her).

TheTigerIsOut · 14/11/2015 09:13

Wouldn't it be a matter if him fancing her or using her like a trophy addition to his photos?

To be honest, I really don't get why you are annoyed unless you are a bit jealous, it may be snapchat nowadays but the fact that men pay more attention to "hot" girls is as old as human kind. And the way to deal with it is to accept your friend is interested in the hot girl and give him some space.

You say that he is a player, but who knows, even players may fall in love.

SaucyJack · 14/11/2015 09:25

The point is Scooby, is that he isn't actually doing anything wrong and there's nothing about his behaviour he needs to correct.

A single man flirting with a single woman he finds attractive isn't (yet) a hanging offence.

The OP would probably serve herself better by examining her own insecurities.

MrsBobDylan · 14/11/2015 09:34

If yours is a platonic friendship then when do you wish he found you hot and demonstrated it by taking Snapchat pictures?

I'd be horrified if my best friend fancied me, it would ruin our friendship.

Scoobydoo8 · 14/11/2015 09:36

True. It's the OP's behaviour I am suggesting she change, not his, by just asking for a pic too.

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 14/11/2015 09:48

Snapchat has public "stories", which any of your snapchat contacts can view for 24 hours, as well as private snaps that you can send to specific people and they can view for 10 seconds or less.

Have you tried asking him to be in a selfie with you for you snapchat, OP?

I wouldn't ask to be in a photo on his, he'd have asked if he wanted you there and it does run a high risk of being misinterpreted. You'd know that he'd only done it to placate you and that'd be awkward.

Does he take any photos with friends or literally only with her?

You're probably just best to rise above it, you can't really win here.

lifetimeoflaughter · 14/11/2015 09:53

A single man flirting with a single woman he finds attractive isn't (yet) a hanging offence.

I don't remember ever saying she was single? Because shes very much with someone and was also sleeping with his best friend at one point.

So no I don't think he would ever go there for those reasons and more.

I don't fancy him and I never have, in the whole time we've known each other we've never so much as held hands. So it's got nothing to do with that.

Its that I know 100% why he takes a photo with her (to get a reaction from women who view his snapchat). I heard him tell her that, and she was very pleased and showing off about it.

He would never consider taking a photo with me because he clearly doesn't think I'm attractive enough.

And no I don't want him to fancy me. But you can know someone is attractive without fancying them.

OP posts:
ShortcutButton · 14/11/2015 09:54

What is the point of snap chat? I thought it was just a thing the kids did?

ShortcutButton · 14/11/2015 09:57

Or maybe, he respects you too much yo use you to make other women jealous?

Or maybe, you just aren't that aesthetically pleasing? Does that matter?

I'd be more pissed off if I was the other woman, being photographed tbh

He sounds tedious

AlwaysHope1 · 14/11/2015 09:57

You are sounding more like a stroppy teen. Can't see what exactly he's doing wrong? He doesn't need to change any of his behaviour.
Definitely don't reply Scooby suggestion because he won't be the one looking like a wankface.

HortonWho · 14/11/2015 09:58

So you're basically upset that he's not using you because you're not pretty enough to make other women jealous.

It's a bit fucked up, don't you think?

Thestressofit · 14/11/2015 10:02

I think you may be possibly deluding yourself as to your feelings towards this man.

KinkyAfro · 14/11/2015 10:03

In a nutshell you're jealous that she's prettier? There will always be someone prettier, it's not their fault, you need to get over it and maybe stop obsessing about snap chat. Is it really that important?

SaucyJack · 14/11/2015 10:05

Sorry OP, I didn't realise she wasn't single.

But even so- it's still not your circus and it's still not your monkeys, and my last point still stands.


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WorraLiberty · 14/11/2015 10:06

Why are you upset that he thinks she's prettier than you? Confused

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 14/11/2015 10:07

Well...if we take what you've said at face value, then she is very photogenic and he wants attention, and you are not so photogenic, so it makes sense that he's taking selfies with her.

But if she's in a relationship, it could also be that he feels she's "safe" to take photos with, because when people ask who the pretty girl is, he can say she's got a partner and they are just trends. If he takes lots of selfies with someone single and a woman he likes asks, he risks putting them off if he says "oh she's just a single friend, yada yada".

It's still nothing you can control. It's his social media and his choice who he takes pictures with.

Enjolrass · 14/11/2015 10:09

So you know 100% he is doing it for this reason.

The only way you could know 100% is if you asked him. So when you asked him what did he say.

Tbh it doesn't make sense that he does this to make other women or his mates jealous. Because he would also take them with you, but with a different intention.

Pictures with her = him saying I am so awesome, are you jealous because this girl I am sat with is so hot

Pictures with you = here is my friend!

It wouldn't stop him taking photos with you all the time.

So there is another reason. The fact that it bothers you is a bit odd.

You are jealous, clearly. You may not fancy him. However, you are clearly jealous that he is doing something with someone else and not with you.

Do you feel like he is becoming better friends with her and ditching you?

It all sounds very juvenile.

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